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Best strain for body numbness feeling?


New member
Im looking for a strain that will produce a strong body numbness type of high. A few years ago i smoked a strain (dont remember the name) that gave me a very strong body numb high like my whole body was getting shocked with a strong tingling numbness feeling throughout my whole body even my face felt numb and it made it very hard for me to move but my whole body was feeling very medicated. Kinda hard to explain but its kinda like the feeling u get when u slept on your arm for a period of time and then u get this numbness tingling feeling. Im a legal patient living here in california and i've gone to numerous dispensaries in search for this strain that will give me the same type of high but i have no luck of finding it. I've tried over a dozens of kushes, og's, different types of indica's, hybrid's and sativa's but no luck. A lot of the indica's that was recommended to me gave me a slow lazy couchlock high which is kinda like what im looking for but the numbness is not there. I need a strain that will give me that numbness body tingling type of high. Please post up any strains that u experience with this type of high. Thanks.
Hey I know this may sound crazy. This is what I did when I was about to smoke from my bubbler. I had the bowl about half full with Cheetah Piss and the other half was Double Cross. I made a mistake when I got ready to smoke I got more than one strain out. I thought I was loading the bubbler with just Cheetah piss I loaded it also with Double Cross. I got a real good numbing feelings. It felt like waves of cascading tingling electric energy that felt amazing.