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Nice going perakko.

AF's tend to get looked down on because of the original lowryder I think, but LR2 for example is already a great deal better. The original didn't yield much and most people thought the stone was less than average (and sure as hell it was). The ruderalis is there... but just last fall i grew the automatic lr2 x ak-47 and it's comparable to any other strain, very good yielding and a pleasure to smoke.

AF's have contributed a lot to outdoor growing community. ;)


YM: Thanks for the feedback. I have some LR2´s going right now and I have seeds for LR2xAK47, and for Dieselryder for my next grow -I might go with the LR2xAK47....


im interrested in the oldschool scandinavian seed strains aswell. i know they are safeguarded in finland.

the native scandinavian strains have the highest CBD content anywhere, its a very interresting food plant. and with high CBD food combined with high THC smoke .. that should give a very pleasant high. plus a healthy body and soul.

theoretically guys, shouldnt AF strains in time be able to produce more thc then non af strains? its all about the amount of sunlight hours isnt it?

or am i wrong about this?

the goal would be to create an arctic ibl :D


don't like the looks of this page with no pics so here's some!

visited my other secret stash and took a few of this female seeds grapefruit. the best tasting herb i've yet to come across, not the most potent but nice daytimesmoke also makes damn tasty hash :D i've had this cut a year now...

tried to get a few more of that nev's dom johnny blaze, shitty as usual...

wen't for a little stroll and took a few from the setting sun and a local 'hole in the ice swimming hole' lol the first pic shows a little portable sauna there in the left!

nice stash shots man....looks an hashy sort of smoker? ive grown a purple shiva several times recently looks very simular....not quite the jackherrer hit but simular and quicker...bests with projects


arctic: i guess, theoretically why not? i'm no scientist though! :eek::

hopefully somebody with more knowledge could chime in to this? i know they grow world record vegetables in the nordic 'cause of the long hours of sunshine provided during summer months. at least they could give out very decent yields. would be cool to see someone make a hydro setup on their porch and grow some good autos in it, with that and the midnight sun they could get huge...

yellow and curts1 thanks for hanging around!

cmoon: yeah that johnny blaze is pretty hashy strain. i've been amazed by the quality of the high, it's very punchy and long lasting. definately will be making some hash out of this in the future! thanks for stopping, your grow looks amazing!


Howdy boys!

Friday and it´s time for beer! And it´s 4:20 where I am ;)

A higher CBD content should make for a great painkiller as CBD is supposed to be crucial for that. Other herbs growing up North get higher levels of essential oils etc so why not THC?

Wish I knew how to do the science...


Man is it cold outside! I guess it´s starting to be time to plan for summer.

Perakko: Do you have a perpetual grow in the "offseason" or do you do individual grows from seed?


good morning guys, getting ready to switch soon here. gonna do a run with fewer plants but bigger ones.

got some nice ak48, a tube with LP#1 and a tube with strawberry smile. plus some strains i have just 1 plant each of, just to test the phenos. skywalker and eva's monster.

the room isnt full tho, i hate switching just a half full room so im off later out into the countryside to get some more strawberry from a friend with roots on them so i can just toss em into flowering.

is it cold in the inland today you say? this is typical showing why its much warmer here then there really, its +4-5 here today. raining. because of the warm ocean water.

ive descided on a few spots i know is going to give alot of sun to the plants. im pretty optimistic.

you are right we get the sweetest vegetables, the sweetest strawberries, i dont see why AF should be less potent. afterall the plant makes the trichomes to protect itself from the sun, then 24 hours sun should be optimum.


hello guys!

yeah it's pretty cold right now but nothing too much, nice frosty weather about -16 c or so... last week it rained continuously for almost three days it was like +5. the inland winter is nowdays so unstable. freezes, melts and freezes again, you know the deal...

