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Bike tours&bike renting, let's haze it up.

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Haha, that poor guy was sitting next to me and I can take some responsibility for him going all bananas, I certainly did not tell anyone not to smoke :D and I think I rolled one huge joint every minute or so...poor guy, rule number 57: when you wake and bake, first eat well :D


yeah right that should be rule number 2 after don't drop the bong which is rule one, lol.

so it was you was it Farmer John, stuffing joints down his throat? hehe main thing he was ok. i wish i would remember his name.

thats a nice pile you got there tf. i'm resting my throat from bong hits, as its quite sore at the moment lol.


Anyways..... after the Katsu we all pedalled back to Seed Boutique to gather for the trip to Nol's coffeeshops in Haarlem.
After a bit more smoking we headed off the Centraal train station. in 20 min. we were leaving the train station in Haarlem for the short walk to Nols closest shop 'SATIVA' ,basically across the street. Nol's eversmiling face greeted us at the door. Welcomed us all inside and promptly reached in his pockets for some smokeables. He had a verdampfer (Gong vaporiser) set up, and we were soon vaping some marvelous diesel, and some northern haze.

I was given a nice glass bong and a pile of amnesia haze ice hash and given the job of getting ic'ers bonged out. :woohoo: a job i'm well suited for :pointlaug

When we were all suitably high and stocked up for the next journey, Nol lead us through Haarlem to another shop of his.

random street and canal shots
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After a 10-15 min walk we finally arrived at one of the most spacious coffeeshops I've been in. SENSEMILLA

Not long after we'ed found seats Nol came along with his magic box.

It's a shame I didnt get a closer shot of his pipe. beaut!

Those fine bubbles through that pipe .....
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Ya just got to love dutch freedoms.


A couple shots of nol's northern haze. it's a haze that came from some growers in northern holland ,and not nesseceraliy a northern lights haze cross.

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White rabbit :)

White rabbit :)

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall
Tell'em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call
Call Alice
When she was just small...... :D


Active member
There is always one fall out every year.......tf's bubble is not for the faint of heart.
I truley enjoyed the bike tour, thanks for taking us all out TF, good time.
I really enjoyed the ROOR shop, with there outstanding glass ect....the clerk made a point to tell us most pieces were 1 of a kind and not available for normal retail.....pockets were not very deep that day...no ROOR. But renting was an option that Guis took advantage of...good call mate....was a beautiful ROOR piece that really sent you flying.
I enjoyed SativaBeliva's great bubble and kushage....wow,and Guis widow...
The smoke/bubble brought by IC members was quite impressive.
Bubble hash is moving in it seems, most the shops had a good deal more than last year. Not a bad thing, but bring your $$$.
Catch you on the flip side friends :joint: :wave:


Active member

This is a great shot of the rental ROOR and the art at the TweedeKremer(?).
The bong went on the bike tour with us....what a way to travel.


great pic of the bong we rented JohnBudd. next time we'll know to get one earlyer. it made a real difference to smoke our bubble in a clean roor with an ash catcher and the specialy designed bent bowl, which makes the bowl flat, so the bubble doesn't run away, on the screen, lol.


Whats up?......Just made it back to California....wanted to get online and let everyone know I had a great trip.....thanks to all for being so friendly.

Wow!! I have so much to say, but feel a bit intimidated because I dont want to leave anyone out. Big thanks to all....especially Gaius, MOD, oldpink, niemand, Dr.D and others that made me feel so welcomed my first morning at the SB.

Trichomefarmer.....thanks for the bike tour....truely was a blast.....riding that pool with the bike was cool...thanks for showing me.

Already making plans for next year.....


trichomefarmer said:
Official tour bunny

did anyone eat them?

I'm not sure if they were completely eaten..., but I did see a picture of them with bites out of them.....I think oldpink had the pix, but I could be wrong...its all such a blurrrrrr.


JohnBudd said:

This is a great shot of the rental ROOR and the art at the TweedeKremer(?).
The bong went on the bike tour with us....what a way to travel.

