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Best pre-2000 seed strain?


The more generations you get removed from the parents the less hybrid vigor you see. 10-20 years ago there where more f1 hybrids availalble to the buyer, today those are all poly hybrids and who knows what generation of seed stock.

That makes sense. I'd never thought of it that way before.

Thanks for your response.


Old School Cottonmouth
I've never understood this enigma.

Can someone explain why 10-20 year old strains would be superior to strains of today? I mean, wouldn't most agree when I say that ''most'' things only get better with time? I mean think back to the days of the Atari 2600 (That was a ''Flux-Capacitor'' for you youngn's that don't remember it.) Compare today's PS3 to the 2600 and it's night and day. Same with major appliances, they only get more efficient and more user friendly...Electronics? We won't even get into electronics.

So why is it that ''The Best'' strains are always Pre-this and pre-that? Wouldn't it seem they'd only get better with time? Don't get me wrong. I'm a huge fan of old strains. In my mind, there's two types of weed...Haze and Non-Haze. I really don't expect too much improvement over the original Haze, although I may be surprised. I relate this too most people's interpretation of ''The Good Old Days.'' I lost my virginity listening to Zeppelins' ''Cashmere.'' Therefore, Cashmere will forever be ''The Best'' song ever made.

Seems the obvious answer to this question was overlooked.

Laws. Very simply put. A'dam as well as a few other countries where seed breeders were working out of used to allow much more open and large scale growing operations.

In order to make stable high quality strains it takes a lot of time, and a lot of space, and most importantly a lot of plant numbers to make selections from. Your best female out of 1000 is going to be a hell of a lot nicer then your best mom out of 100.

Literally within a few years the seed business went from skilled individuals growing and selecting from plants numbering in the thousands, and into a state where most breeders are making their selections from a group of a few hundred, and outsourcing much of their work to other people to play catch up.

IOW instead of a guy with a degree in botany growing and selecting the best genetic material out of thousands of plants, that were bred from meticulously cared for parental material.

We have seen for legal reasons seen them turn into co-operatives where a dozen pollen chuckers pool together their resources and make a seed bank.

Lack of control, lack of oversight, lack of skill, lack of selection numbers. Its not uncommon for breeders not to even test grow seeds before selling them now. That is how bullshit it has gotten.

Its practically a moot point now in the states anyway. Everything is medical, and almost everything medical is from clone. They even sell clones in the shops. Nobody bothers with seeds anymore.

So usually when people are referring to "pre-99" they are referring to when the laws changed. Or like "pre 79 afghani". That is when the soviets invaded and fucked up the hashish trade.

Karmic Farmer

Active member
The Blueberry and Flo from DJ Short has not changed since 1998. I know it's only a matter of two years but I hear a lot of people talking about pre2000 BB and Flo being superior. DJ lost one of the parental stock for each strain in late 97 or so. I've gotten that straight from DJ himself, and if you dig in his forum he came in and verified this.
I just wanted to make it clear to any DJ fans that the pre-98 BB and Flo is what people are actually searching for if they want original genetics. Look for Dutch Passion or Sagmartha packs that were purchased up to around mid 1998.
I would love to get my hands on a pack of pre-2000 Sensi Star or pre-98 AK-47.


the rrock

Have been looking at sensi NL#5 x Haze. What is the % of NL and % of Haze?

i have been growing this for 15+ years and i would say tends to be about 75/25 in favor of NL5. It is a truly amazing reliable,easy to clone strain big yielding strain, I bought the seeds out of the sensi catalog in the mid 80s, been searching forsomething to match her qualities ever since and they are difficult to replace the yield and consistency.Crossed BS holyweed with her pollen years ago which ive been running also


NL#5, Blueberry if you can find it, Skunk1 , Silver pearl, Jack Herer original unstable stock, Original Romulan, White widow which I believe is now Black widow, and AK47.Super Silver Haze.

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