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Bird and Bull go back to work.



You know, like I'm doing with mine... scrape out a little soil, and pin down the stem in the soil so it roots from the stem.

Okay "Doh!" Yeah

No not able to with her because she is too elevated for the distance to reach the soil IMO.. I don't see that working..

Now if I get my lazy butt out and get some peat i can clone her and the very center of the box is open.. The very sweet sweet spot is open!

I was going to "layer" there.. Surprise! Why not? I'll give it a whorl! < Pun intended!
I will try your sideways placement method and see what I can do with solo-cola style after that. I might make a ring of three clones? I don't know. It should be fun.

So what's my excuse? Don't have one.. Best go get!

Oh and The Girls are so stinky! One of the Bubba X OG is Skunky beyond belief.. Under a foot tall all of them are; and, I need a carbon filter!

Go Organic!


You know, like I'm doing with mine... scrape out a little soil, and pin down the stem in the soil so it roots from the stem.

Just for you my friend! Lets hope Lower Left picture makes it.. She is the one I hope will be the Snake!

I am aiming at 2 clones but started 6.. I just don't know how this "The Doctor" will clone..



I have a question..

I have a question..

I see I have a split in the bend I made. Is there a repair I can make or is this going to be just fine?

I tried not to cause a split but I didn't succeed.

I appreciate the help. She is growing well.. Maybe I need to keep the number of shoots limited?



I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.

Originally posyed by:

Supercropping is a very interesting and generally misunderstood technique. It is often considered just another means of height-control but in reality it can be so much more!

It hinges on the anatomy of main shoots, specifically the difference between upstream and downstream pipes. Time for a little biology 101


The Xylem is the bundle of 'upstream' tubes. It carries all water and nutrients up from the root zone into the plant. It is the inner-most set of tubes and is unique in plant cells in that all of the cells which make up a functional xylem are DEAD! This means that the xylem CANNOT be repaired by the plant, any damage to it is permanent. The Phloem are the outer set of tubes made up of live cells. This part of the stem contains the 'sap flow' and is how sugars are transported down from the photosynthesis factories in the leaves to where they need to be in the rest of the plant. Proper supercropping involves crushing the phloem BUT NOT the xylem!

This is why proper supercropping involves learning a sort of 'feel', something that is difficult to describe. It takes patience and practice to get good at damaging the phloem only.

When you do it right, the phloem is severely damaged. This will not make any imidiate difference to the plant as the xylem is still able to carry water and nutes up to where they need to be. This is why when you overdo a supercrop attempt all of the plant matter upstream from the break quickly dies off. That means you pinched off the xylem and now all the cells upstream from that point have no access to what they need. When you damage the phloem many of the cells in that layer die. That means they are immediately converted into new dead cells for use in the xylem. Diligent supercropping can massively increase your plant's ability to carry moisture and nutes upstream because it increases the diameter, and therefore the capacity, of the xylem. New cells are added to the sap layer and the phloem expands to match this new capacity.

Repeated supercropping starting at a very young age not only creates much more compact cannabis plants but can also increase yield! If the entire main stem has been treated this way it will look radically different from a normal cannabis stem. Thick, gnarled and covered in a tough bark-like substance a fully-supercropped stem is a wonder to behold. If you do this there is no need to 'fold the plant over', it never has to go horizontal. Supercropping the main stalk while leaving the offshoot bud stalks alone can make for a sort of free-standing ScrOG. It is possible with nothing other than diligent supercropping to have almost every bud on the plant even with the canopy. Insted of a 'Christmas tree' shape where many of the buds are far from the light you end up with a 'Hannukia' shape where all of the meaningful buds are piled up on top.

This works wonders for growers in height-limited situations or who use smaller HID lamps that don't penetrate super-well. I think even users of large HID lamps can benefit from training a plant this way. It makes for much more uniform quality of bud with very little difference between the 'crown' and the lower 'popcorn'. Growing a plant this way means nearly 100% of the bud is head-stash quality shit! Because of this I've NEVER run a cannabis plant much taller than 2 feet, even under a 1000 watt HPS bulb. Some of these gangly monsters that you ICmag guys like to run just make no sense to me. I look at the COLOSSAL 4, 6, 8 or even TEN INCH internode gaps on your plants and say to myself "See that big gap between that bud there and the bud below it? I would have fit three more buds in there!" Any part of the stem that isn't sprouting a bud off it looks to me like a waste of space, water, nutrients and time.

