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Bet This One Stumps Ya


New member
hey everyone.

update: two dead, three looking better, but still shaky, a few others looking like they aint sure what to do

pH now stable: 5.7 to 5.8
res temp: 64 - 71
cab temp/hum: 74-77/45-52
added micronutes this am and plants seem to be reacting well to it (used calmag??). no more foliar feeding for me. will keep you posted and get more pics soon.

Hello Blackvelvet. Whats wrong w/ 24hr? From what i've read (first time growing, remember) in Rosenthal's books, these plants are capable of using the light 24 hrs and if I only go 18 they are only 75% proficient in develpment. again, like i said, I only read this -- got no experience myself. would like to hear your thoughts bout this. do you think it stresses them?


Dr. Doolittle
Do not listen to BV, he has never grown a cannabis plant in his life and is just an idiot who is a PIG and works for the goverment, he goes around giving bad advice and tries to kill peoples grows; he does not know shit, ignore him he has no idea wtf he is talking about.


Take Five...
yes ignore the poser BV.....

If my moms aren't on 24hrs light some will start flowering.....what HID has to do with anything I'll never know....

Are you sure that it is 600 w Metal Halide, not HPS?

Course if you have zero grow experience you would not necessarily be aware of this.....

Yes Asazo, i'd listen to Ed Rosenthal before I'd take a poser's advice.
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ICMag Donor
I was wondering about the HID in regards to 18/24. I use 18/6 but I know StinkyAttic uses 24/0 and has gotten good results with it.

Asazo, new photos when you are able please. :D


Blackvelvet said:
Lights should be on 18/6 not 24/0 when using hid.
bumfuckvelvet posts more crap here - be glad you didn't get the stump remover remedy - or battery acid for your garden - now the "it" we so lovingly call bv has resorted to giving relationship advice - which is like the Pope directing a porn movie.

hehehe must be the naughty word police like the name bumfuckvelvet!!!


Those that can do; thse that can't,, pretend.

Different points of view on 18/6 vs 24 - most contend the plant can utilize 24 light to an advanage -- MH, HPS or floro. - - but that would be people that GROW unlike bv
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New member
hey everyone,

got a couple of pics of the plant that is doing best -- looks much like the others, just a thicker stalk and a little more robust. the first pic was from yesterday, the other is today's. seems like all is going well w/ temps etc.

hey headypete. i got a ballast that works w/ mh and hps. i've got the mh in now. i was TOLD that it is 600w (looking at my hps now and it says "sodium lamp, hps-t 600w" and i think that the other bulb said much the same but 'mh' was on it). is there such a thing as 600w mh? the light emitted is definitely "white" and doesn't have a reddish tint to it.

like the pope directing a porn flick? -- now thats funny.

hope the pics come out.


ICMag Donor
Are they looking better/same/worse? (Best case scenario.....they developed buds overnite and are ready to smoke....:D)


New member
buds overnite....lol.

still looking shaky. some of the newer leaves are showing some brown spots coming on. hmmmmmmm.

still can't post pics when i click on "upload pics"
maybe later today.

changed out res. 5.8, 65 degrees, tds is up at 490. btw, how much of the calmag do you add in to your feeding? do you follow the label or do a fraction of that? easy to overdo it I would imagine.

buds overnite.... yummmmmm


ICMag Donor
I actually go by total ppms but I use a different brand of nutes. . I'd start low and see....maybe 200ppms worth of CalMag.


New member
24/0 doesn't grow plants as well as 18/6 in my gardens. Side by side under hid's 18/6 has done better and the plants look healthier.

I don't need Ed Rosenthel to tell me this I tried it for myself!

In the pics I looked at the plant was far from being dead or hanging on for grim life.


Dr. Doolittle
I always grew my seedlings in 24/0 for the first week, 2nd week 20/4

3rd 4th week 18/6 and 5th week flowering 12/12.
I always try to go down the lighting just as it would do outdoors, I agree with bigal, I have also seen much healthier results doing that than keeping the light on 24/0

Plants don't get 24 hours of light they take in so much and rest for the time being, they have excess they make while the plant is in rest mode and then start up anew and repeat the process.


Take Five...
BigAl, I would not say Ed is God or anything and if you have found results your way, then I am always interested in more and new info like this. Thanks for sharing.

What ever works best for you all...like I said, if I don't keep 24 hr light, my LUI mom will start to flower, as will other plants with autoflower traits. Someone told me the SweetTooth part of the LUI likes to autoflower.

As for your MH bulb, Asazo,I didn't think they made them, turns out they are available, just uncommon and more expensive. Most are actually hps conversion bulbs.

A big issue was the fact that you were not calibrating your meter, so your readings were as good as garbage. Now that your meter is accurate (hopefully) we can better gauge progress.

It seems to me, and I am no hydro expert, that nutes are low for those plants, especially because they are growing under 600 watts. I see no signs of tip burn anywhere, the first sign of high nutes.

I also wonder if you ph is too low at 5.8, hence the brown spots/cal def. Try raising up to 6.2. I have seen many opinions of ph and I've seen articles stating ideal is 6.2 - 6.5, and this was a hydro article in Heads mag, so like Big Al, my experience has shown that 6.3 ish grows perfect plants (in coco).

