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Bengies 150w cab


Ok so smoking for free is the shit:2cents:...so i decid ed that the only way to ruely do that is to grow ti myself. the great thing about it is that any strain is at my disposil:woohoo:. Then the women:dueling: had to put a damper on thing and say it cant be a big box just sitting in the room. upon doing some research i stubmled upon a great little thread started by pontiac:yoinks: and the idea blossomed from there. ANd here you have my cab


With pontiacs :listen2:thread being so simple to follow id almost be crazy not to try it out.....A couple of weeks and about a G in expenses I have this beautiful little female to show for it

It looks female to me from comparisons on the web but seeing as i have never seen a female/male plant growing preflowering ect. a second opinion is nessisary thanks


Yeah everything brand new and its cnd $.....the inline fan and light and water pump and tds monitor take up the most 85% of that amount...seeds another 10 leaves me about 50 bucks spent most eveything else......in the states it would have been prolly around 5-6 hundred


Pass That S**t!
Hehe about time bengie! :jump: Still can't believe how well you replicated my cab! :eek:

Grabbing front row for this :lurk: If you need anything, i'm just a PM away. :yes:


So its been about a week and time for an update.

As per pontiac i move my only remaining female into a cococoir/hydorton mix into a 5/8 quart container

She seems to be liking it with a little under 3 inches of growth in a week.

..im not sure how to make her bushyer....remedations? I still feel she should be a whole lot bigger with the amount of time she has been doing her thing but what do i know this is after all still my first attempt at growing.
just another shot of her and the main stem.

I also decided to germ a few more seeds

the bigger sproutling is about 4-5 days old and the smaller just poked its head out today. This is the temp inside the humidome


Pass That S**t!
:listen2: Bengie, I think she's growing slowly because the container seems too small for a mother. You said she's in a 5/8 quart container, but I have mine in a 5/8 gallon, which is 2.5 quarts (yes I shop in costco for my yogurt :biglaugh:). I suggest you transfer her into something a little bigger (like a half gallon pot); you should see the growth rate erupt shortly after. :yoinks:

Also, it seems too early to determine if she's actually female or not... :chin: When she's a little bigger, take 1 cutting and put it in the bloom sector to be sure. You should see a couple white of hairs on that cutting (regardless if it rooted or not) in 2 weeks if it is indeed female; toss the cutting out when you're done. By that time, your mother should be big enough to take enough clones for a nice SOG. :yes:

Looking good so far, buddy. :) Keep us updated. :wave:


As per Intructions i have move my slow growing plant to a larger pot.....This ones 2 liters and the biggest one i had hopefully its large enough....:wallbash:

My belly hurts had to finish about a 1/4 of the container....mmmm....i guess its my supper this evening


Hey bengie
Great setup. I'm subscribing.
Are you worried about stealth issues with that huge fan and scrubber on top of the cab?


idontsmoke Thanks for stopping by.....yeah i gonna put like a tupperwhere tub or something on top to hide it eventually....i own my own place and its in a backroom no one just wanders around :noway:


So its been another week and i guess its time to show a little progress....

I forgot to measure her height but she has growen a bit....i have been using liquid nutes from quikgrow

They say mix at 5 ml/ liter or more or less 4 teaspoons/ gallon of each....part 1 and 2 during veg and 5ml part 2 and bloom :chin:during you guessed it flower stage.....So i mixed up a batch(13 liters) at 65 mls part one and 65 mls bloom for the flower chamber.......tds- 880 ph- 5.45 uS- 1880....is this correct?......And i put a little sproutling in the bloom chamber for shits and giggles prolly goona kill it but meh its all trial and error
...:drum:..I guess only time will tell

Also i made a small batch just for feeding my bigger/mom(hopfully) Its values were 4.8 ph and 1060 ppm didnt check the uS or uC rating on my reader...:bashhead:.....she seems to be doing well but leaning a bit cause of my feeble attemps to bend her over without the use of tie downs

As for supplements im not really useing any dont really know what would help growth.....any suggestions will be carfuly considered.....

:woohoo: Done for another week until next time


ICMag Donor
Nice setup, Bengie! Looking forward to seeing how your Blaze girls finish. Do you think you'll have any height issues, since blaze is blueberry crossed with haze? I do bending in my cab, and I get some mean horizontal growth. Good Luck!


Niro- Thanks for popping by it was a fair amount of work.......Shes starting I have other shoots showing up now which means i could prolly take cutting from her soon....:woohoo:

Festivus- Ummm pontiac Had alot of streching( Mazar-kush) in his cab cause he vegged for about a week inside the flower chamber......with his findings I will once i take cuttings to fill the tray and go right into 12/12 im hopeing that they dont strech too much with doing that....:dueling:.....I have heard that it is a fairly strechy plant though.....I didnt do alot of research before getting the seeds cause the women wanted a blueuberry strain of some sort...but heres to hoping


New member
thats a pretty lowkey setup you got there. You say about a G huh. i may have to see abot starting one my self. Best of luck and i will be back to see the progress.:joint: How long until you start seeing some kinda return?


Foes- Hmmmm i put one seedling in 12/12 (it was about a week and half old)....its been in there now about a week so roughly 7 weeks for just the one....um im just letting my "mom" veg out and get a few more growing shoots from which im gonna clone from...i guess a mid november mini harvest maybe?


So its time for another update.....Its been a week since i moved a random sproutling into my flower chamber at first she didnt like it very much:noway: but after a little sweet talking she has been coerced in to growing:woohoo: Without further adue

So what of that other plant i am hoping would become my mother.....well she has started to have more than one growing top. Ive been growing her so long i dont even remember when it was planted 15/16 of augest i think

There are a few more hidden from sight

just a couple more shots

What do i cut off to clone the new tops and keep the one on the main stem??? being inexperienced its rather frustrating.....and how much of the plant can i cut without killing her:wallbash:

well thats it i guess until next time :joint: