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Best Vaporizer for under $200???


pure dynamite
@accessndx: According to erowid.org Dmt has a BOILING POINT of 60-80°C (crystals), so I think you should try that range.. somewhere under 80°C must be a good temp. good.

BTW 60-80 Celsius means 140-180 Fahrenheit.

Sorry everybody for beeing offtopic. This thread is great. I also plan on buying a vape... but I just want to try one before... if I like it I'll go for the Volcano Digit. :wave:


Registered Med User
I like the vaporbrothers, glad I got it. I see how someone might get frusterated as the quickness of your inhale changes the combustability of the weed, so it takes some getting used to as far as judging how hot you want it. Once you got it down tho its real cool, ima get the hydrator part for it too which is like adding a bubbler to the end. The only other vape Ive tried was a heat gun attached to a bong, which worked real good too, but this one is better for my girl cuz its a lot simpler, the heat gun u gotta hold on the bong and use 2 hands, vaporbrothers is real convienent sittin on the table.
Thanks yall for the help and input. Ill letcha know how I like the vapor genie when it arrives too.

pack a bowl

the worst part about how the rate of your inhaling changes the temp is when you want to get someone to vape whos never done it before... they never do it right, so get used to dumbasses saying "this doesnt get me high!" if you share.. hhaha

you can always get an attachment for a heatgun and fill a bag up volcano style... i had a heat gun for a year, returned it to sears and got my 100$ back... was pretty sweet, and left a bunch of vape crumbs in it also. just to be more convenient with multiple people.


Registered Med User
Heres the Vapor Brothers.


Registered Med User
After having the vapor brothers for a week I gotta say its the SHIT. I turn it to 12:30-1:00 and hit it like a normal hit, perfect vapors, no burning, no smoke, just tasty ass weed mist. It takes a couple minutes to heat up but not long, bout as long as it takes to grind some tree. From now on its the only way I blaze at home.

Vapor Genie
The vapor genie works, but it is frusterating. The only reason its frusterating is cuz it takes holding the lighter to it for too long, I dun burnt myself a couple times on the lighter and the edge of the vaporgenie. It gets me hella high with tasty vapor hits(I been extra careful not to let the flame burn through) but for me Ima stick to blunts for on the go. I think it might work better with a torch lighter which Ima try, but Im not really a pipe smoker anyway. I think I could also feel the butane on my tounge a little bit, gave me a cool butany fealing.


Does the hands-free VB come with the oil attachment you speak of? Just ordered one from VaporWarehouse.


After having the vapor brothers for a week I gotta say its the SHIT. I turn it to 12:30-1:00 and hit it like a normal hit, perfect vapors, no burning, no smoke, just tasty ass weed mist. It takes a couple minutes to heat up but not long, bout as long as it takes to grind some tree. From now on its the only way I blaze at home.

Glad you like it! Enjoy :joint:


I think you just stick the oil attachment on and put oil in the large bowl part; not really a great oil diffuser, but functional enough.

Good if you're gonna leave it on, might as well, right?


Mine did, from VW.
Vapor Genie
The vapor genie works, but it is frusterating. The only reason its frusterating is cuz it takes holding the lighter to it for too long, I dun burnt myself a couple times on the lighter and the edge of the vaporgenie. It gets me hella high with tasty vapor hits(I been extra careful not to let the flame burn through) but for me Ima stick to blunts for on the go. I think it might work better with a torch lighter which Ima try, but Im not really a pipe smoker anyway. I think I could also feel the butane on my tounge a little bit, gave me a cool butany fealing.

Can be tricky to use. But when done correctly the VG gives a great hit. Quick fire, well really vapor, technique has been working well for me with my genie. Load the bowl, not too much. Apply heat and draw vigorously for about 10 seconds. Remove the flame but keep drawing. The ceramic element will continue to vape your smoking mixture of choice for about 5 more seconds. Exhale and note the healthy vapor cloud. Inspect the bowl and note the color of the mixture. Well it works for me.

Good luck.


