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Best kief box...

I am in the market for a new kief box,

any suggestions and comments would be appreciated

I have several in mind

This is what i had before.
Had 120u screen, with a light rub or no rub over time got full melt, has a divider and nominally priced and 75$ usd

the next has 3 screens at 140,107,70 and is 250$usd, also has lock and key.

and the cheapest at 30usd, with 120u screen, a friend has one of these and it is ok, not as good as the wicca but does the trick for the price.

I am looking for high quality screen and box,

any one have any suggestions?

What do you use and where did you acquire it?

Take care


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I know Gypsy sells some real nice looking units on the Boutique. Check them out there.


Active member
^^^ Yep... Check out Gypsy's boxes.

I have the double screen stash box. Comparable in price to the wikka box, but screens aren't quite as big. It does have a cool little storage area, though.:joint:



I am looking for high quality screen and box,

Do you want a box for strictly dry sifting or a box with room for buds and your smoking gear that also dry sifts?

The 6X8 Wikka box : It's not 120u (micron), it's 120 lines per inch (which is around 135 micron, I think), a mate of mine has one. Actually there are about 10 or 15 different Wikka models on the market, from little pocket sized shaker boxes up to big dual screen table boxes, some have 100 lines per inch, so have 120 lines per inch, some models have two screens. The Wikkas are the most popular kif/kief type box on the market and they are for sale in just about every smoke shop in the US and are good value for money.

The Bubble Box is the ultimate dry sifting box, it's also the highest priced one on the market....the African rosewood veneer is beautiful, this box will produce a very pure dry sift that bubbles, If you love your dry sift, buy this box, it's very impressive.

I just checked out the natural goods boxes online. On one of the close up photos (of the 12" box) you can see a screw that is so far off it's embarrassingly bad, if that's any indication of what they are like and what their attention to detail and quality levels are then I'd pass on these. It's cheap, and like everything else you get what you pay for.

Gypsy Nirvana stash boxes were the original smoker's box with screens, all the other designs are based on his models. I own the same ash burl wood veneer dual screen box as above, this is the latest model, they also have a Zebra wood veneer box with dark brown and light brown stripes to choose from too. It's the ideal size and weight. The side storage compartment is larger than the Wikkas and the dual screens are held together with magnets so they lift out easier. The finish and construction quality on this box is excellent.

check them out here on one of Gypsy Nirvana's other sites Seed Boutique

(3 models) http://www.seedboutique.com/store/index.php?cPath=22

the dual screen boxes are excellent value....every smoker should have one. Now they are on special for just over a $100 delivered to your door!

btw you aren't still rolling jays or packing bowls on an old magazine or a frissbee are you? lol
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My little pony.. my little pony
The best keif partridge box ever.



not the best but works fine for me

there's not such thing as a bad kif box, it's just that some are better than others, try to buy the best box for you that's within your budget or make one yourself by converting an existing box. There's lots of choices out there, those cheapo Ebay boxes won't last forever or look that great, but they are a great introduction to the art of dry sifting and smoking purer, cleaner essences.

pretty soon you will be grinding up all your bud and turning it into dry sift, your lungs will thank you as you will be inhaling much smaller amounts of purer dry sifted essences and you'll be getting much higher.
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Thank you all for your input.

I am still torn between several boxes.

If i get the bubble box for 250 i know i will be happy in the long run but at the onset my wallet( and g/f) will not be!

The wicca i loved, it had the little separator so i could keep to different flavors separate or one from leaves i puled off dry buds and one side for only what worked its way through naturally. I did manage several times to get full melt from this box in the past.

And the third choice(in no particular order),

would be the one you folks have brought to my attention.

Gypsy nirvana, dual screen, average price nice quality and i am sure would produce excellent product. I also like the storage area to help keep from losing all your stuff ;).

A place for all the pressed sift and a few little dram vials full of bho and whatnot, man i think i just sold myself on that box.

AHHH, such a hard decision spending money and new toys, so many choices:wallbash::1help:


The wicca i loved, it had the little separator so i could keep to different flavors separate or one from leaves i puled off dry buds and one side for only what worked its way through naturally. I did manage several times to get full melt from this box in the past.

I've got a big black Wicca with dual screen and the divider that sits on the screen is an excellent thing, it's good to separate scraps from the stuff you roll or bowl, or for seeds, or leaves etc, or other stuff. recently Wicca changed their name to Wikka, but it's the same company.

Gypsy nirvana, dual screen, average price nice quality and i am sure would produce excellent product. I also like the storage area to help keep from losing all your stuff .

the decent sized storage area is a bonus as it's good to keep all your gear (lighter, papers, spoon, spare meshes, kif container, etc) all in the one box along with a few days worth of bud all locked in there safely together. This box could sit on your desk and no one would suspect it to be what it is or be able to open it.

Go on, do yourself a favor, splash out and buy it! ..consider it an early Xmas pressie for yourself...lol
after joining fullmeltbubble forums i am now torn between the 3 screen bubble box an nirvana dual screen with gear spot

Again i will say:wallbash:

Its like going to a restaurant and trying to decide what to get in the time it takes for the server to arrive.

