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Best method for popping seeds


DEA Agent
Premium user
Damn I don't know why most of you complicate things. I just throw them in a water bottle, wait 24 hours to where they sink ( I shake the bottle a bit so the ones that haven't sunk, sink.), put them in damp rockwool starters, in a humidity dome and bam! 100% germ rate.


Well-known member
So much rockwool. It's itchy shit you know. It should be handled wet or wearing respiratory gear. That gets in your lungs, and your body will grow lumps around it, effecting your breathing long term.

Have a think about substituting it with coco. It burns, or bio-degrades, and you could eat it probably. You can riddle and reuse. Then on that fateful day someone does leave your junk in the woods, it's not just going to sit there.

Some allotments in the city have turned co-co coloured over the years. It's a decent soil improver compared to rockwool.

I buy the same black trays almost. But instead of rockwool plugs in them, I chuck in $1 of coco, and level it off with a straight edge. I move the plants out, and use the trays again. I'm not forever buying new trays and chucking old ones. Then my plants may go in the ground outdoors, where I can chop them down and leave the coco plug. Not have to dig out the itchy. Or indoors, the final pot is riddled. To use it again. Year after year.

All that disposing of trays and itchy stuff is just expense and work I don't need. I don't see them using it in any nurseries, because it's over priced and a health&safety issue.

Perhaps you just didn't know, or were unsure of options. I tried many. Coco can be used in almost every situation.


Active member
Soak Seeds in 1/8th cup Hydrogen Peroxide too 2 cups Distilled water, add 2-3 drops of Liquid Kelp/Seaweed...soak seeds 24 hrs or until they Sink too the bottom. Use paper towel method in a warm area...75-80degrees F. Seeds should all sprout within 24 hrs. Gently transplant into Fav medium.


Active member
just plain tap water and in a warm place let them soak until they crack and you can see tiny tap root (24-48)..after that in soil they go
I like to start my seeds in coco every time

Usually I make a one gal pot of soil and put a fist sized dent in the middle and put a handful of coco in the middle and plant seed in that

With the autos I’m sprouting currently I’ve just been putting them directly into whatever soil I’m using no coco. Most soil I use contains coco tho I either use coco loco or some other soil and add a brick of coco to 25 l soil

They sprout 5 days pretty much no matter what

I had issue with one sprouting it took way longer than normal and it did not come out of the ground until I gave it willow water. If I hadn’t have done that it wouldn’t have sprouted, it took close to two weeks for it to sprout but only three days after I gave willow water, I feel like it will be a runt because it is an auto flower


I breed my own and use some commercial over the years and germinated probably approaching a thousand seeds at this point and I've always had complete success (even with 9 year freezer stored seeds) with nothing more than a shot glass with an inch of fresh water in it. Keep in a warmish place, but room temperature is fine. Toss in the seed, make it sink the next day, change the water if necessary every three days and wait until I visually confirm the root is starting to poke out, then plant root tip down in seedling starter soil.

You can even leave it for another day once the root tip is exposed, as long as the water is semi fresh it's not going to mold or rot or die.

This way you *know* it germinated and there's absolutely no reason on earth to do anything more complicated unless you like complicated for some reason.

If it goes more than a week I toss it but the vast majority will sprout within 48 hours.

All the paper towel and other methods that are more complicated than this I've found to be completely unnecessary "woo".
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Indicas make dreams happen
Paper towell method in a freezer bag, in a warm place (high 70's, low 80's) tried and true. Been using this method to pop seeds since I was in grade school science class growing bean plants. I use straight tap water... Or distilled if I'm feeling really fancy. Once that shell cracks it's into the soil they go.


Well-known member
Wet a paper towel, squeeze it until it's not dripping water, throw seeds in one half of the paper towel and fold the other half over them, then into a plastic bag in a drawer at room temperature. Never had a problem.
Cannabis seeds germinate rather easily...Of all the plants I've grown, cannabis seed is probably the most "eager" to pop open and quickest/easiest to germinate. I don't know why so many people have all sorts of steps they go through just to germinate a weed seed lol. Things like pepper seeds can be more finicky, but cannabis pops open and gets going pretty easily and quickly.

Toss a seed onto some dirt and it's likely going to germinate just fine on its own.

I've only grown the herb twice now....but all I do is soak seeds in some water over night, then the next morning I place the seed into some soil in a 1 gallon pot (outdoors) and that is all I do. Within 48 to 72 hours I'll see some cotyledons poking through the soil.

Out of about 25 to 30 seeds I've worked with so far, only 2 have not popped open/successfully germinated for me and they were some old bag seed I've had for 6+ years in a medicine bottle. Lots of the other old bag seed I've had for a while popped open just fine though.
