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Biden lays up harris as his VP candidate


Well-known member
the truth about kamala is she's a hack career politician who will say and/or do whatever it takes to reach the positions she wants to reach. corporatists have no real ideology. they are sociopaths.


ICMag Donor
Harris put a big ol hurt on those corporatists in the foreclosure case to the tune of $25 BILLION. That's a pretty good score for the people. Do the nay sayers have anything that racks up anywhere close to $25B for the citizens? No? I didn't think so.....


corporatist hack sociopath?

sounds like trump.

even if biden and harris were two trainhopping crackheads, i would vote for them.


Harris put a big ol hurt on those corporatists in the foreclosure case to the tune of $25 BILLION. That's a pretty good score for the people. Do the nay sayers have anything that racks up anywhere close to $25B for the citizens? No? I didn't think so.....

Trump does the opposite, lets his cronies have great contracts to get richer, lol. still it doesn't nagate the bad stuff she did in her time as prosecutor. money is one thing, years of thousands of peoples lives is something different imo.


ICMag Donor
Trump does the opposite, lets his cronies have great contracts to get richer, lol. still it doesn't nagate the bad stuff she did in her time as prosecutor. money is one thing, years of thousands of peoples lives is something different imo.

It was not her job to decide weather she liked the laws or not.
You could say that about any Attourney general or any prosecutor. It's the court who decides on the actual sentencing.

It would be great if Billy Barr would have done his job to the same standard that Harris did. This whole trump mess would be over long ago and trump would be where he belongs.


It was not her job to decide weather she liked the laws or not.
You could say that about any Attourney general or any prosecutor. It's the court who decides on the actual sentencing.

It would be great if Billy Barr would have done his job to the same standard that Harris did. This whole trump mess would be over long ago and trump would be where he belongs.

ahh, i see. you didnt actually watch the redacted tonight episode i posted. nvm then.


ICMag Donor
ahh, i see. you didnt actually watch the redacted tonight episode i posted. nvm then.

Sorry but there is zero credibility from some dipshit shooting his mouth off on YouTube. This just does not cut it for any serious accusations.

How about a news source with some credibility?
Meanwhile, what I said makes perfect sense.


Sorry but there is zero credibility from some dipshit shooting his mouth off on YouTube. This just does not cut it for any serious accusations.

How about a news source with some credibility?
Meanwhile, what I said makes perfect sense.

thats true, he's a commedian.

i don't think i actually said you didnt make sense, or were wrong.

some people seem to read things and then make up part of it in their heads and then answer the stuff they came up with themselves, that you never actually said.



ICMag Donor
Same here. I was just sticking to my point and not making any inferences.

I think #65 has very valid points about Harris.


the truth about kamala is she's a hack career politician who will say and/or do whatever it takes to reach the positions she wants to reach. corporatists have no real ideology. they are sociopaths.

this guy gets it.

KAMALA HARRIS Concealed Documents Of Catholic Church Child Abusers!
