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Berkeley dispensaries now required to give free marijuana to the poor


ICMag Donor
Berkeley dispensaries now required to give free marijuana to the poor</HEADER>
<CITE class="byline vcard top-line">By Eric Pfeiffer </CITE>
<CITE class="byline vcard top-line"></CITE>If you love smoking pot, live in Berkeley and don’t make a lot of money, the city council has some good news for you: your pot may now be free .

An ordinance approved by the Berkeley City Council says that at least 2 percent of all pot carried by medical marijuana dispensaries must be provided “at no cost” to “very low-income” individuals and families.
The council defines “very low income” as individuals making $32,000 a year or less, or families of four collectively earning $46,000.
And unlike the clichéd image of “government cheese,” the ordinance further stipulates that the free marijuana “shall be the same quality on average as Medical Cannabis that is dispensed to other members.”
“It’s sort of a cruel thing that when you are really ill and you do have a serious illness... it can be hard to work, it can be hard to maintain a job and when that happens, your finances suffer and then you can’t buy the medicine you need,” said Sean Luce, who works at local collective Berkeley Patients Group, in an interview with NBC News.
The GPS enabled “Weed Maps” site provides a detailed list of all Berkeley-area dispensaries and delivery services. According to the information provided there, one gram of medical marijuana sells for an average of $15, while an ounce of high-grade pot can cost upwards of $400. Strains of medical pot with lower concentrations of the psychoactive element Tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly referred to at “THC,” are sold for less.
It's well-established that getting a medical marijuana card in California is not difficult. Technically, the California Department of Public Health lists only 11 approved conditions, such as HIV-AIDS, cachexia (wasting syndrome) and cancer. But the list creates a near infinite loophole for those wanting to qualify for a pot access card by also including the qualifying stipulation of "any other chronic or persistent medical symptom that either substantially limits a person’s ability to conduct one or more of major life activities as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or if not alleviated, may cause serious harm to the person’s safety, physical, or mental health."
Now, before you quit your job and move to Berkeley, keep in mind that the city only has three approved dispensaries and there’s nothing in the ordinance specifying exactly how much pot they must provide to an individual.
For example, several medical marijuana dispensaries in the city of West Hollywood, California offer free “house joints” to collective members who cannot pay the upscale prices charged by most outlets. However, the dispensaries do not advertise this voluntary policy and typically only donate a single joint per visit, per individual.
Also, the vast majority of so-called “pot doctors” still charge a fee for both an examination and a medical marijuana card, even to low income patients. Those evaluations typically cost around $40, with additional costs for the card itself, which is good anywhere from a few months to a year.
Berkley residents who want to qualify for the free pot must also submit a federal income tax return “or other reliable method approved by the City Manager,” in order to prove that they meet the minimal income requirements.
But for those who can meet those requirements, Berkeley may just need to adjust its nickname to the People's Republic of Pot.

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Active member
lol is that a true stat half the country is on food stamps?.....the free weed for Berkley is a week old or so theres a thread some where here.


Active member
they are trying to drive out people from wanting to open these places for the money.. honestly.. think about it . .give people who don't wana work weed free.. once people find out.. everyones on that system.. dispensary makes no money.. and shuts down... or .. quality of all the bud goes to shit to be able to give away free weed to the people who don't wana get off there ass...

maybe they should hire.. a grower.. to grow strictly for WEIGHT.. fuck quality.. and give it to the weed welfare


Active member
ya but that doesn't mean anything man.. if u go on the net.. and look at the buds being sold in dispensaries out there.. they have low grade.. and shit that's still considered medical..

im just saying.. if I was the dispensary owner.. id grow maybe 3-4 strains huge yielders.. of decent bud nothing too special.. just normal good bud.. no exotic shit lol and that would be the free bud... or.. id tell the growers of my normal.. to put all the larf in bags.. and that's free..

they cant decide to tell them to grow the best of the best.. to give away free.. u give away the lower end stuff.. so u don't screw yourself over.


$$ ALONE $$
I think the patients can choose whatever they wish, in any jar, on any shelf.
So Im not sure thay could do that. Thats why the language of the new bill states it that way. So no disp owner can do that. Whatever the patient picks, thats what they get.


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ICMag Donor
They're requiring dispensaries to give away 2% of their weed to low income individuals, from what I understand. A lot more than 2% of the dispensary customers in Berkeley make less than $32,000 a year.

I wonder how dispensaries will decide who to give the 2% to. It sounds like a good idea, helping poor people with serious medical issues. I still think charity should be voluntary.


Active member
ICMag Donor
That's total B.S

If you want things in life you should work hard to get them and not just wait around for somebody to give it to you. Weed is a luxury not a necessity.

