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Biscuit Box


weed fiend
Thanks bengie187, you just identified the problem. Try the link with http (no s.) I don't know why I started using the secure https. If it causes problems I may drop it. Thanks for the info.


weed fiend
The Mother Ship.......well, Shuttle lol

The Mother Ship.......well, Shuttle lol

So I was manually watering the bottles last night. What a pain in the ass.:mad: Pulling out 15 bottles, watering, draining and putting them back in the box. I don't think I'm gonna like this bottle SOG businesses one bit.

I got an emergency phone call smack dab in the middle of watering. I didn't have time to put the plants back in the box. Came home an hour later to a room full of funk. It still took 15 minutes to finish my business and get the plants back in. Once the exhaust fan turned over a few times, the room stench disappeared but it took another 10 or 15 minutes.

One of the biggest problems is vegging these suckers a bit too long and they stretch too much for my available headroom. For all you growers that sport pics of beautiful SOGs with even canopies, mucho respect!!!

It appears I will be SCROGn sooner rather than later. To avoid vegging under HPS, the SCROG frame will initially reside in the veg chamber. I'll probably rip out the floor elbows and make a panel trap on drawer slides so I don't have to do the ol' in and out. If I get a future interruption, I'll just roll the frame in and slam the door.

This will render my mothers homeless. So what do I have laying around, collecting dust and waiting for the dump?

It might be a little 20th century, lol but it's big enough to keep 3 to 4 small mothers happy with low light and half strength nutes.

The first thing I realized, there's plenty of wasted space with the power supply and sheet metal component ribs. It would be convenient to use the power supply to power the DC fan but it sucks 350 watts. A little too V-8 for a measly fan. Plus, the damn thing is as big as Christmas and would bleed into my lamp space.

So removing the power supply was the easy part. The component ribs were pop riveted to the frame so I had to hand drill the rivets out.

Here's what I have left after going "disfunktional" on this bitch. I better do a good job rebuilding it if I wish to get it totally disfunktional, lol. BTW, disfunktional is the gentleman grower that is most impressive with his demolition/fabrication skills.

I still have this dinosaur power supply to deal with. All I really need from this thing is the fan, ac power socket and power switch. I don't really need the switch but might as well incorporate some "cool" factor. So all this other junk will be scrapped.

A quick trip to and from the chop shop and here's the result. An exhaust fan for the box and a convenient ac power socket. I doubt the 120/240 switch will be used, lol.

I only plan a couple of 11 or 15 watt CFLs for light. The light fixture will consist of a multiple outlet strip glued to the pc ceiling. I'll use those cheap little plug in light socket thingies. (Nothing's too good for this project. :biglaugh:) The fan transformer will also plug into the strip. Only a single ac power cord will be visible from the outside.

The case has passive intakes built into the front and back panels. While I feel this would give me the best overall circulation, trapping light would be like using a colander. I may end up sealing the whole thing and cutting an intake I can more easily trap light. Before I go to all that trouble, I'll see if flat black panels over the "siv" vents work.

I'll have to do some reading up on electrical connections to wire the switch. Other than that I think I have the whole project conceptualized. If it all works as planned, the "mother" pc will sit atop the grow cab. Even if it makes a little noise, I can hopefully blame the combined box/pc noise on the pc alone.

I'll continue to update the existing grow but won't continue adding staggered bottles to the mix. I hope to bring in the new year with my very first SCROG. I also plant to make an identical SCROG frame so I simplify the flip.

Any and all suggestions are requested.


Grow like nobody is watching
F*kin awesome PC dude. Those damn bud pics from a page back still didn't work for me, lol. I'm sure there's many more to come though :)


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Lookin good there Bro! A good DIY project always gives me the warm fuzzies LOL.
Those pix from last page still don't work for me either.
Stay safe n high :joint:


weed fiend
ScrubNinja - sorry the pics don't work. I thinks it has to do with http vs https.I formerly used http://icmag.com, then switched to https://icmag.com. Sorry is causes pic problems. I'll see if Skip has a recommendation if he's not too busy with other stuff. Thanks for letting me know.

vintner - Thanks for the word. I'll send a message to WS and see what I'm doing wrong.

EDIT: maybe it's some other problem because I can view the pics with http AND https.


weed fiend
Https is great when you are transfering real information about yourself across the internet. Not going to do one bit of good when that information is about an anonymous login at a weed forum. Its the equivalent of wearing gloves while you type when youre here. Not going to do one bit of good when they are looking for something tangible to get you with like an IP addy. Why bother sniffing packets in a location where you know people are going to be guarded with their private info?

This post is several years old. However, this explanation sounds good enough for me. I'll go back to http and see if that clears things up. Thanks everybody for letting me know.:D
hey DB thanx for the props in your thread bro!! il be keeping a close eye on the pc build, i may steel some of your ideas, lol. i love diy fabrication!


weed fiend
hey DB thanx for the props in your thread bro!! il be keeping a close eye on the pc build, i may steel some of your ideas, lol. i love diy fabrication!

Hey, man. You deserve the props. Your project is a real motivator and I want to get as much from my cab as it looks you'll get from the fridge.

I've yet to get to the difficult part of the pc project, making it light proof. I wanted to get an idea whether it will be worth the trouble before I put in all the effort.