Even if you aren't this zealous supercropping can make for major benefits. Height-control, tighter internodes, increased stem strength and more vigorous flowering can all result from proper supercropping. I would recommend the technique to nearly all non-commercial gardeners.

Good luck and happy gardening!


I've done that many times, comes back strong like bull!


  • xylem and phloem.jpg
    xylem and phloem.jpg
    18.6 KB · Views: 17


Cool inline info!

You know I feel bad.. My eyes don't see detail that well so I doubled up the glasses and was able to see the stalk details.
It has healed! There is no open split. So it's all good!

Our "Kids" we worry don't we?



Active member
^^ good info caljim

No not able to with her because she is too elevated for the distance to reach the soil IMO.. I don't see that working..

Just bend it over a few days to avoid breaking anything, and/or raise the height of the soil.

Don't worry about splits. They'll heal.

Good job on those clones. Interesting that you use honey. I'll have to give that a try!


^^ good info caljim

Just bend it over a few days to avoid breaking anything, and/or raise the height of the soil.

Don't worry about splits. They'll heal.

Good job on those clones. Interesting that you use honey. I'll have to give that a try!

It has.. I put on two pairs of reading glasses and it works very well to see in great detail.

I have been using honey since I started cloning, which I don't do very often, but I'm not brave enough to use just the honey as some do.

Prepare cuttings in the usual manner, however dip the ends of the cuttings in honey instead of rooting powder and you will have a high success rate. An old gardener friend has used this method for over forty years and he believes that the hormones produced by the honey promotes rapid root growth.

Some people have found that honey, though not containing hormones, makes an effective rooting substance as well.

It has never failed me when I use both.. So far...

I would like to start the clones like you did your plant.. On the side. I will use wire hoops to pin it down. I may make a bed of peat with honey and rooting hormone where it is pinned. That's the idea right now.


Clones Day 1

Clones Day 1

Yeah, it'll probably be easier if you start it on its side.

I'm impressed with your thread! Anyone wishing to grow low with tall plants or just wishing for an attractive garden design should check your threads out!

I am wanting to emulate, what I saw, from your efforts; in miniature of course.

I'm feeling confident I will have a reasonable medical supply so I have room to play a bit!

On the Clone front five of the six recovered from the cut with one holdout. I see it isn't "giving up the Ghost" yet and looks like the diluted Algamin spray seems to have helped even that slight wisp of a cut. I thought to try it even tho it was more toss away trim then a proper cut.

So to update for anyone following my soil block clone style.. I used the same soil I made up for initial blocks I started the seeds in but added Sphagnum peat moss.. The nice thing is left over blocks and soil mix just get used again!

I made sure the 2 inch blocks weren't packed hard. Using a pen for a dowel I made the "seed hole" big enough for the stems.

I wanted to focus on the trimming of the plant first since I need glasses to see in fine detail.
I took my cuts as an aside to my plant trimming.
I placed these cuts in water right away to keep the oxidation of the stem end to a minimum. This made it harder to stick the honey to the stem. So for an easier "Sticking" go from cut to dip, roll and placement but I will get to that.

I then took the cuts out of the water after getting all set up and dipped the stems in honey.. I globed it on.. Honey is good so as much as I could get on was alright. Then a roll in rooting hormone.
I took a pinch of peat moss and while placing the stem in the hole, pushed peat in with it.. It is important to have the stems making contact with the soil so roots will develop. The peat fills the unused hole space.
I had hormone left over so I sprinkled some around the stem once all the clones were set in the blocks and then sprayed the, already wet from block making, soil blocks and cuttings with a weak solution of Algamin in water. ( Assuming good water here )
It's important to not contaminate the "container" of rooting hormone so don't put left over hormone back in the container.

My only failures with this soil block clone method have come from too large of a hole for the stems. My attempt this time is to use a large hole so i can get the stems in without scraping off the honey and hormone but fill it with peat as I place the cutting.

Well I can't claim success until I see roots! However, that they look recovered after the obvious shock of cutting is a promising sign.

