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Best way to get hash from lots of trim?



Only dry sifted resin contains the full unadulterated essence of the plant....other methods add something unwanted or take something away...but it really depends on what you like, many members here love their chemically dissolved oils, I'm not one of them.

Dry sifting is meditative, the other methods are anything but that.

Ice water hash rinses away some of the flavors and effects and dissolving plant matter in petro-chemicals or alcohol is potentially dangerous (if you are an idiot), the high is foggier and the end result is messy (as in sticks like shit to a blanket) to deal with.

dry sifted hash is also very fast to produce, I could be smoking a pipe full of resin before you even got back from the shop to buy ice or chemicals, let alone waiting for ages for the end result to evaporate and be smokable.

to process large amounts of trim (poor boy style), bounce 3 or 4 handfuls at a time on a clean window screen over a sheet of glass then card this rough resin over a 100 ~ 130 mesh you can buy from an art supplies shop (screen printing frame 120 Mesh work good)

a more efficient way to process large amounts of trim would be with Bubbleman's Tumble Now, all wood construction (not crappy plastic), a pullout drawer and has an extra screen for purifying the resin, this is the best tumbler on the market.....check it out at ICmag's sponsor Aqualabtechnologies.com, read the reviews for more info.


Happy Hashing!
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Chamba wins, I try to estimate the closest micron size to the strain's resin you are working with. Right now I am smoking double sifted G13 Haze and it is crippling! I was on oxy and took my first hit in 7 days and the weed was WAY stronger than this poison! peace......DRY SEIFT hands down the best....than bubble....


lover of all things hashlike
fwiw - i just did a run of dry vs bubble of chem dog trim. it looks like i got more of a better quality through the b-bags.

ill try n remember to post up results.

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