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Big Life Decision- need some friendly stoner advice


i wish i was presented with this problem. 20 yo no kids or wife.
yeah that!

If I had it to do all over again, I'd make sure I was in school.
yeah THAT!.....

Education gives you options....you can do whatever you want if you have a decent education. It'll just make everything so much easier.


cant stop wont stop
NorCalFor20 said:
thanks for the help everyone, i am thinking about moving to hum co.

im your typical 20 year old i can live off pb&j and ramen noodles so i think 10k would last me a while... i am worried about getting house then deposit then paying gas and all the bills power cable water rent and insurance etc.

weed will also be a prob at first paying the 150$ for prop 215

then having to wait for first harvest to smoke for "free" until then at least hum co is flooded with dank herb

man 10k is more than enough to get you started..
bout 6 years ago i moved from the southern east coast to phx AZ with just under 25 hundred in my pocket.

i actually lasted quite some time on that cash, fucked up a few times and ened up doin some shady shit to gain some much needed cash but that was my bad.

keep your head up and your priorities straight and theres no reason you couldnt find a nice place to live and start up an essential grow op..


full time daddy
avg rent in cali....... 750-1750
avg depost............ same as rent
avg power/gas bill... 150 ( not growing )
other bill's tv/cell/water ect... 150


driving your storage out if you bring it is gonna be in the 2k range {truck rental or shipping} putting you in the 5g range.... leaven you 5 months of rent/bill once your here @ 1000 a month.......


Active member
Hello all,

Dude, California is overrated. I know, I live here. I want to move to Oregon, nut that is another thread.

Anyway, Cali is overrated. I suggest you get yoru education in the state you reside...you willhave to pay out of state tuition for the first six months I believe.

Good paying jobs are hard to find and if you think growing and selling weed is going to get you through you might think again. It is my understanding that even withthe fires we had here last year, the market is flooded with top shelf bud...pounds for 1800$.

Of course3 it is yoru decision to make, but consider what you are leaving behind with a sound knowledge of what awaits you. IMO.

At any rate good luck.


PS: as a very young man I decided to enlist in the Navy....it was'nt just a job, it was an adventure. It was interesting to say the least...and I the GI bill...big help. Just a suggestion.
if you plan to grow then more power to you if you can make it work. id guess you wanna plan for 6 months of expenses so you have plenty of time to figure your arrangements out.

studio apartments in this nice part of socal are 1000-1200 a month (suburbs of the nicest parts), so maybe 6k in rent alone. maybe get settled in witha small place, get your grow going and just live / work / save for a year so you can get resident status and then go to school is what i would do, but i already live here :)


Active member
Psychic spies from China
Try to steal your mind's elation
Little girls from Sweden
Dream of silver screen quotations
And if you want these kind of dreams
It's Californication

It's the edge of the world
And all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the East
At least it settles in the final location
It's understood that Hollywood
sells Californication

Pay your surgeon very well
To break the spell of aging
Celebrity skin is this your chin
Or is that war your waging

First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication
Dream of Californication

Marry me girl be my fairy to the world
Be my very own constellation
A teenage bride with a baby inside
Getting high on information
And buy me a star on the boulevard
It's Californication

Space may be the final frontier
But it's made in a Hollywood basement
Cobain can you hear the spheres
Singing songs off station to station
And Alderon's not far away
It's Californication

Born and raised by those who praise
Control of population.

everybody's been there
I don't mean on vacation

Destruction leads to a very rough road
But it also breeds creation
And earthquakes are to a girl's guitar
They're just another good vibration
And tidal waves couldn't save the world
From Californication

tho i like the swollen members version better:
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Smokes, lets go
i already have my grow equipment mostly i have 1k hood ballast bulb. 2 6 inch vortexs, ducting, ferts, just am contemplating between getting another 1k hood ballast bulb and another vortex and a big tent and running 2k or just use what i got get dr 150 and grow in there. honestly moving out to cali I want to do a 2k grow becuase thats not even considered commerical there, but here but where i live 1k would be a big bust to the boys in blue.... I am wondering, what is the expected power bill running normal appliances+ 2k? or 1k? i have a friend who grows in nor cal has a 5 thousand dollar power bill every 3 months.


her dankness
Hey Norcal... Rhode Island is medical. And it's near your mom, and your friends from the city, and the ocean, and has reputable schools of its own, and is kinda cute in a New England sorta way...