That sure was a nice touch on the bike tour......that photo brings back some bubbly memories.....damn good call gaius.


Jahminded mate, i'm glad you had a fun trip, it was cool meeting you. thanks again for luging all those goodies around. more time would have been cool, maybe next time.


gaiusmarius said:
Jahminded mate, i'm glad you had a fun trip, it was cool meeting you. thanks again for luging all those goodies around. more time would have been cool, maybe next time.

Absolutely....looking forward to next year....little bummed that I have to travel nearly half way around the world to get to the Dam.....most there simply jumped on a 1 hour flight and were home...I'm jealous....sorry about not getting those last goodies to you for truecannabliss and trichomefarmer....seems I left the bag of goodies in the SB for 1 day too long.....Friday morning the bag was empty...:(

Next year we will hang out for sure and I will be bringing some stuff of my own to share......


^^ always glad to have such an eager rider along, I'll get a pool-biking shot up soon but I need to do some editing 1st ;)

ps. The art behind the roor was in homegrown fantasy coffeeshop, the Tweede Kamer was the shop before the visit to roor.
And yes next year the 1st stop on the tour will be the roor shop to rent our own clean bong.

Ya gotta pimp your ride. :chin:
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well on my 1st day, i stopped quickly in the GREY AREA while a bunch of us were eating at foodism next door.

I picked up some grey weed...


Well both sample looked and smelled very nice, sadly i never got around to trying the grey diesel, i left them behind after the 2nd floor sensishop session. doh! the grey haze smelled and smoked fine, well the bit I tried did
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On 420 we left seed boutigue around 12:30 and headed off down the Singel canal, and in no time were locking our bikes up and wandering into one of my favorite shops, though the TWEEDE KAMER is small the menu is always very impressive (same as DAMPKRINGS) it's more of a locals shop.
It's always nice to go to a place where they know your name...feels like cheers to me.
The tour easily filled the shop up, and after we had bought many hazes, the rolling began.
dont think any pics were taken and i can't remeber all that we got.
A bonus of the dweede kamer is they have a glass bong only for bubble smoking, though it was a bit ghetto this time, cardboard insted of rubber grommet to hold the bowl in place, but it still worked. Once we got some joints burning and the ash was placed in the bowl we were ready to bring out the bubble. i had picked up some sage n sour bubble and some kushsage bubble .5 a gram of each. while both were nice to smoke, they just don't dance like my sage2o.
after we smoked out the dweede kamer, forcing the dealer to climb a table and turn on the exhaust fan.
we got on our bikes and headed to the roor shop. this was my 1st visit and was eager to see the shop and the glass within.
the shop was empty of people when we arrived so I was able to get a couple pics.
the girl working there didn't want us to post pics of individual bongs, because the customs were only available from the amsterdam shop and could not be ordered.

well the best part about this shop... is you can rent a roor for your stay in Amsterdam. 7€ a day and the cost of the bong as a deposit and the rental bag the roor is carried in. if you bring it back dirty there is a 30€ cleaning fee, but they supply you with a sample bottle of cleaner.

While we at the shop i picked up a 18mm bent bubble bowl and a 14cm wooden 4 bowl rack, and a little sista for my friend who lets me stay at his jungle when i'm in town.
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The ROOR shop is very close to homegrown fantasy coffeeshop, so while I was finishing my shopping the tour went around the corner. They also have several roor's for customer use. :woohoo: But Gaius and I had just rented our own roor and we were eager to test her out. once in the shop
The dealer kindly filled our bong with water and out came the bubble... and not supprisingly it worked marvellous. Almost in unison we said, why did we wait so long for this, next year the 1st stop will be the ROOR shop.

After a good session and a visit to the always funny fantasy blacklight bathroom, we packed up the roor into her carrying case and mounted our rolling metal steads and pedalled across the center of Amsterdam to visit the BUSHDOCTOR coffeeshop.
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