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BigTokes ~ "How-To" Of The Bio-Buckets 101


New member


Thanks Budgood for the info. I was not sure where they colonized on the rock and that limits the options that I can use this time.
Next time I'm going to go with the bigger pots. When I built it I couldn't find any with the wide flange to bolt through. I still can't but i have another idea for whats available here locally.


In search of Genetics
Are you using a sump pump ?

I use a sump pump to mix batches in a barrel and wand feed.
I have accidently forgot to unplug my sump pump and the next day the water was pretty HOT!


Are you using a sump pump ?

I use a sump pump to mix batches in a barrel and wand feed.
I have accidently forgot to unplug my sump pump and the next day the water was pretty HOT!

I believe its something like that or a "utility pump".

It moves water at 1500gph at 1/2 HP. It works fine for me. Temps stay at about 69 degrees. Not much of a problem.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Thanks Budgood for the info. I was not sure where they colonized on the rock and that limits the options that I can use this time.
Next time I'm going to go with the bigger pots. When I built it I couldn't find any with the wide flange to bolt through. I still can't but i have another idea for whats available here locally.

If I were you I'd just get the preformed 6" lid/netpot combo that fits on a 5 gallon bucket, but thats just me... :wave:


been reading with great interest and im just getting things ready for the next grow which will be my 3rd grow so still pretty new to all this my first was with soil which turned out ok and the second was hydro (nft) which is still on going had the odd problem, which was all my own doing .
Any way i defernatly prefered hydro more fun and seems alot better results imo (but what do i know) anyhow what i would like to know is can you use the bio bucket mether in other hydro setups .
what i was thinking is can you use bigger tubs say 25lt and put 3 or 4 plants in it and x it by 4 and connect them up like the buckets or dose it have to be done 1 plant 1 bucket thanks for taking time to read this any replys cheers


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
There have been a few different variations on the Bio-Bucket theme. It's only limited by your imagination. You might run into problems by said variations, that we would be guessing at best to try to help you with, as none of us will have any experience running your variant of Bio-Buckets, savvy? :wave:


New member
so i have some questions about bio buckets and some ideas i have about how to set it up and run it. if someone with some good experience could give me some feedback that would be great.


i have decided going with all 12 at once (idea #4) in one system will be the simplest to do with 2 1000w and i can get clones from a friend so i wont need to keep a mother



A bio filter can be used with any type of hydro around.
I've been using lava rocks as a bio filter in my LP aero for many years. It works perfectly.
You can throw a layer in the bottom of a DWC (above the airstones) and get an effect.
In my big system, I placed a simple bucket in my res, and had a tube leading the return water from my aerobuckets, to the bottom of the bucket. Filled it with lava rock, and simply let it flow over into the res.

My new system is a compact res. with a filter, made for my micro cab:


I don't know if this has already been discussed, but using a bio filter with regular hydronutes, means you Ph will drop the first short period after a new mix i added due to the NH4 -> NO3 reaction of the filter. It's rock steady after that.



Active member
Here is the deal. I wanna run a 12 bucket DWC, but not Recirculating.

Each bucket will be hooked up to the same 12 line air pump in there own bucket. I was thinking I should put some lava rocks at the bottom of it the add the good bacteria and help prevent root rot. The airstones and pump would of course provide the oxygen. That sound like it would work?

I have some hydroton and 8" and/or 10" net pots or shoudl I use lava rocks here too? I don't think this part is supposed to be under water so the hydroton would not make much difference, right?

Where can I find some good lava rocks online?

Any answers or replies are appreciated. Thanks :D


lava rocks

lava rocks

If you can't find what you want go to WalMart or Lowes and buy some lava rocks for landscaping around your flowers and bushes. They will probably be too big so sit down with some safety glasses and maybe a friend to help you. Grab a hammer and break the rocks up until they are what you want in size. I think I would wash these before I use them. I did last year. This is a cheap way to get the rocks. Kind of boring and a pain in your ass butt if you want them there you go! rafe


Here is the deal. I wanna run a 12 bucket DWC, but not Recirculating.

Each bucket will be hooked up to the same 12 line air pump in there own bucket. I was thinking I should put some lava rocks at the bottom of it the add the good bacteria and help prevent root rot. The airstones and pump would of course provide the oxygen. That sound like it would work?

I have some hydroton and 8" and/or 10" net pots or shoudl I use lava rocks here too? I don't think this part is supposed to be under water so the hydroton would not make much difference, right?

Where can I find some good lava rocks online?

Any answers or replies are appreciated. Thanks :D


Sure you want to do a grow with 12 individual buckets? That will be a load of work when you grow, meassure and mix?

Anyway - lava on top of airstones will work. But unlike using them in your rez, roots will make it nessesary to clean between grows = 3-4 weeks at the beginning of each grow before the bacteria culture starts to work.
Thanks BigToke so much for all the info. I learned a bunch, but i need to reread part 6 a few more times to fully understand it.
I wanna run this setup in my new area I opened up.
its a 9x11.5 room with electric panel access, but water is next room over. I will be running 2x600w air cooled hoods, and was wondering a couple of things:

1. How many plants would you set up for the 2 x 600w hoods?

2. how would you setup the 9x11.5 room, knowing what lights I have?



