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Big Life Decision- need some friendly stoner advice


Smokes, lets go
I just sold my apt. im moving out of here tommrow im sitting here with a laptop and bare floors, all my stuff is in storage and now I have $75K in the bank

some of you who know me know that i am in NY right now was born in california but my parents divorced when I was 8 years old and I came here, haven't been back sense. I have met a lot of people here and i'm ready for a change.... I don't have attachments like gf/wife so i am free to do what I want...

I just turned 20 and I want to go back home to california. I plan on going to community college, then university.

Thing is by now i've practically lived in the city my whole life and I don't even know anyone from back home since I was only 8 when I moved....

I have to pay the bank 55 thousand dollars that I owe on the apt so I will be left with 10-15k after taxes

So now I have to decide weather to put a down payment on a newer place in the city or pack up move out and go back home and go to college. I would just go to college around here but I am also tired of being paranoid and having to always watch my back for the law... I have bought a lot of equipment that I don't want to use here because I have too much profile here too many ppl know me, so thats why I want to move also to get new surroundings and get somewhere I don't have to worry about being raided....

should I move back to california and go to college? will 10k be enough to live on until I get in school and get settled with a job while covering bills and living expenses and bills?

or should i stay here in the city and get a nice newer place here not grow, because i have high profile in the city and would not even be an option in a new borough....go broke buying weed... have to watch my back and worry about the law? go to college here and stay close to my mom?

or move 100 miles away to mountains go to college and grow with risk of going to jail if caught because of only semi clean slate since im not that far away, and no med law?

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
You and you alone know what's best for you. Surely you can't expect to get much in the way of insightful advice from a bunch of strangers. Weigh the pros and cons of your alternatives and make the best decision you can. Heck, you're young, you can always change your mind again.

BTW, I like your avatar.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
You need to find a new place and not let anyone know where you live. It's business. I had to do it 20 times to keep a high level of security maintained. OR, you make a whole new life by moving to where know one knows you.........which is hard to do, except for going to college..........college is the best place to make new good lifelong friends.

I wish you the best!..........Desi


college is great, if only to bang chicks and do some learnin'. i say college. it'll also help you get better jobs in the future if you ever want to go straight. college near mom is a good idea if you think times will be tight, but sucks otherwise.

btw, pretty much all of us are risking going to jail. just follow the rules (no smell, no tell, etc) and overbuy smell control and if you know what you are doing you'll be fine. then again, you are only 20...lol just kidding...


GO TO CALI. Is this even a question? Sounds like you don't like your city and want to move but are apprehensive about going somewhere new not knowing anyone. Trust me man, if you enroll in CC and hang around the area you'll meet some stoner homies and get a social life going. Unless you're like yummybud in that respect.
You'll be glad you did it, just go. Get a part-time job if u need money, you'll meet people there too.
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Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Education is KEY. At least it'll be easier finding a job WITH a degree as opposed to not having one and depending on your grow to get by. If I had it to do all over again, I'd make sure I was in school.


Active member
Whatever you decide to do, make getting a job your first priority. You'd be surprised how fast you can run through 10-15 grand and that ain't much of a down payment on anything. You can always work & go to school part time but, you need to start building up some assets.
Personally if I was in your situation I'd bounce to Cali. While there is still some risk there it's much better then anywhere else in the lower 48.

If you find you just don't like it you can always move back. The experience alone would be worth the cost of it all.


Freedom Fighter
10 G isn't shit in Cali-- 3 Months, if you're careful-- Are you coming with a car? If not, you need one here...but you have lived here...you know this--
Good luck man--


you know whats best for you, a couple g wont last you more than 2 months, have shit lined up before you move man, best of luck... seriously though, i can't stress enough, you will spend thousands of dollars in no time if you dont get a job.


Registered Med User
it all depends on how you manage your money, 10g's could last half a year if your good at it, depends on how you tryna live. Also which part of cali your movin too, The coast? then ten G's might be your deposit... The valley? your set for a while... Just really depends.


Smokes, lets go
thanks for the help everyone, i am thinking about moving to hum co.

im your typical 20 year old i can live off pb&j and ramen noodles so i think 10k would last me a while... i am worried about getting house then deposit then paying gas and all the bills power cable water rent and insurance etc.

weed will also be a prob at first paying the 150$ for prop 215

then having to wait for first harvest to smoke for "free" until then at least hum co is flooded with dank herb


You haven't lived in CA for 12 yrs and your name is NorCalFor20? I think you already made the decision. Be forewarned though, there are not alot of jobs around here these days. Good luck.


Whatever u do don't move to humboldt, i would personally pick somwhere in oakland or san fran. Just do some research(i suggest CL)to see wheres cheap and has alot of employment
Sounds like you already know what you wanna do, just keep in mind, out of state tuition is a bitch. You're gonna wanna live there a year and gain residency.


Pull my finger
i wish i was presented with this problem. 20 yo no kids or wife. i would bounce in a heartbeat. wtf are you waiting on? find a studio apt and get a bucket to a-b and the rest should fall into place. get into school and study something that you can apply in the real world. i chose surveying and registered for classes that would benefit me in the field. be smart about things and that money will get you by.