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Bill Introduced To Legalize and Tax Marijuana


Any legalization effort that allows for personal grows is freaking OK by me. Even if it makes it a felony to drive around with a lb. Make a couple trips :moon:

It seriously seems to me that anyone that doesn't like the sounds of these first steps to legalization of personal use just doesn't want it legal for their own profits. This makes you no better than the Pharma Corps/Big Tobacco/Liquor Industries that seem to be the scapegoat for why legalization hasn't occurred yet. Greed is a terrible thing to waste....

:rasta: Chomp


out of the two things going on in wa, i'd rather have the initiative from sensible wa pass but if the state wants a piece of the pie i'd share. as long as the homegrower isn't forgot about. fuck hiding behind all the med shit. what a joke.


Señor Member
Washington, I can only hope your registered voters are less greedy than California's are. On behalf of citizens of non-legal states everywhere, PLEASE do the right thing and vote this in. The entire country NEEDS someone to set the precedent... we thought it would be CA, but greed won there... so now, let it be WA.

/fingers crossed


I couldn't agree more with you about the issues above, however those were THOUSAND plus years of bias and hatred.

The difference I see with cannabis prohibition is that it has only existed for 80, has no basis in history, and therefore should be much easier to reverse.

There have been many small steps already, even if WA went full legalization that would still be a small step because this is a large world and the aligned forces of the last 80 years still have a dog in this fight.

A repeal of state laws against cannabis taking us back to 1925 style liberty isn't a crazy unrealistic dream of the future or a nostalgic view of the past; it is just a simple recognition of human rights.


I gotta go one step further, its not just equal rights, its plain ole Human Rights that are still the work in process, and we ain't really winning on that front either. Someone felt a need for government in the past, and we have been losing ground ever since.


Kiss My Ring
as long as they leave my protected state right to medical use alone, they can pass whatever. just seems that the majority of peeps in this neck of the woods are or have been in the past completely deceived by the powers that be into believing that cannabis is a destructive and vile thing.
education of these peoples will change the perception the government has provided us with, once the truth is revealed we can all dance with dignity.

no, it doesn't mean i would prefer they didn't pass whatever, on the contrary.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
State owned liquor stores SELL MJ to any adult, while at the same time making it a FELONY for the same adult to drive around with "Too" much MJ; however that same adult may grow his own.

This sounds like a cluster fuck if I've ever seen one.

I will piss my pants with laughter when the DEA raids STATE OWNED BUSINESSES. Besides integrating schools in the south more than 50 years ago I can't remember the FEDS running rough shot over state owned property; but I can't see them sitting still as WA openly distributes rec MJ.

I hope this thing passes, but why do they need to make new felonies?


hahahahah....before i even finished the article I KNEW hydrosun or mean mr mustard would be in here complaining about it....


Washington, I can only hope your registered voters are less greedy than California's are. On behalf of citizens of non-legal states everywhere, PLEASE do the right thing and vote this in. The entire country NEEDS someone to set the precedent... we thought it would be CA, but greed won there... so now, let it be WA.

/fingers crossed

wa ain't cali bro, i just worry about a solid vote. they have a decent med system already. now they want and should have more.


With that said. Go ahead WA and semi-LEGALIZE IT! I don't even care about the specifics... cause I moved outta that state years ago for more sun. And they don't support tons of small farms with a giant dispensary system. Do it for the world! :)

Hey MMM, you are the man, correction, I mean you are the little guy... take that as a compliment of the highest order. Earth-friendly cannaculture y'all, ask jaykush how to grow.

What you don't seem to understand is that this is not a competition. It will be a major step forward :smoke out:

If recreational use and small personal grows become legal it will be an epic day for everyone....except maybe greed-driven cash croppers that want to keep it illegal :moon:

:joint: Chomp
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I love my life
hahahahah....before i even finished the article I KNEW hydrosun or mean mr mustard would be in here complaining about it....

And the predictable group of nanny state cheerleaders. Glad to see you made it by to applaud the wise actions of our glorious leaders! How blissful it must be to submit to their will.

And the predictable group of nanny state cheerleaders. Glad to see you made it by to applaud the wise actions of our glorious leaders! How blissful it must be to submit to their will.


Yes, hydrosun, how dare you take a position on future legislation other than pro!!!... quite reasonably intelligent of you to question laws before voting for them. With that said.



Why do you need to beg for the right to use cannabis. Im not going to beg for my right, because I don't have to, its not up to them if we do or don't smoke, so why ask them in the in the first place.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Any legislation that makes any "offense" worse, garnering more severe penalties isn't a step forward.

BHT I can smell your bullshit from here.... what I would really like to address is why you are even posting.

Dag bitching about ego :bigeye:

This is why we'll never get our shit together.

Anything that passes will be a Frankenstein monster of epic proportion.... just to make sure that there aren't any happy people left in the crowd.

Why do you need to beg for the right to use cannabis. Im not going to beg for my right, because I don't have to, its not up to them if we do or don't smoke, so why ask them in the in the first place.

Is your point that we shouldn't push for legislation at all? That's a hard position to argue.


Game Bred
Anything that passes will be a Frankenstein monster of epic proportion.... just to make sure that there aren't any happy people left in the crowd.


so do you suggest we abdicate,surrender,medical is far enough?
not trying to put words in your mouth.
im just wondering where you can make concessions?
there is a dichotomy between what we want and what will pass...
there must be some compromise on the first steps in order to beat the mis education of generations.
A:what provisions must be in a bill for you to support(eg. retroactive pardons)
B:what provisions would be non starters(eg. possession limits)

for me
A:taxation and zoning must remain local rather than state
B:any banning of concentrates

there are more for each but these are examples
Any legislation that makes any "offense" worse, garnering more severe penalties isn't a step forward.

BHT I can smell your bullshit from here.... what I would really like to address is why you are even posting.

Great point MMM. This is what makes the actual wording so important. But with that said, WA requirements for medical marijuana are way too strict so recreational is needed asap to protect the citizens from arrest over possession.

I've been there in WA, it was a joke. I laughed in the troopers face and said "you mean pot is still illegal?" Well, that was the first time this trooper had heard that line and he laughed back in my face. I was technically arrested, although it was hardly serious. And they didn't even search the bed because my pit was in the back. I went to court, told the judge that I use Cannabis medicinally whether they like it or not, they took my money and let me go with pre-trial diversion.

A friend of mine moved to WA from CA, and got his medical Mj in WA for ADHD. It took over 6 months to prove he needed it.