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Beware: Law Enforcement beginning to use Backscatter X-ray tech

  • Thread starter InvisibleEmpire
  • Start date





"The use of such technology is not only a complete violation of the Fourth Amendment, it also eviscerates the notion of innocent until proven guilty, and therefore totally undermines everything America stands for. Given the widespread abuse witnessed in the first eight months alone after the roll out of airport body scanners, Americans need to boycott the companies producing these systems and also resist their deployment at every turn."


While I do not think us growers really have much to worry about, know that the technology to see through things exists now in mobile form and is currently being used by roving LE patrols (who knows where). I would be extremely discreet in movement of any product (herb), particularly large quantities in your vehicle, especially if you live in a large city.


Well-known member
i wouldn't think they would be effective on a vehicle, thought they'd be used for imaging a person
the x-ray levels are very low which wouldn't seem to be useful for imaging through a metal skinned vehicle
but if LE is using them, it would be interesting for anyone with some first hand info what they're being used for


Active member
wow all they gotta do is sit on the 5 with one of these and xray the trunks of the cars coming down north...for sure to catch some of those with 20-50#s on them


Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
if this thing starts roaming around the usa, it will create more terrorists who specifically want to terrorize those vans. Thats just what they want too, so they can justify more of them along with more privacy erosion and rights violations. Its only so that they can keep you safe of course.


Redundant Hippy Strikes again!

Redundant Hippy Strikes again!

I started a thread on this a while back...


Sorry, not trying to be redundant. Can not believe this technology is not being discussed more, so invasive. Things in regard to privacy are completely gone.

Read anything much about personal drones controlled by ones i-phone? Cool on one hand and ripe for complete abuse on the other. I want tech to slow down.
This is exactly what Hitler did, all in the name of security.

Also, anyone who has worked with top secret stuff in the military knows, that if the public knows certain technology exists, there is already something twice as good, and they have had that tech for 10 years. In other words, if you think this is fucked up. Just wait.

This country is starting to piss me off. I'm tired of having my rights taken away slowly, one thing at a time, and no one seems to care. What is it going to take for people to finally stand up?

Mr. Mountain

Also, anyone who has worked with top secret stuff in the military knows, that if the public knows certain technology exists, there is already something twice as good, and they have had that tech for 10 years. In other words, if you think this is fucked up. Just wait.

Quite right.

I was in the service, I was a tech geek and got to see some pretty cool stuff. The DoD has the worlds most advanced tech. Just one example, plasma screen and LCD displays... The DoD had those in the 1970's. 20 years later they became "commercially" available.

You wouldn't believe what the DoD can do with wireless signal transmission and detection. I worked with RF/Microwave signals.

If you think there isn't something worse already out there you are quite naive.

It's already 1984, do you have your foil hat?

Mr. M


Tropical Outcast
i wouldn't think they would be effective on a vehicle, thought they'd be used for imaging a person
the x-ray levels are very low which wouldn't seem to be useful for imaging through a metal skinned vehicle
but if LE is using them, it would be interesting for anyone with some first hand info what they're being used for

Oh man, where have you been?



NO this is NOT A DRAWING!!!




SVXi is a rapid deployment mobile vehicle x-ray inspection system suitable for vehicles up to the size of a small van.

  • Typical set up time 10 minutes
  • Typical scan time 1 minute
  • Real-time image on laptop screen
  • Sub-millimetre image resolution
  • Simple to use image processing
  • Mobile system for flexible deployment

See the gun and bullets?

As an antiterror measure, the US government has deployed mobile X-ray technology to randomly scan cars and trucks. But the measure is riling privacy proponents.

Using the Z Backscatter Van, officials detected drugs hidden in the body of this pickup truck.


my thoughts are this:

at the moment i don't think it's currently a threat to pedestrians/civilians and that it's primarily being used for ports/scanning ports or high-value governmental agencies, etc. is there any evidence or links of ANY court cases in which backscatter has been used to persecute someone for drugs, weapons, bombs?

Here's a situation, don't cops need reasonable suspicion to search a vehicle (or a warrant)? Like don't they need to see/smell the weed for an automatic right to search? Given LEO doesn't normally obey that law I would like to see what would happen if someone WAS transporting drugs and somehow was scanned by these xray machines...such as some sort of state agency on a highway, checkpoint, etc...then resulting from that scan a subsequent search, seizure and arrest....couldn't a lawyer have that thrown out saying invasion of privacy to obtain the evidence?


Over the last couple years, the "Bill of Rights", errr... I'm sorry the "Bill of Bullshit" has been badly marred... The fear of outside threats, and repeating occurrences, has brought about a turmoil, that is affecting all of us.

Laws and rules are being made to suit LEO, and all forms of Gov and police, while throwing the little rights we has left, out the fuckin window. One reason if was so important for Prop 19 to pass... to show that "we" as a people can come together and voice our opinion and rights, but look what happened...too many people wanting to have their cake and eat it too all in the same day...


Wow! That van is a rolling violation of privacy... i can see the lawsuits piling up for scanning women and children...

Hell I'd jump in front of one, to file one myself!


New member
There is a few of them floating around Australia too, they use them for scanning semi trailers coming from docks.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
seriously this shit goes on without our knowledge.
We need to stand up, write our politicians letters and
FORMILY begin to fight legislation.
We are of THE LARGEST GROUPS with a common cause that exists today
but our planning and organizing sucks
Why do you think Marc Emery was taken away....
We need to POOL OUR MONEY AND BEGIN TO LOBBY POLITICIANS... to see it our way!!

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