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Best strain for body numbness feeling?

Im looking for a strain that will produce a strong body numbness type of high. A few years ago i smoked a strain (dont remember the name) that gave me a very strong body numb high like my whole body was getting shocked with a strong tingling numbness feeling throughout my whole body even my face felt numb and it made it very hard for me to move but my whole body was feeling very medicated. Kinda hard to explain but its kinda like the feeling u get when u slept on your arm for a period of time and then u get this numbness tingling feeling. Im a legal patient living here in california and i've gone to numerous dispensaries in search for this strain that will give me the same type of high but i have no luck of finding it. I've tried over a dozens of kushes, og's, different types of indica's, hybrid's and sativa's but no luck. A lot of the indica's that was recommended to me gave me a slow lazy couchlock high which is kinda like what im looking for but the numbness is not there. I need a strain that will give me that numbness body tingling type of high. Please post up any strains that u experience with this type of high. Thanks.


Bluebbery...blue Dragonn ( I miss this ) sensi star also bomb madagascar thunder... lemon desial x chocolate thai


You will not be forgotten
making bud butter from the right strains... will make you not feel your whole body and take care of any pain that you may be experiencing... i have been a very heavy smoker and nothing kicks my ass and lays me on the couch like a good batch of edibles... my .2


Well-known member
I haven't had any luck with the high thc strains but mixing some high cbd strain with my usual stash produced some weird effects, my body was numb, i could barely feel my arm but wasn't really lazy or couchlocked. and by high cbd i mean at least 50% of the available cannabinoids, that is the only time I can say I felt that tingling sensation, most of what's being offered makes you feel heavy instead of numb.

but to be honest, I have no real way of knowing the cannabinoid contents of what I have grown, this was a wild indica plant, you can see it in my gallery, it wasn't potent by itself, but I could perceive some effects.

I used to mix it with the nepalese and most of the time, 20 minutes into the buzz I could barely feel my arm.
I tried most of the strains listed on here already. Blueberry, bubba kush, sensi star, all gave me a relax, lazy, calm high but the numbness is not there. A lot of these strains are the ones that is recommended to me after explaining what im looking for but none of them seem to give me that numbness feeling throughout my body.
Brains Mango has a nice body high but not really tingly. When you find out, let me know. Im also lookin for this numbing tingly high


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
lots of people mentioned the sensi star, thats the one I would recommend.. I've heard good things about the heri too, but never tried it :)


You will not be forgotten
if you are just looking for the affect of having your body numb.. not much can beat edibles made with bud butter... but if you dont have the means to have a large enough ammount either by growing or buying than i guess its not an option... use a indica or at least indica dominant strain to make it and you will be laid out on the couch with a large dose.... i PROMISE.. .2 ... :joint:

EDIT: i could recommend strains that i like or find to have a great body high.. but you said you have run through alot of strains... so i suggest a new techniqe to accomplish your goal


Try a hydro grown Ice or White Widow, harvested just as the trichomes turn cloudy (no amber), gently dried, then cured about 30+ days. Both are high potency mostly indicas that will nail you to the couch.


Active member
I simply will not ingest THC anymore. Last time was a cookie. So thin you could see through this thing. Ate it and it floored me so hard it was unreal. Was doing a water change on my 500g fish tank and fucking fell asleep while i had the hose in it.. woke up to a flooded house..True story. Never again unless i need it for sever pain.
I simply will not ingest THC anymore. Last time was a cookie. So thin you could see through this thing. Ate it and it floored me so hard it was unreal. Was doing a water change on my 500g fish tank and fucking fell asleep while i had the hose in it.. woke up to a flooded house..True story. Never again unless i need it for sever pain.

hell yeah pass that shit


New member
I cant stop making canabutter from the clippings after harvest
but honestly have very few that want to partake due to the
'aftermath' of the lasting high for the next 12>24 hours.

IMO, very good for flying long distances(time), weddings, etc.,
where you can not 'burn'.