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Best way to get hash from lots of trim?

Got alot of trim saved up from previous stuff, probably 4-5 ziplock bags full of that i've been saving because I dont know what to do with..

I saw the thread thats circulating now about the ISO method but that seems like a huge pain in the ass with the amount of trim that I have. Its top quality stuff too, all superlemon haze and satori trim. Just looking for an easy way to turn this into hash


New member
If you have a large amount of trim why not trying different extraction methods and take your own conclusions? QWISO is cheap and easy (as most of the liquid solvent extractions), BHO is a bit harder/maybe more expensive to get the right equipment and more dangerous too, Bubble Bags are expensive and extra safe. And there are many more extraction methods. We don't know which one will suit your needs better (equipment price, safety measures, potency, yield and taste) so I think you should try as many different methods as possible. There's a lot of information on every extraction method I know in this forum.

Good luck!


Overkill is under-rated.
I make alcohol oil out of a pound or two of trim at a time, it just comes down to how many big pans you have to evaporate it in. I use 6 but pick up more all the time. Basically you freeze the trim and alcohol, stir them together about 30 seconds, strain it all into a big bucket (about 1.5 gallons of alcohol per # of trim) then pour that through a paper towel or coffee filter strainer into the pans. Fill the pans up then let them dry out. bake in a 200*F oven until they are dry and stop bubbling. I get about 2.5-3oz of oil per pound of good trim.


Green Mujaheed
Is it oil or hash you want to make, these are two different products.
For hash, best is to dry sieve your frozen trim.

Irie !

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Got alot of trim saved up from previous stuff, probably 4-5 ziplock bags full of that i've been saving because I dont know what to do with..

I saw the thread thats circulating now about the ISO method but that seems like a huge pain in the ass with the amount of trim that I have. Its top quality stuff too, all superlemon haze and satori trim. Just looking for an easy way to turn this into hash

Lots of fine choices. What do you covet doing with the product?
Oil/hash/something useful that I can give to my friends. Not for cooking but for smoking.. whatever is cost efficient and simple enough that wont require to much experimentation and research. Lazymans method is sounding like the best outlet at the moment. But oil, what do you mean by oil? thick liquid form that you use for cooking? Looking more toward a hashish type


Active member
ICMag Donor
hey fonzee, fuxx gumby hash....better use bubble bags.....WAY better quality...gumby method sucks!


Weed Cannasaur
My gumby hash comes out great.
I got a friend with some experience with the bubble bags that didn't believe the quality of the gumby hash I gave him.

Maybe its not the best way but it sure is simple and cheap.


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
I'm able to get my gumby really clean, too.Try out some different methods and see what works best for you.


Overkill is under-rated.

I didn't expect this to even make it into the running. How much trim/bud can you do per run and how much oil do you get? I have stayed away from butane cause I would need pallets of it, not just cases, and that stuff is way more expensive than alcohol or acetone.


your right lazyman you would need a recovery system to save on butane
or what i have know some people to do when they have a ton of bud is dry sift it all on a tumbler and just run a couple oz's of keif so you only have to buy a few bottles of butane
i have seen some amazing oil made this way you just have to make sure you have a good filter on the end of the tube

el dub

I'd use about 14 mason jars/lb of trim.
Freeze jars and alcohol.
Pour alcohol into jars, one at a time and shake for about 30 seconds.
Pour contents through sieve lined with cheese cloth. (Need 14 pieces of cloth.)
Squeeze alcohol/oil out of material wrapped in cheese cloth through sieve.
Filter alcohol through coffee filters. (I use 2-3 layers)
Pour filtered alcohol into heated crock pot.
Evaporate until extraction is reduced down to about 10-15% original volume.
Pour into pyrex and continue evap over hot pad until dry.
Scrape while still warm.
Refrigerate in small plastic Tupperware container w/ lid.
Gently heat knife to remove small amounts for consumption.
Place small ball of oil on end of toothpick (wetting your fingers a bit helps secure oil.)
Heat oil over bowl of herb.
Allow to dry.
Figure out the rest.....



Active member
I didn't expect this to even make it into the running. How much trim/bud can you do per run and how much oil do you get? I have stayed away from butane cause I would need pallets of it, not just cases, and that stuff is way more expensive than alcohol or acetone.

The OP spoke of only 4-5 ziplock bags full of trim...I was simply responding to him....

In your case where you have much much much more to deal with...BHO wouldnt exactly be user friendly, however it'd still make a better product for the market....

el dub

4-5 zips...

I'm guessing gallon zips w/ about 1/2 lb trim in each?

Not sure on weight, but full.

If the alcohol method, what alcohol?

For bho, would it be safe to grind it down to smaller pieces before putting it into a tube


lover of all things hashlike
you dont want to powderize it much. just break up any popcorn buds a lil bit.


Weed Cannasaur
alcohol as highest proof as possible.
The less water the faster it evaporates.
Look for 94% and up.

For BHO I just press as much trim as I can in the tube, doesn't matter if its large or small it comes out compressed.
Butane is too expensive for me to run small runs.

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