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Biden lays up harris as his VP candidate


ICMag Donor
Seems that many on the left who criticize Harris are insisting on the euphoric choice of a Bernie utopia. As great as that would be, the only way to get there is to drag everything back to the left, inch by inch. Reality is that we are on the edge of the far right now. It's not just going to just jump to the left.


Well-known member
Seems that many on the left who criticize Harris are insisting on the euphoric choice of a Bernie utopia. As great as that would be, the only way to get there is to drag everything back to the left, inch by inch. Reality is that we are on the edge of the far right now. It's not just going to just jump to the left.
An accurate and realistic perspective.


Well-known member
..... Reality is that we are on the edge of the far right now. It's not just going to just jump to the left.

far right vs. radical left, I was initually in favor of Biden because he was a moderate democrat, you know, maybe bring the country together, LOL.

But his handlers (DNC) narrowing the field/players to black females killed that dream!

..... oh well, it is what it is and what will be, will be, at least for now. :bigeye:


ICMag Donor
far right vs. radical left, I was initually in favor of Biden because he was a moderate democrat, you know, maybe bring the country together, LOL.

But his handlers (DNC) narrowing the field/players to black females killed that dream!

..... oh well, it is what it is and what will be, will be, at least for now. :bigeye:

Harris is rugged and tough. That's her job. She will be the one wielding a 20# razor sharp sword to chop trump's head off . One swipe and the orange is off like a wiffle ball.

The trump slayer.


Active member
far right vs. radical left, I was initually in favor of Biden because he was a moderate democrat, you know, maybe bring the country together, LOL.

But his handlers (DNC) narrowing the field/players to black females killed that dream!

..... oh well, it is what it is and what will be, will be, at least for now. :bigeye:

Might I suggest a write in candidate?
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Well-known member
........... One swipe and the orange is off like a wiffle ball.

We all know Orange Man Bad, that's what attracted me to her before the debates. If she wants to go after him after he's won the election that would be doing us all a favor.

..... but there has to be more than just the inevitable bait 'n switch that will be pulled if they win, does Kamala have what it takes to get the country out of a serious recession/depression? Howz about the political experience, accumen, alliances to fix everything that trump has broken here and abroad?

Howz about her one-trick-pony democratic handlers, can they do anything more than play politics and take over the party to advance their ethnocentric cause?

Might I suggest a write in candidate?

A write in candidate is the same as no vote at all while a vote for trump is also a vote against the attempted leftist political hijacking of the democratic party.

Sure wish there was a candidate with leadership ability and experience, qualities that just don't seem to matter any more.:rolleyes:


ICMag Donor
We all know Orange Man Bad, that's what attracted me to her before the debates. If she wants to go after him after he's won the election that would be doing us all a favor.

..... but there has to be more than just the inevitable bait 'n switch that will be pulled if they win, does Kamala have what it takes to get the country out of a serious recession/depression? Howz about the political experience, accumen, alliances to fix everything that trump has broken here and abroad?

Howz about her one-trick-pony democratic handlers, can they do anything more than play politics and take over the party to advance their ethnocentric cause?

Orange man is worse than bad. He is the worst thing to ever happen to our country. Ties with Putin to undermine our government, Ignoring Russian bounties on American soldiers, Election fixing with foreign help, Inciting racism, Lining his pockets while playing golf on us. It's insanity. We have a military that takes a huge chunk of our money and this guy opens the front door and invites them in.

I'm trying to look at the bright side. Harris will handle trumps rhetoric and lies through the election. In office she will tend to the many ways our government was compromised and corrupted(worse than it was before). I'm confident in that and think Harris is a good person for the job. Fixing the recession and big problems will be Biden's job. I'm hoping he gets trustable people (as good as we can hope for) and delegates the jobs to people who have the intelligence and rocks to do what will needs to be done.