I feel unless you are cloning and vegging lots, a 600 w mh would be overkill for most personal gardeners. If you have it already, no worries.

Interested to hear what the rest of you think.....

Good luck to you.


ICMag Donor
Well 6.3 definitely does NOT work for me so keeping things between 5.6-6.2 is something I'm pretty religious about.

I've found the very first sign of nuteburn to be a rising ph in a previously stable system.......about a point a day if you really overdo. When you drop the ph back , it will raise again quickly. That's always my first sign that the nute numbers are too high.

The second sign of burn will be the leaf tips and edges curling down. This is the precurser to the burning that WILL occur but it takes a day or so to show up.

I try to watch all my numbers daily.......trends will give me very early information that will help me catch problems in the beginning stages so that I don't have to play defense and "correct" my plants over and over.

This is just stuff that I've found works for me....not to say that it's right for everyone. :)

Whats going on over there Asazo? :D
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New member
hey everyone. got a bit to update you with. but first off, hope people dont start gettin all pissy on each other over lighting and all. bigal, in no way was i questioning your experience or expertise about lighting, just curious and my apologies if my referring to rosenthal offended anyone. i'm honestly just trying to learn from you. btw, the pics you saw were of plants that up until today were surviving. i guess i keep expecting my plants to look like yours, and when they don't they look like theyre gasping. which in fact they are.

got up this a.m. and checked on the lil ones -- in the course of five hours my pH dropped from something like 5.95 down to 5.3 (sumtn like dat) and three of my better plants were completely wilted, limp and looking like good ol shit.

their leaves had looked pretty clean, temps were fine, but then i looked at their roots and found SNOT! guess the res temps finally got to em. i'd been adding 3% h2o2, but too warm spose. got some SM-90 to add along with 35% h202. totally cleaned out my system and just now getting ready to put my plants back in (the ones that remain). this is gettin to be like the last mohican.

hopefully going about this the right way. of course last nite is when i finally got it together to get a chiller -- but wont arrive for few more days.

added six more shots -- five of the plant thats doing best right now after adding micronutes -- sort of timelapse. the last shot is of one of two plants that were (yes bigal, they were after all) hanging on for dear life. dude, dont jinx me.



Maybe I can be of some help...Endless sky can be a nightmare to grow!!.once they start getting sick it's hard to bring em back. I never tried them in hydro, only soil. For one, they don't like overwatering nor do they like alotta nutes. To dial them in, I always used fish emulsion with a touch of miracle grow, teaspsoon of mollasses and most importantly EPSOM SALTS!!....You will not dial them in without it!!...They can be something special when flowering them out, trust me you will notice a difference. The only organic fertilizer they seem to like is fish emulsion. Mix that with some nitrogen fertilizer when vegging and mix it with some potassium fertilizer for flowering...don't forget the epsom salt with each cycle, it works!! Trust me, it's basically a mag problem with the ES, it's the magic ingredient when using your ferts on it. Use this feeding regimine and you will be greatly rewarded.
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ICMag Donor
Cephas, that's why we've added the Cal Mag; to assist with mag uptake although to be honest I don't know a thing about that particular strain so I certainly bow to somone who's grown it before. I'm only now discovering how fussy some of these "weeds" can be.

Asazo is it possible to take a photo of your roots? If they ARE rotting that would explain the very poor uptake of nutes and the effect on your plants. I REALLY dislike the word "wilting" when used to discuss hydro plants.....makes me very nervous to hear about a hydro plant wilting because it doesn't sound good at all.

Are you using a zyme product....cannazyme or something along that line for root health? Many zyme products cannot be used wih H202 together.
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New member
hey cephas, so did you like the end product?

hello weedhound. youre nervous? im peeing in my pants over here. :fsu: again

after cleaning my system out last night, i tried rinsing out as much snoid/snot as possible from the roots before putting them back in to the res. i'm now running SM-90 with h202 (recommeded at the local hydro shop for this prob).

the pics i added show the one plant that has consistently done ok, and four fo the plants that completely flopped over overnite. also included a shot of the roots of one of my plants. honestly they all look pretty much the sam (kind of off white/ cream colored w/o any dark brown or light brown anywhere). only diff is a couple of the plants have VERY FEW roots. the ones with the most extensive root system were the ones that flopped over!

the root snot seemed to come on pretty fast (my pump was totally clogged and disgusting!), but is looking pretty kleen today. so far managed to keep res down to 69 and below -- chiller arrives in another 2 days. whew. hope they hang in that long.

should i toss the flopped over plants? give them some more time? trim off the part that is flopped over? what are your thoughts?


New member
And then there was one (sort of).

Geez weedhound, guess i shoulda been worried too. In the last couple hours the rest of my plants have started that wilting look. I thnk that this is it. It happens sooo fast, even if i knew how to care for this i doubt it would be fast nuff. They're just about completely on their sides -- like the life has been siphoned right out of em.

Anyone got a strain that they would recommend for a 2nd time grower? Was an expensive lesson learned. My uncles gonna have to wait a bit longer for his meds. Please recommend to ALL noobs to keep away from this strain.

Thanks everyone for trying to help me thru this grow. I really do appreciate your help, reassurance and guidance. Good learning experience all in all.

Peace :puppydoge

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