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BigTex Outdoor '09 Growshow

BigTex Outdoor '09 Growshow

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Ventilation, rubber gloves.

I wonder if all that black stuff on your fingers gets absorbed thru the skin? I'm a really heavy smoker but only get sick when handling alot. I'll go ahead and say it so nobody has to.... Guess I'm a wuss!


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I never have enough to trim to make it an issue, but I notice a contact high when I trim for more than an hour or two. If you're a wuss, least you're not alone. :smoke:



I think that it can be absorbed thats why I wear gloves if I have a lot to do. In pirate's post his wench wears gloves.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Big T
Howzit brother..?? The gurls took a beating i see.. But, it looks like some kept strong and it still looks like you will have plenty to trim up... I am definitely not a fan of the wind myself... I hate it, it ruin everything.. Good Luck with rest of flowering sending ya good vibes.. And maybe take a lil break it sounds like yer tired brother.. peace.



guerilla grower
High Edward Scissorhands :D
It is long time I visited here last time and...wow...what a progress! Most of plants almost ready to chop!
Massive, really heavy harvest! Wish you many force for to do it manualy with your wife!

Stay safe!
wts up big tex???i stay in texas as well.love your plants whn thr all in the open in pre flower stage beauti ful pics-wld love to trade beansr somethnginfo tec.i building a green house as we speak.your mazar is from whr-has sativa charctcs....its 80-20 r 90 10 I/S looks nothing like mine maybe jst a sativa phenom-my was indica dominant and i crossed it with a 2 swiis starins
mazar from afhan and swiss skunks i still have beans thts wts the greehouse is for the swiss inluence should get thm through the not so bad texas wthr....u know texas whtr-loyour plants look great keep it up bro
peace n over grow


My Mis will be the last plant to finish in my garden.

I'm gonna take down a White Rhyno or two this afternoon. I'll throw up some pics when I get it all hung up to dry.

Been raining for the last 5 days here. It's really causing me to get some bud rot. I may loose around a lb. to bud rot it looks like. I just hope it's not any more than that. Oh well!!! What ya gonna do? Later yall :D


Been raining for 5 days and they say it's gonna rain for 2 more days. Yesterday I checked my stuff and some mold was already appearing. Experience and my gut tell me it's time to harvest and try and save what I can before it all ruins, which it will in a matter of days. I won't have to pick all of it but I'll have to pick most of it. The good thing is it's all not far from being fully mature if not mature already. Sorry I'm not gonna have time to take pics and make this a "lovely presentation" but that's life. Overall I've had a succesful season. Not many growing seasons are perfect. Anyway the sun isn't going to shine here for 4 more days so I know if I don't get to picking I'll loose a large amount to mold. Normally this sorta thing doesn't happen here. I'll be back with pics and an update soon as I can. I've already prepared the drying area and informed my boss I need a few days off. Anyway I'm off to the patch....wish me luck. :D


Big Thanks Gold123, I have the same problem (bud mold & 3 days of rain), but only 1 plant left. Can't afford to loose much.