I agree 100%. It's different for a few people, though. One of my aunts in Florida has MS. Weed is the only thing that relieves some of her symptoms. Weed is a necessity for her, but she's not healthy enough to work. I'm guessing people like her are a tiny percentage of the dispensary customers in Berkeley.


$$ ALONE $$
I cant work due to a work injury that disabled me. I have to go to Physical Therapy 3x a week. I havent worked in over a year and get Gov Asstnce with foodstamps and medical stuff.
It would be nice to be able to get Gov funded marijuana from a legal dispencery if I got a card and and was approved for free MMJ.
These dispencery owners are charging more than street prices for the meds on the shelves. Up to $25 a gram... In Washington too. It wouldnt bother me none if the owners had to give it out. Im sure they will be reimbursed by the Gov in the end anyways.


Active member
i might be wrong. but i thought i read that the dispensary operators have the say so on which strain gets given away free..

i think anyone who has a legit ILLNESS that weed will help.. should get discounted or free weed.. but i don't think every person who gets a medcard actually has a real illness that should get them free weed. i think that this might be a plow to get more dispensary owners to shut down. to avoid getting screwed .. if they pay 2000 a pound.. and they have to give that pound away to people for free.. so He takes the hit? or? does the government pay that 2000? how does that work ? i know i would do it for older cancer patients or people who have physically debilitating illnesses.. but for the dude who went to the dr to get a card for his stomach ache.. or for a BS excuse just to get the card.. those people should not GET anything FREE..


Active member
That's total B.S

If you want things in life you should work hard to get them and not just wait around for somebody to give it to you. Weed is a luxury not a necessity.

you know weed grows outta the ground for free right? IJS man...I...J...S

also article clearly specifies 2% of all their weed in a year. assuming 100LB's a year (i like round numbers) they have to give away 2 whole pounds...booo fucking hooo.

assuming they make $2k an elbow thats a measly 4grand out of the 200racks they made. why are you guys crying for the dispensaries again? i mean sure it's obviously some governmental bullshit but all this crying over 2% weed having to be given away for free makes you sound like the capitalist pigs we're fighting against.

OH NOES CHARITY??? Taking a loss to PROFITS??? blasphemers!!!!

and these are all obviously lowballed like a motherfucker estimates. 1LB = 453g if they're selling grams for $10 (lol right on what planet?) its about $4500 per lb assuming they actually paid $2000 for the LB thats /2500 in profit. but i hear the norm is $15 a gram so the real haul is gonna be $6800 (4800 pure profit), and if it's $25 a gram in your more bougie hollywood nose candyland stores then thats $11300 PER LB when sold as grams to an eager willing public.

don't cry to me about giving away 2% to the poor old ladies everyone is claiming to be in the game for.


also article clearly specifies 2% of all their weed in a year.

Where did they come up with the 2% number? It is an arbitrary and capricious number that they pulled out of their ass. Why not 1% or 10% or 50%? Perhaps next year or the year after, they will find that not everyone who "qualifies" for free weed is able to get it under the 2% rule. Then they will change the law to meet the demand. Don't let the camel get its nose under the tent.

I would rather deal with capitalist pigs than socialist pigs any day of the week. The capitalist pigs have no power over me and try to get me to buy their products using lame advertising campaigns that many people buy into. Which is why marketing people make so much money. Capitalists pigs cannot make a profit unless they offer me goods and/or services at a price I am willing to pay. It is not coincidence that companies like Apple, Amazon, and Intel were started and thrived in a capitalist market economy and not in a communist or socialist country.

But the capitalists pigs, unlike the socialist pigs, cannot confiscate my goods and income, lock me up, and kill me if I resist their confiscating my goods and income and/or efforts to lock me up.

I value freedom and liberty and the right to make my own mistakes. Even if the socialists do not lock you up or kill you because you follow their rules, they restrict your pursuit of happiness with their endless laws, rules, and regulations, like the Lilliputians tied down Gulliver.


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ICMag Donor
Charity is always voluntary. Being forced by the government to turn over some of your hard earned income to others is not charity, it is socialism.

In reality, they can raise their prices 2% on paying customers and give away 2% without losing anything. This is more like a local tax increase than socialism. I'm not for it; I just don't think it's a big deal either way.

If Berkeley decides to up the quota to 20%, people will just buy their weed in Oakland or Hayward. You'll see the free market in action. That's the only thing holding them back from raising taxes even more in places like Berkeley and San Francisco.

Edit: I'm a Libertarian, so I don't agree with laws like this. Berkeley is a cool place, though. :) I might not agree with their ideas about taxes and government spending, but it's one of the most free places you can be in terms of weed. You can smoke a joint on the sidewalk in front of everyone, and no one notices or cares. The atmosphere there is a huge change compared to where I grew up in the South.
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