Damn its so hard spending money


do what I did and get both! lol

The Bubble box is a high end dry sift bubble hash maker and the GN dual screen box is a true stash box that also produces nice dry sift (and with a good technique, re-sifting, decent starting material and a gentle action will produce bubbling blond dry sift)

if you want to produce Bubble box quality dry sift, but don't have $250 to splurge then look into Bubbleman's dry sifting screens,($125) these are a set of 4 larger meshes, the top mesh is stainless steel but there's no lid or catching plate, just a bare-bones set of interlocking screens.

there's lots of choices.....

or DIY? get yourself an old humidor or jewelery box that has a hinged lid, cut off the bottom of the box about an inch from the bottom, stretch, tack and then super glue on some 110, 110 or 120 nylon mesh to bottom of the box, nail 4 slats of wood around the sides of the cut edge of base section so that when top part of the box sits snugly back on top it won't slip off or fit two pairs of magnets to hold the parts together, then get a sheet of glass cut to fit inside the base and you will have a nice homemade kif box!..if the box is free and you have some Super glue to stick on the stretched mesh, a wood saw in the garage etc, the only hassle is getting the mesh and you can use white cardboard instead of glass. If will look like crap unless you are real handy with woodwork, but it will do the job and the only cost will be the mesh which can be bought online. If you are even handier, make a lift out tray that sits above the mesh that you can store your grinder, scissors, lighter etc.

Happy Dry Sifting
Great minds think alike

I have decided to get the GN box as well as the dry sift screens

then look into Bubbleman's dry sifting screens,($125)

I have done this before as well and just never looks good enough,lol.

Well now that thats over just have to wait for the mailman


Active member
The Bubblebox with 3 screens may be one of the best, but kinda pricy, but properly worth it. Gypsy' is nice too, I would go for the large, wide ones, they looks the best and stashes more erb (;
I was contemplating the bubble box for a long ass time... i came within 2 seconds of buying one from aqua lab technologies...

then i considered something. it really depends on what you will be using the box for.

I realized I wanted to kief my nugs ... but I would still smoke the nugs after kiefing anyway. I'm a student in a top uni in a pretty difficult area of study. I decided that I odn't have time to card all my nugs/kief over the 3 screens that the bubblebox has.

In the end I settled for an Okief tumbler (i ordered about a week ago, isn't here yet so i can't write a review).... but this is what i needed. Spins a quarter pound +....set it and forget it pretty much... (i got the largest micron one) so yeah... I probably wont get dry sift that bubbles... but i figure

I can get the bubble box next harvest... then just screen the kief from the tumbler.... making the screening process so much faster.

But this is if time is of the essence... To me Time = money... so meh, fuck carding nugs all the time just spin em in the tumbler =P
I only use my box for what i use personally, whatever i smoke gets broken up in their and thats its, i dont shake it or press anything against it really.

If you are looking for something to process a decent amount of material the bubble box is not what you should be looking at.

He does however have the dry sift screens with a metal and 3 stretched screens that you can place a decent amount of material on and work it that way shaking or pressing.


Bubbleman's set of four dry sifting screens, the first mesh is stainless and the other 3 finer screens are nylon monofilament mesh.These are the same size as the Bubble box screens (but the frame size is larger)

These are the screens that I use for dry sifting...the quality is excellent, it's the right size for a little bit of personal dry sifting either if you want the strip every single trichome off the starting material or when going for bubbling blonde putty

I haven't checked out the O'keif screens, only from photos online but I was not impressed by the way these sit together..they look just like screen printing screens with some wood added to the outside so they don't slip and slide around....I can't see so well from the pics, but the mesh sizes look like they are printed and then glued on?. Bubblemans dry sift set has each mesh size engraved on the frame with micron and LPI measurements, these are purpose built for dry sifting and are professionally routed and fit into each other so theres no slip.

the Bubbleman set has an extra s/s screen frame, is 12 x 9" & costs $125 for 4 frames

the O'k set comes with a catching plate and is 10 x 8" & costs $99.95 for 3 frames

Either set will do the job, dry sifting is more about technique and less about the meshes sizes than most people think. You can make contaminated kif with 4 screens with bad technique and melty dry sift with one or two screens with excellent technique and the opposite applies too, depending on your technique.

but it's alot easier to produce more amount of purer dry sift yourself with 4 screens than with two or three meshes...and the larger size frames would be better to work with.

for more info on dry sifting..do a search through my previous posts as I often pop up on dry sifting/kif/kief/stashbox/screen frame/mesh threads and you'll read lots of good info posts from lots of experienced hashers.
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dry sifting is more about technique and less about the meshes than most people give credit for.

I concur.
I purchased the gypsy nirvana dual screen

( anyone know about how long it takes to ship to the U.S.?)

And next time around i will get bubblemans set of screens!
Well i received the box today from gypsy nirvana

But it did not contain the screens!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was just an empty box!!!

Does anyone know if this is normal.

It did not list anything like that on their site.

Any help would be appreciated.