The race thing. It is a huge problem and if finally needs to be fixed. We made allot of progress but racism is alive and well. You can see it in these pages and on our streets. Harris will have that on her plate as well.
Orange man is worse than bad. He is the worst thing to ever happen to our country. Ties with Putin to undermine our government, Ignoring Russian bounties on American soldiers, Election fixing with foreign help, Inciting racism, Lining his pockets while playing golf on us. It's insanity. We have a military that takes a huge chunk of our money and this guy opens the front door and invites them in.

I'm trying to look at the bright side. Harris will handle trumps rhetoric and lies through the election. In office she will tend to the many ways our government was compromised and corrupted(worse than it was before). I'm confident in that and think Harris is a good person for the job. Fixing the recession and big problems will be Biden's job. I'm hoping he gets trustable people (as good as we can hope for) and delegates the jobs to people who have the intelligence and rocks to do what will needs to be done.

The race thing. It is a huge problem and if finally needs to be fixed. We made allot of progress but racism is alive and well. You can see it in these pages and on our streets. Harris will have that on her plate as well.

none of it is true...your marinated in corporate media propaganda... you in the under 95 club are so fucked you don't even realize it...


Well-known member
....... The race thing. It is a huge problem and if finally needs to be fixed. We made allot of progress but racism is alive and well. You can see it in these pages and on our streets. Harris will have that on her plate as well.

Sure thing, no problemo and this guy has the solution to that problem! : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...proposes-slavery-reparations-12-TRILLION.html

Economist proposes slavery reparations of up to $12TRILLION - equivalent to $800,000 per black household or half of American GDP

Duke University economist William Darity Jr made the proposal in a report
Co-authored a paper with wife Kristen Muller calling for slavery reparations
Proposes $10 to $12 trillion in payments to black descendants of slaves
Argues that this is the amount needed to close the black-white wealth gap

Put this at the very top of The List of Demands.:bigeye:

....... sometimes I wonder if they aren't trying to hand the election over to trump! :tiphat:


ICMag Donor
Sure thing, no problemo and this guy has the solution to that problem! : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...proposes-slavery-reparations-12-TRILLION.html

Economist proposes slavery reparations of up to $12TRILLION - equivalent to $800,000 per black household or half of American GDP

Duke University economist William Darity Jr made the proposal in a report
Co-authored a paper with wife Kristen Muller calling for slavery reparations
Proposes $10 to $12 trillion in payments to black descendants of slaves
Argues that this is the amount needed to close the black-white wealth gap

Put this at the very top of The List of Demands.:bigeye:

....... sometimes I wonder if they aren't trying to hand the election over to trump! :tiphat:

I don't know how that can or will work out. No idea.

Equality in access to education and opportunity is a good place to start. Also, the fortunes made from slavery still exist. In my mind southing could be done there.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Harris locked up more people for weed than anyone in the history of the world ...Fact, now shes flip flopping ? Wrong. She's pandering to complete and utter morons like yourself and you idiot's eat it up...She's not even black but tells people she is...She's more phony than AOC's southren black accent
The largest amount of African American she's ever had inside her is Willie Brown....It's a moot point anyway unless it's dress rehersal for 2024 cause this Election is already decided and Trump won...Don't believe me ? Check back in November...

Your post is a good example of uninformed, lazy copy paste
excuse of a right wing bloated point of view.

Racist and misogynist, obviously under educated and
unwilling to consider an enlightened way of life.

Likely unimaginative in bed as well, just a poor excuse of a human being really.

And that's coming from a moron.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Your post is a good example of uninformed, lazy copy paste
excuse of a right wing bloated point of view.

Racist and misogynist, obviously under educated and
unwilling to consider an enlightened way of life.

Likely unimaginative in bed as well, just a poor excuse of a human being really.


it's all they have....hate...basically trump made it ok for people to display their shittiest qualities,all your -isms on full display,and worn proudly as they hero worship someone with no redeeming qualities at all

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