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Best hang over cure.


weed fiend
Eat something before you drink. Drink a glass of water before bed Take a couple aspirin if you want . All I ever need.

Weedman Herb

That is ... By a Long Shot ... the coolest and best constructed drunk suit I have ever seen ...


Active member
the only cure for a real hangover is death

i dont remember who said that... but it is oh so true


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Im with Bagseed77.... go do some exercise, get a sweat going and get that water down and lots!!

Your body is basically poisoned and dehydrated.... so flush it with good old H20

Yup the problem with alcohol is that it turns into a mild poison when broken down by the liver (Acetaldehyde (ethanal) is between 10 and 30 times more toxic than alcohol itself). And really the best way to cure a hangover i've found is have a few drinks in the morning to dilute the poison. Drink lot's of water because you are dehydrated and cannabis ofcourse helps with the nausea...


Tylenol/advil is not good when hungover...your liver is already overloaded breaking down ethanol and you're just making it work even harder by adding those meds to it.

Smoke a strain that kills the nausea
something with grease/oil/fat to stimulate the liver into releasing and producing more bile.
Multivitamin, vitamin C, b-complex, raw material that produce enzymes to help break down the alcohol.