I've got Da Buddha with an ice chamber and I couldn't be happier! I use it ALL the time! Its great with hot water or with ice water, or with plain old room temperature water. I like the idea of filtering the vapor through water cause if I don't use the ice chamber, I usually end up with a mouthful of really small bits of weed that get through the screen.
Their customer service is rock solid, too!

Lucky 7

Active member
My Da Buddha is on the way . . . hope to have a positive report ASAP! Have tried some cheaper units that didn't do the trick, so . . .
vapor genie- excellent for those wanting to get into vaping or insist on portability.
my genie is awesome, named after the evil sorcerer from Aladdin, Jafar, is painted black and red while i was tripping.
da Buddha- i love this thing, its greater than Jafar. Its got super solid construction, is simple and gets me really ripped.
vaporizors rock

Lucky 7

Active member
After using my new Da Buddha, I gotta say this thing is far beyond the quality I expected for a $160 unit, especially after using some $100 units. I mixed up a bit 'O Purps & C99 and was stoned as sh*t pretty damn quickly . . . .

hard to tell the diff between a joint & this thing, course I may have it set a bit high at first, but seemed to be all good . . .

all I could think of was that funny as hell beginning to Super Troopers: " Speeding and, speeding and, speeding and smoking the weed!" lol ...........................

Master Chief

New member
I still have my vapor brothers from when they were still made using nichrome wire(they do ceramic now) and it's well past it's 5 year warranty.

If you still use it, I believe you can send it in to be upgraded to the all natural heating elemnt for what it would cost to ship the thing. As far as everyone promoting the volcano, it's a great vape but someone had asked for a decent vape for the price. You can pick up a volcano for around $500 which makes it unaffordable for most.


If you're looking for a good vape, I cannot recommend the VaporGenie enough. It's entirely portable, lifetime guarantee, lightweight, sturdy, and once you get the hang on it you can draw some enormous hits from it. I have tried vapes costing twice as much as the VaporGenie and the hits I got are pathetic in comparison.

A friend of mine basically laughed at the thought of a vaporizer like the VaporGenie getting him high. I loaded him a bowl and gave him the lighter. I explained how to use it and, after a couple of goes, he took a big draw off of it, leaned forward, eyes went wide open, and he looked stunned - like someone had kicked him in the testicles. The hit completely took him out. And this is a 2g a day smoker I'm talking about too.

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot to mention. It's only $50. I got the handcarved teak VaporGenie, but there are various models available on their website.

Here's a picture of the silicone carbide insert that makes this thing work, just so you get an idea of how it works:
Post the before and after pics of the bud. Out of the majority of reviews this vaporizer can burn bud I am told. since after all its a flame just hitting a screen.

Purpledays vaporizers I am curious about anyone have one?

Vapor Brothers box confuses me, you load up the dealy then put it facing down on the element doesn't this spill out your shit?

http://www.rxdirect2u.com/t-why.php <- I've tried this before it seems to do the job, but honestly I haven't tried all the fancy ones so I dunno how they compare.
ok so i think i got the vaporgenie down. my method hit bowl for 5 seconds then pull flame away from bowl for 1 second while continuing to inhale then bring flame back to the bowl for another 5 seconds.all in one breath dont stop inhaling. fat ass hits and following the 5 seconds on 1 second off 5 seconds on, i havent burned it since.ive tried long continous pulls but i seem to burn more doing that.. try it guys it works really good. also i use hempwick and butane and it works great for both. the trick with the hempwick is to get a huge flame. of course i still bust out the ssv.. but nothing like taking fat ass vapor hits with the mountains in the background during heavy rain and thunder. intense.
also kizz do you use the mouthpiece or no. im still deciding whats better its hard to tell. i think if you grind to powder than the mouthpiece helps to prevent small particles from flying into your mouth. also nice model i have a walnut hc.so elegant


New member
Good vapes under $200--

Vapman, Da Buddha, Purple-days, VG, and Launchbox

Megas, check out fuckcombustion.com
EVerything you need to know is there. It's the mecca for vapes. Some of
the manufacturers themselves join in the discussions.