Once I see they take root I will spray the soil blocks with fish and Algamin mix. I will water the soil blocks and not the spray the plant after rooting!

Lets hope the conditions favor 100% success!



Active member
Thanks for the kind words Jack!

I think layering was made for your setup (or the other way round).

Bad contact with the cloning medium is probably the foremost reason clones don't make it IME. Get that right, and as long as conditions/environment is good they should root in no time.

Did you add some mikes to the honey?


Thanks for the kind words Jack!

I think layering was made for your setup (or the other way round).

Bad contact with the cloning medium is probably the foremost reason clones don't make it IME. Get that right, and as long as conditions/environment is good they should root in no time.

Did you add some mikes to the honey?

No but, to the soil mix I did.. Also I used rice flour as a "Sticky" since I was using about 60% peat..

Well we will see if the "wee one" will make it..

I have some room in the center and the Bubba X OG and White Rhino aren't that big yet.. Maybe I can get one or two spots rooted before I must let them get tall. At any rate I get to play!


Active member
Actually, thinking about it, adding mikes to honey might not be a good idea anyway. Not sure if honey is anti-fungal, but I'm pretty sure it's anti-bacterial.

Watch you don't underestimate the space needed for the plants in there, as I did with mine!


Actually, thinking about it, adding mikes to honey might not be a good idea anyway. Not sure if honey is anti-fungal, but I'm pretty sure it's anti-bacterial.

Watch you don't underestimate the space needed for the plants in there, as I did with mine!

The lights move up another 18 inches :smoker: A new design I get to try out this time.. Oh it's been a jungle in there a couple of times.

I had a 20 inch Sativa cola in the back I didn't know about until it was harvest time. Surprise:yoinks:!

Yeah I think the honey is hard on things at first good and bad... It doesn't last long tho I'm sure.. Maybe that's why it works well? Sort of acts like a "wound protector." Then serves to feed the beneficials? Who could ask for more?

http://www.springerlink.com/content/qh855q55512k1263/ A quick Google..

It has to break down tho.. I mean it seems to work great in cloning..

Edit: Raw Honey not all honey is raw honey.


Clones Day 2

Clones Day 2

They are going to be fine! Well all but one.. That one never recovered from the cut!

neongreen, it looks like "the snake" made it! She is going to continue branching just fine..

Again today they were misted with a weak mix of Algamin and water.


lives on planet 4:20

how is it going buddy?

looking forward to finding out if the Doctor is the Doctor or AH#3

hopefully this will become obvious eventually

...everything is looking great in your garden

...look forward to all of your updates!

later, southflorida


Hey South!

Good to see your post!

franco says no way it's haze :noway: The question is what kind of flower style I have then.. One Sativa Dom and one Indica Dom if you can believe that out of two sprouts that made it.

But you know me.. I have a camera and I'll have fun no mater what.

Thanks for the positive comments! I was thinking about you when I had the Haarlem train station photo up as my avatar.

Garden Update:

Full liquid mix feed tonight. Everything including fresh brewed coffee. That was the "real deal" Mix.
It's funny that adding fish and all makes it smell a minty fresh smell.. That is so weird but true after a bit.

I'm getting them ready for their 1 month birthday shots in a couple days..



lives on planet 4:20

guess we'll have to wait until you cure and smoke them flowers! :abduct:

...if you feel like we did that day in Haarlem, then it's AH#3, if not then
it's The Doctor :laughing:

yeah, I always remember all the good times we had in The Netherlands
during the 2009 Ic Mag Cup

...next year I will be living there, so will definitely make sure to be much more
organized, and build up my tolerance a little more, so that I do not get so
blasted, and can try many more different samples of that great bud and hash
that is being passed around by everyone



guess we'll have to wait until you cure and smoke them flowers! :abduct:

No doubt.. They are coming up on a month old this weekend.

The Sativa Dom has a unique smell. I can almost "lock on" to it but not quite.
A delicate pine that fades quickly with hints of other things that seem to be candy sweet.. That smell is elusive.

So far both grow like other "The Doctor"(s) I have seen in photos; Vigorous!
I had to cut the Sativa Dom and train and still it's the most aggressive. Her nickname is "Wunder-Werk"

"Little Sister" is "wunder-werk"'s younger Indica Dom sister and she is no slouch either.