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Best Rolling Papers




Golden Smoking Slim,with paper turned around... I dont know how you call it ... but you use less paper. Accualy exaclty as much as you need it... I can show you how you roll it if you dont know...

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I wanna see this anges. I think its called inside out or something right? I've seen em rolled but I don't know how they use less paper. Care to show me? Thanks.

Oh and my papers of chioce are zig zags in the orange pack just because their the easiest to find and burn slow. I like em when they burn slooooww.
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Back to the Rolling up something in a Fans leaves...

Cigars are made of three different layers which are made from three different kinds of tobacco. Tobacco is grown for different purposes. There are actually specific plants grown for filler, binder, and the wrapper. The flavor of a cigar is all in the final wrapper. A cigar with identical filler and binder will taste nothing the same if rolled in different wrappers.

The tobacco is also sweat cured a lot like the Colombians do with here herb.

They say it takes six months to learn how to roll a cigar. And it takes TWO YEARS to learn how to do it well.

Since cigar rolling is so complex I bet it would be difficult to roll one entirely out of cannabis.

But if anyone figures out how I would definitely purchase one.


I'm gonna say Rizla Blues King or Standard I remember likeing skunk brand hemp papers but its a rape over if you smoke as much as me not enough papers per pack.


Raw are far from the best tasting thats for damn sure, but I like them when the glue actually works.
Juicy Jay's Blackberry Brandy again when glue works. I dunno what it is with some glues.


Eugene Oregon
Raws blow, I can never get those things to roll proper.
I prefer blunt wraps but when I have to roll Jays..


Canada Goose hemp skins are my absolute favorite of all time. I bought six boxes of them on eBay about two years ago. They aren't being made anymore, and I'm thinking of buying some more--just in case.

I FUCKING HATE those clear skins made of cellulose. They taste like ass! Actually, I hate all flavored skins, blunt wraps and other tobacco-derived products, and Top (might as well use a newspaper.)