i've been usually running perpetuals during winter but i need to start digging in to my seedstash and start popping those beans! :D i think i'm gonna do a sea of green from seeds next, with like 5 strains and pick the best phenos to grow little trees before summertime sets in with OD season. pretty excited about that, i've gathered lots and lots of outdoor genetics this fall/winter. it's gonna be a fun and busy summer for me! :D

very cool cuts arctic, im interested especially to see how that LP#1 and skywalker turns out. strawberry smile sounds also very sweet...


hello guys!

yeah it's pretty cold right now but nothing too much, nice frosty weather about -16 c or so... last week it rained continuously for almost three days it was like +5. the inland winter is nowdays so unstable. freezes, melts and freezes again, you know the deal...

i've been usually running perpetuals during winter but i need to start digging in to my seedstash and start popping those beans! :D i think i'm gonna do a sea of green from seeds next, with like 5 strains and pick the best phenos to grow little trees before summertime sets in with OD season. pretty excited about that, i've gathered lots and lots of outdoor genetics this fall/winter. it's gonna be a fun and busy summer for me! :D

very cool cuts arctic, im interested especially to see how that LP#1 and skywalker turns out. strawberry smile sounds also very sweet...

strawberry smile has an incredible smell im very exited about it, infact im just about to run out the door to go get some more cuts of it from a friend.

ill be back with pics of em as soon as i switch them. they are going to be much bigger then what i usually grow.

..i should really get started on the outdoor project aswell. i didnt have time to get the genetics i wanted in amsterdam, i was in the dam last weekend but i had to bolt back home again because of a family crisis thingy. its sorted now tho, dw.

i just might make that trip to give you finns a visit :D i just need to get this room started, i have a helping hand so once its all set i can take some time away from here again. the dam trip was only supposed to be 4 days, but was cut short to 2 days.


I´ll be going to the Dam sometime this spring if everything works out -want to try Rusland, the old Pink Floyd, de Rokerei and Tweed Kamer at least...and the Greenhouse effect! I´ll be the only smoker on the trip but the other people are cool...

I guess Sensi´s growshop is a must?

My Kwazulus have now been in 12/12 for two weeks but no flowering yet, The LR2´s are flowering though so that´ll save my ass. I might just save the bigger Kwazulus and start another siderun of AF´s.

Wish I had more patience ;)


wow perrako, i like to see youre sativa lover, your plants look healthy and droppin from resin:yeahthats good job

that JB looks really amazing, so much resin for such sativa expression, wow!
she smokes like good haze i suppose, i heard that mother of this cross was haze lemon bomb

good luck with popping new seeds



thanks for dropping KALI! maybe ya wanna try some of that johnny blaze? your purple haze was amazing!

ok, good news every1, i scored a new place for my self and will be moving from tomorrow on. so that means i'm back in business! yeasterday arrived some triesel from annaC so those'll be added to the beans i'm about to pop. i think i'll start soaking them tomorrow! fuck yeah, it's ON!


thanks bros.

just planted some triesels and mazars today, the fastest ones to germinate. johnny blazes and thunks and the rest are going to be planted tomorrow. i'll take some pics when there's something to see. maybe in a couple a weeks.


i think i lost the pack of mazars during the germination project, dunno what happened?? anyways, line up is now:

5 triesels
6-7 thunks
1 og hazeskunk
4 johnny blaze
5 apollo11 x sweet tooth

they're under 200 cfl, gonna switch to 250 mh in a week or so. hopefully end up with about 10 fems, flower them out and take cuttings.

pics to come, i'll let them grow a bit before the first photosessions...


Hi perakko, cool thread you have going here!

I've enjoyed reading your posts in the past, especially about outdoor growing here up north, and I think I remember you growing some non-af strains out too.

Have you ever planted any (non-af) strains out late to keep them small? If so how did it work out?

I'm interested in trying it out myself as the small size would increase the stealth factor and also one wouldn't have to worry about those early summer frosts ("takatalvi" happens every year...) but fear that might make the plants finish too late.