New member
after reading all 72 pages i've got to give big props to BT for a very detailed and informative thread. i started another thread asking how high a waterfall must be to effectively put DO into the water and was directed to this thread. needless to say my question and more have been answered.

as i was reading through, i noticed that more than a couple people that posted had limited vertical space and could not meet the 7-8" minimum waterfall drop or the required 12" drop. although i've built a new room that has 10' ceilings, i also have a 4x4x6 tent which is what i started with. after the light takes out about 1'+ and the buckets take out another 1-1/2' your not left with much in the way of actual vertical plant space.

most would say "just do a scrog and you'll be fine" which is very true, solid advise and there are many other methods of training/prunning methods that will restrict hight. i personally have never done a scrog and don't plan on it any time soon, although i have seen some outragious grows from this method, for some reason i've never felt it was sor me.

so finally my point/suggestion, couldn't you add another pump from ther res, go the recomended 12+" up and dump it back into the res? i understand it would add heat and draw more power, but if you've got a fan blowing the waterfall and additional fans blowing air into and out of the res, would'nt that still be good enough to effectively promote DO while still maintaining res temps?

well, thats my thought anyways. sorry i took so damn long to get to my point, but once i start typing i can never seem to stop clicking the keys. i'm more than likely going to try this growing style because it sounds fairly easy to maintain once everything is dialed in. i still have my little tent to tide me over till i can get the hang of this system. kudos to all of you in bio-bucket land, keep'em tight n hard (buds for those that don't get my crappy humor) and they will always make you smile.

Mitakoye Oyasin

Hey thanks big tokes for the excellent tutorial. I notice u havent responded here in a while so mabee ur on to some other journey by now. All cool, so if anyone else is following this thread, I need help!
I have read all the info that I can find on bio buckets and I have never ran dwc before so I want to get this right. I am currently constructing the large 36 bio bucket setup in the turotial, but having never ran dwc I am not quite understanding the lid and drain thing to a tee.
Here is what I'm not understanding completly, the drain holes are cut 2 1/2 " from the top of the lid, I understand, which makes the water level a permanent unmanagable hight if my understanding is correct. Please if I am off base, someone correct me, I am getting to my problem so that u fully understand.
So now he says cut 4 " holes in top but he used 8" net pots so is there something about the net pots I dont understand yet, I havent bought them yet, or did he change and go with an 8" hole drilled in the lid.
Thats just the beginning of my issue.
My real issue is this, if the drains are at 2 1/2" and the net pots are sit into the bucket attatched to the lid, are all net pots the same depth, does it matter, is the bottom of the net pot, I suppose filled with lava rock supposed to be submerged, just getting bubles popped on it or what.
Then I think just basicaly sit my clone on top of bed of lava rocks mabee pilling some around the root base to secure it, and the roots grow through???
My question being I guess how should it be because its gonna be one way or the other permanent when I drill the holes in my buckets, so do I need to make sure the 2 1/2" drop where I drill my hole will be below the bottom of my net pot, or is this just the magic spot that works for all net pots attatched to lids????
Do u guys understand my question? I hope so, cause I can kinda see where itd be allright for the bottom of the net pot to be in the liquid as long as the pile of rocks is piled above and where the actual clone sits and begins its root plunge through the rocks is above the water line???
Or should it deffinatly not be submerged at all, Seee, I need help on this one cause if it doesnt need to be submerged at all then I need to make sure that 2 1/2" gap from the top to my drain hole will definaltly be below my final resting place of the net pots attactched to the lids since I see no way of adjusting this once the buckets are complete.
Swett spot???
I realy need help, I have all equipment except the net pots and the pump. Pump will be here by tomorow. Thanks in advance. B-Kind


Active member
thank you bigtoke for taking the time to do this thread and thanks to all the guys for asking great questions which illuminate the the great ideas that i am slow to see because i am dumb. lol.
doing a 1 perlite grow and a bio bucket grow in another room.;
you guys have helped me come to that desion.
now i gotta start buying the shit ill need!

thanks again


Active member
found lava rocks at casa de pot

they are called mr barbeque stones or some shit like that
type in lava rocks in the search box at the casa de site
and the will give you the correctname and price.
i think its 3 bucks for a 7 pound bag of them.
im going tommorow to get a bag and some buckets
and find out how many bags ill need to fill up 12 buckets.

take care guys


New member
great write up, thanks BT.

anyone had any experience with bio-buckets in a small 4' x 4' area? if so, how many buckets did you use?

Personally, I dont think I have enough room for this setup, it just needs so much space, I wouldnt have room for a res to top the system backup, it would have to be topped up by hand I guess.

Having said that, I've been reading this site for a couple of years and have always been interested in running the BIO's.. have always been a dirt kinda guy.

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