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best blunts?


i will buy a few bluns tomorrow bu dunno what to look for except ...uhm.... backwoods and white owls

anything else? im pretty sure we dont got em around here so i need a few good brands :D
no wraps hey suck cuz theres alot crap in them
dutchmasters cigars or Game/ Garcia vega...all day no phillies or owls or any of that crap that burns too quick and wastes even more of ur precious green...but the best advice to give is to stick with glass...
Really depends what you are looking for...things like...

Strong flavors? If so - fruity or natural flavors?
Strong, feel like they fuck you up hits? or Smooth, feel like you aren't hitting anything hits?
Strength of the blunt? (How easy it rips/cracks while rolling)

Things like that :) I spend a lot of time trying to find blunts that I like to not only smoke - but that I enjoy rolling.


Really depends what you are looking for...things like...

Strong flavors? If so - fruity or natural flavors?
grape or vanilla but natural is also good

Strong, feel like they fuck you up hits? or Smooth, feel like you aren't hitting anything hits?
yeah strong is damn good :D

Strength of the blunt? (How easy it rips/cracks while rolling)
shouldnt crack too easy :D

Things like that :) I spend a lot of time trying to find blunts that I like to not only smoke - but that I enjoy rolling.
right now all i can get is "handelsgold" im 95% sure in how high u can see them in the scene with the cars "got blunt? got weed?" :D
they are ok but crack so fast 5 for a euro in natural or vanilla


Green is Gold
Best blunt hands down is a fresh out the box (not old and dry) plain old regular swisher sweet! After that would probably be dutch master's, then phillies then optimos. The worst by far is backwoods, they are harsh and nasty tasting, yuck! And nowadays you can get blunt wraps but I don't like those as much as a swisher.


Green is Gold
Make sure you get the cigarillos:cathug:

Don't understand why peeps like those so much you can not put as much bud in them as you can a regular blunt. Different strokes for different folks I guess. I like to stuff mine full o green


regular swisher cigarillos or grenadier rillos for the danks, dont smoke mid anymore but when i used to it was grape xl's (helps with the bad taste)

Don't understand why peeps like those so much you can not put as much bud in them as you can a regular blunt. Different strokes for different folks I guess. I like to stuff mine full o green

we use rillos around here for the headies.. just roll up half a gram or .6 as long as there aint too many people on it its about perfect

if i feel like burning through my sack quick ill roll up a whole G but sometimes its just a waste if just 1 or 2 heads on it
let's clarify green game...or vanilla dutch green leaf.

Green game's smell like my raw dick right after a handjob when I was like 12...If you want the green leaf get a green grape game. If you want the plain taste, get a vanilla game. If you want a green leaf AND the plain taste - get a white grape game...you can hardly taste the grape, although I find them to be a tad harsh (my friends disagree).

Can't say nothin' about the green leaf vanilla dutch...shits GRRRRREAT!
PS - My current personal preference are Honey Berry Backwoods. Now let me just point out I thoroughly enjoy some flavoring in what I use to roll my blunts in. To all those who INSIST that the plain flavors are the best remind me of my great grandparents who won't watch TV because it will never be better than a radio :joint:

I don't know about you, but if I wanted my weed to taste like tobacco, I would smoke tobacco - or at least put some in. IMHO you should try to match up each specific weed with its optimum blunt rolling device...There's PLENTY of flavors in both regard :comfort:

The HB backwoods have the perfect amount of flavoring. Many blunts have a SHITLOAD of flavor when you are in the rolling process, but once you are pulling on that thing, all you can taste is tobacco. HBB gives you a subtle berry taste with every puff. They are also one of the most diverse wraps I've found. You can roll a fucking HUGE blunt in a 'wood, or roll a couple separate pinners out of one 'wood.

If you are someone that doesn't like the flavors in bluntwraps, try the vanilla backwoods - the aromatic ones tend to be crusty :artist:


Green game's smell like my raw dick right after a handjob when I was like 12...If you want the green leaf get a green grape game. If you want the plain taste, get a vanilla game. If you want a green leaf AND the plain taste - get a white grape game...you can hardly taste the grape, although I find them to be a tad harsh (my friends disagree).

Can't say nothin' about the green leaf vanilla dutch...shits GRRRRREAT!

if you want the green leaf and want to actually taste your herbs go with a grenadier green leaf

IMO only go with grape if your weed tastes like shit