Here's the components of the lights fixture. :biglaugh: This cost a little more than the permanent fixture in the veg cab. Don't you just love ACE hardware?:mad: Those little plastic bulb sockets are rated at 600 watts so I don't think I'll have a safety problem.

I originally planned to wire nut the connections. I found a soldering iron and solder sucker laying around and put em to good use. No wire nuts. You can see the switch and power cord socket, (voltage reg isn't used.)

Test bed.

Here's the "fixture" mounted to the pc ceiling with two sided sponge tape. This stuff is strong as hell and will more than handle the light weight of the components.

You can't tell from the flash but the light bleeds through the solid plastic, lol. I'll use Masonite to make a couple of panel traps for the front and back pc panels. They be fastened on standoffs to allow air flow. I'll probably have to use aluminum tape for any light leaks around the removable side panels.

And here's where I decided it's worth a go. I only have two (no seed) strains and this should be more than enough to keep em happy, albeit small. The fan connections are only temporary. I'll get em tucked in nice and neat with the correct transformer. The one in the pic is only 9 volts and I probably need 12vdc for the fan. It operates but I'm not sure if the mismatch is a safety issue.

When in doubt, whip it out, the wallet that is.

I'll probably work on the light leaks tomorrow. I'll post a few pics to update the progress.
saweet bro. are you going to scrub the exhausting air? do you think the heat from the cfl ballast will affect the glue on the double sided tape?


weed fiend
saweet bro. are you going to scrub the exhausting air?

Yep, as much for light leaks through the exhaust fan as anything else. Plants this small probably won't make much of a smell but why risk it? That's a weird exhaust fan, the frame is circular and 3" pencil can or hydro net cup scrubber will do the trick. The wall wart is in the way so I may have to plug it in between the two bulbs to accommodate the scrubber. Might even get better light distribution that way.

Speaking of light, I screwed up and bought red cfls. I'll use em somewhere else and get some blue ones for the pc.

do you think the heat from the cfl ballast will affect the glue on the double sided tape?

Thanks for mentioning the tape. I'm only using 13 watters and they're not anywhere near as hot as the 23s in veg.The outlet strip is between the tape and ballasts. It's not the greatest idea I've ever had and will keep a close eye on it. If the tape doesn't cut it, I'll make a Masonite ceiling panel, snap the housing of the outlet strip apart and screw it to the Masonite. Then I can reassemble the strip. I hope I don't have to do all that.:D
sounds like you've got all the bases covered. iv got a dell pc case but its been used and abused, so i may just practice with it before i do a final build with a different pc case. any suggestions on a pc case?


weed fiend
sounds like you've got all the bases covered. iv got a dell pc case but its been used and abused, so i may just practice with it before i do a final build with a different pc case. any suggestions on a pc case?

I built that pc from components and the case is generic. I'd go with an older AT model, they're bigger than ATX. They probably have more metal than plastic. The only nag with older, metal frames is all the rivets. I've seen some of your power tool arsenal so I know you can handle that no problem.

The biggest issue I have so far is is the folded, 90* bends of the remaining frame. I have a handy sheet metal plier to straighten these bends and may avoid having to cut them with snips. The metal is a little too thick to do a good job with snips so I may have to improvise.

I would love to get my hands on an old IBM AS400. Those were some significant heat generators and the chassis was designed for air flow efficiency. Might be hard explaining a rather large, business-sized main frame in the house, lol.
you, and others, are going to laugh at this but what is an AT model. when i say i have very lil experience with this stuff i mean VERY LIL experience. i have more experience with this laptop then any other pc. but we all have to start somewhere, just wish i wouldve not shyd away from technology when i was younger.


weed fiend
That's just mother board specifications. The older boxes are usually bigger as technology has slimmed down the newer ones. Anything that's big enough for the task should work. Even if you want to rock a micro flower for kicks and giggles, a pc cab might do the trick.


Grow like nobody is watching
Looking great DB. About your fan, I bought a cheap PSU for the CCFL lights on the last project, and the fan it came with is without question the crappiest fan I've ever used, and it was the same design as that, so watch out lol. Mine had a big red R on the sticker, and Dong Guan Trust Technology also.

You'll be fine with your voltage mismatch safety-wise, as long as the amps are ok. I run a 12v fan on a 5 volt power supply. You actually need less amps for the fan when you under volt it, I found out. So my fan is 1.5 amps @ 12v, but my power supply is less than that. I forget exactly but I think it's 0.8 amps. In simpler words, if you have a 12v 1 amp fan, and run it on a 6 volt power supply, the supply only needs to be 6v 0.5 amp.

D-funk, get a server case bro, one of the really tall ones - plenty of room for a huge deep res or deep pots, or you can go double story on that sucka. The only downside is that they seem to have a fairly small footprint, and a bit harder to find these days too.
i like your new idea DB with the pc case for your mothers, and the movable scrog. i have thought about trying to do a mini scrog with just one plant just to try it out. i'll be watching this.

also with the cfl's hanging upside down in the pc, you may want to use a ziptie or something to keep sockets attached to the power strip. im not sure if this is what you glued or not, but just a friendly heads up. i made the mistake when i started and had my cfls fall on plants.

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