Just sayin'... ;)


minds_I said:
Hello all,

AN, perhaps you do not know where to look?


I never said its not possible to find weed for that price but its pretty damn rare, average price for top quality herb up north go's for around 2500-3500. Just because you know somone who will sell pounds for 1800 doesn't mean the markets flooded(as much as i wish it was true :badday: )


her dankness
^^^That's (2500-3500) the current price range in Western NE on seedless commercial Eastern Canadian outdoor of average to high quality, about 2-3 steps removed from the importer, or for good local VT/ME/NH outdoor, also seedless, 1-2 steps from the grower. ^^^


Smokes, lets go
sorry to throw a curve ball but my grandad has called me on the down payment he made for me when i got the apt. so i basically profited $695.00 it pisses me off i busted ass for all these renovations spent 1000's out of my own paycheck to fix it up over the past 2 years and now my grandad wants his 10k deposit back hes an asshole works with nypd has 2 lexus ls 460's paied cash and he acts like he needs the 10 k from me. so apparently i have to give him 10k of the 10,695 dollars i have in the bank (the remainder of my money after taxes)

so whoopdyfuckingdo i got shitted again

btw my grandad isn't a cop he trains their german shepards for explosives and drugs hes good dick buddies with all of them he reminds me of one and i can't stand him..... now with his millions in the bank he calls on me for a 10k down payment which is pocket change to him he dosn't need it for all i know he's gonna use the money to buy rims for his fucking lexuses


Smokes, lets go
i have come up with a plan to get to cali-

i have 2 cars which is odd for someone in NY one is worth 7k which is my daily driver

i also have a truck that i used to use for playing in the mud and off roading until gas got expensive.

i am going to sell the truck- ( i can probably get $1,500 for it)

then i have a little over 2 thousand dollars...... i really doubt that will get me far at all i was still wondering if the 10k was going to be enough now that i MIGHT be able to scrape up 2k makes me want to say fuck this plan as much as i want to.

i am starting to think this is too much shit to do to be able to grow legal pot............................................................................................

i was just in chat let me say people are so fucking sarcastic when ppl need real advice i guess thats why i stopped coming in there.... i ask what i should do give him the money or leave there best plan is to spend it on whores "or ask yummy bud" thanks for the good moderation ass hole you know who you are such a great guy thats why chat is such a great place to be, you must be immature when a 20 year old is too mature for your chat... all they can do is be sarcastic on an important thing when i ask about a big life decision.
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hey man, i though i gave you some solid advice. Dont shit on everyone that frequents chat because some people just go in there to goof around.

good luck with whatever you do.
You said you where moving out tommorow, have you rented another place or something. Because if you are safe for the next couple of months, i would start selling all the stuff that isn't essential you've got stocked away right now. It'll probably get you some more money for the move. Gives you a chance to save some more untill you are ready.
Once in cali, go for cheap furniture, appliances and other assorted crap. Check second hand sites, thrift stores, tell collegues and co students you moved and still need a lot of things. Somebodys bound to have an old tv or a couch they want to get rid of.
You can do it but you might have to be a bit patient, you'll know when the time comes.
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Active member
you should move down here in the south. you could live in a cheap trailer out in the sticks, grow dope, and go to community college b4 transferring to a university. there are some decent schools here, and cost of living is much cheaper than up north and especially cali.


Smokes, lets go
evilraven: its definatly not all of chat i was specifically talking about one person

beegee: im stayin with my mom until after x mas

killabrown: my dads family is in the south i spend entire summers down south some time but no one grows around there because if you get caught with 1 plant they can take ur house and 20 year MMS if tehy want to be dicks

anyway, i am pretty much down to nothin i might sell my truck and move might not, i don't know what im gonna do now my $$$ is gone

ill proly get an apt around here somewher i guess

thanks to everyone who posted

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