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Best formula for Fox Farms Ocean Forest? What do you use??


Active member
I used a simple mix last go, with FF tiger bloom, drip clean, and a dash of Bloombastic in flowering.

I got really good results with my OG kush but not so much on my Bubblegumxpurple urkle.

For the next run im doing ChemxSour and Sour D x Purple Elephant, i was thinking about running FF tiger bloom with its counterpart in the FF line.

I always see a ton of people using FFOF but never really know what they are using? what do yall think is best? Organic compost tea? Stick with the FF line? Any other secrets you throw in there?

thanks in advance
Im using just regular OF soil, and my nutes are Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom ,and Black strap molasses ..i started out the first few weeks of flowering with the BB and now gradually im working the tiger bloom into my ladies also, they are loving it but at first i got too excited with the Tiger Bloom and burnt them a little, aside from that im very impressed with the product. Im not a master when it comes to nutrients...just thought i'd put my.02 cents ...hope it helps


In terms of succession and timing I follow Fox Farm's schedule here, although I will back off their nutes if I show burn or other problems and substitute the basics through top dressing with castings, meal, etc.


*Stoned User*
Have been using FF Ocean Forest for years with added perlite, bone/blood meal, EWC, kelp meal and molasses.
For nutes use PureBlendPro soil formula with Hygrozyme, Liquid Karma, and molasses. As well as a PK booster at the right time in flower.

tip staff

Have been using FF Ocean Forest for years with added perlite, bone/blood meal, EWC, kelp meal and molasses.
For nutes use PureBlendPro soil formula with Hygrozyme, Liquid Karma, and molasses. As well as a PK booster at the right time in flower.

how much perlite do you add bro?
ever feel the need to add vermiculite?
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I use 100% fox farm line & love it lol they should pay me as a tester. Im no professional but my mix works for me. :) Good Luck friend.
i mix my FFOF with about 40-50% FF light warrior for excellent drainage. clones will not burn in the 50/50 mix, but as soon as they show a sign of deficiency, 2-3 weeks, i start a regular full blown soil nute regiment. currently biobizz, following their schedule to the T. plus cal-mag and i love the results. also, i use RO water, it is soooo freaking pure, and reliable 100% of the time, and always ready to mix. good luck.


the base mix

1 bale (3.5cu ft) sunshine # 4 mix, 1 bag FFOF (i find it to be super hot), i brick of expandable (2.5 cu ft) coco coir, 3 gallon bucket of perilite/vermiculite, EWC, any kind of microbial/bacterial/fungal additive, and a touch of guano to taste....
I like to mix it, then wet and cover to let it bake in the sun for 2 weeks. It comes alive with worms and good stuff!

2 inches of hydroton on bottom of pot for drainage,

I rotate waterings with either straight h2o or tea
5g h2o+3 cups ewc+ a touch of molasses+75ml Rhizotonic, 40ml Liquid karma+bubble 24-48 hours.. ph to 6.5 and water twice (flood and wait 20 minutes, then flood again)

I use Hygrozyme in my res for hydro at all times.... but in dirt, its only needed once every 7-14 days or so, any more often is a waste, imo

I dont use any fertilizer and they are green and loving it!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I use 100% fox farm line & love it lol they should pay me as a tester. Im no professional but my mix works for me. :) Good Luck friend.

I feel the same way.. lol... Anyhow when i used ffof and added all the bone & blood and all the other shit.. Then added the nutes from the bottle equaled burnt up and all sorts of other problems.. I have switched to pro mix for a few years then the place stopped carrying it so i kept recycling it for another coupla years.. Then i started seeing probs so i ditched the recycled soil and went with happy frog.. And add my three things EWC, perlite like fock and a plant starter.. I feed regular water for almost 30 days before i see my plants saying hey beeeeyatch how bout some nutes now... :D then ill go with the FF's line grow big with big bloom until flower then i kick in the tiger bloom.. be careful TB is some serious burn nutes.. But after using FF for a long time i have it pretty dialed in i believe. I also use sm-90 or some other chicken noodle soup.. :D Anyhow peace n pufs..

edit: I also use guano in flower when i transplant for that final resting place :D i add two heaping bumps of guano a pinch of EWC and then im off to the races..



Sativa Tamer
I use FFOF and I'm out of bottled nutes. I bought some guano and kelp and I'm going to try simplifying things by just top dressing during flowering. I find that vegging plants in FFOF rarely need added nutes as long as transplants are being done every 2-3 weeks.

wow so much variation, almost makes you think you could do just about anything and make it work as long as you had a few grows under your belt and didn't get to happy with the stronger nutes.

personally i think each strain has its sweet spot and a "best formula" would generalize and not necessarly get the results that you are looking for. my experiences are similar to pinecone's but there has been many exceptions.

How bout this, What stain are you going with? and what are your goals?


Something to keep in mind is that to seedlings the FFOF can seem like "stronger nutes." It depends on the strain, but some seedlings will react to the heat in the FFOF by twisting a bit and pitching a fit. Once they start in veg, though they have enough there to munch on without adding ferts for as much as a month. If you're in flower and the FFOF is still taking care of them you'll want to add a few things, but the bottom line is that FFOF is powerful, the babies will get over it, and I still have better results starting germinated seeds in FFOF than peat pellets or other people's starter mix.

You'll also hear trash-talking about peat moss in FFOF dropping the pH to unacceptable lows that crushed oyster shells can't properly balance. That may have occasionally been the case at some point, but I pH-tested the runoff from a scoop of every bag of FFOF I've opened since almost a year ago, and it has come in at a solid 6.2-6.3 every time. In fact, due to all the flame wars on the subject I'm thinking of videoing the procedure as proof :)


Here are some pic examples from my current grow to illustrate why diluting the FFOF a bit for seedlings is something that people recommend (even though I freely admit I don't do it):

This li'l girl is obviously not liking the environment she popped her husk in:

Even though this one from the same mom is having no issues at all:

It's not a constant thing and varies from plant to plant, but in a run of 20 plants I'll usually have about three or four that really throw a fit, and they bounce back pretty fast.


Active member
my cuttings are looking nice in the pure FFOF but definately seem kinda slow....half of them are looking nice but the other half are stumpy as hell....maybe im over watering


Active member
im doing a side by side, some chems in 100% light warrior, a bunch of sweetooth and chems in ednas best potting soil, and the rest in pure fox farms which are going kinda slow. im gonna try the 50/50 LW/OF on the next batch of seedlings..

no pics yet but i just compared with some others i saw on here and im definately over watering....not alot of waving on the leaves but they are growing super slow, gonna let them dry out a few days..maybe hit them with a light foliar mist?


no pics yet but i just compared with some others i saw on here and im definately over watering....not alot of waving on the leaves but they are growing super slow, gonna let them dry out a few days..maybe hit them with a light foliar mist?
I wouldn't do much foliar spraying, I've only managed to piss off my plants with that, and occasionally get a nice powdery mildew in return. If overwatering is the only issue then that's easy to correct, just give them a few days to get rid of the excess moisture. Some people add a cup or so of perlite per gal of OF to improve drainage also. Let me know how the LW/OF thing goes, I might try that myself.