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Major air exchange is your friend Benny , and there`s not a reason on God`s green earth yas shoul have PM formin with 30% RH except for lack of air exchange.....

Bobbles and JW ftw with large infestations , and as Mr D said the diluted milk spray works in small surroundings if yas catch it early enough and ....can be sprayed right up till harvey AND does give a Calcium boost ever so lightly but....

Serenade in late flower if yas can`t get airflow/exchange under control if the shit proliferates and hangs in.....anyways....

Good luck....DHF....:ying:.....

Oh....Meant ta tell yas where I live in Hell I can only have dialup at the farm , and goin through my proxy server it requires pics uploaded to the site for me ta see em....hint hint.....


Active member
Thats the things guys....I have no real air exchange. I have both my flower tents sealed and tied together via air ducts and fans. I made it a close loop system when I introduced Co2. Each bloom tent is 5x5x7 feet and I have two equal 235cfm fans recirculating air through both tents. One dehumidifier set at a constant 35rh and one cooling coil off a 6000btu A/C collecting loads of condensation. Rarely is the dehumidy running when the A/C is on. Its either one or the other.

I own a ozone Gen. Would anyone recommend saturating the tents with Ozone to try and kill air born spores?

my entire grow is in a old, semi damp basement. The PM seems to attack Indica dominant plants.

Im scarrrrred :( Im gonna loose my first harvest and im counting on it so much.

Im gonna go look at them again and tell them how much I love'em. No more hussie talk out of me! Poor babies.


My environment is dialed in as good as I can get it. RH is at a decent 37% with lights on and 40-41% lights off and the temps never exceed 86 degrees when Co2 is at 1400-1500ppm

The mold is just starting to show its face. I can barely see it when the lights are on. I first noticed it when I went in during night hours with my LED light. The mold is easy to spot under the LED light and it is only on my Pure Power Plants which are India dominant and heavy on the foliage.


Active member
And another question for you brilliant marijuana farmers.

What does PM actually do to the plant? I understand smoking it is just plain dumb but how does the plant react to it?

Does it shut down production? Does the plant grow blue cheese? It seems like it stops or slows down production. Week 6 ends on the 9th for me and I just cant help but feel my buds should be larger.

On a second note, I dont really have a clue how heavy these plants want to be fed with the Co2 supplementation.

They are still developing though, calyxes are forming all over the buds still but I cant help but feel like the are a little behind in growth.

Maybe I am paranoid.

Serenade Garden control will be her in 2 days. I still have not tried the 2:1 milk foliage but will go out tomorrow and get some milk because I drank all mine like a fat cow. Does it matter what type of milk I use? Im thinking chocolate milk with marshmallows (JK)! I can not get RAW milk so pasteurized is the only option. buttttt 1%, 2%, that whole milk loven or vitamin D?

I just hate thinking about how much time, effort, and money I put into this and have this happen.

I put the O3 generator in the tents. I have it setup to turn on for 10 minutes every 1 hour.

Do scold me if this is a horrible idea.

-Its always gotta be something. I havent had a flawless run since 2010 and I still put my best foot forward.


Active member
Vertical plants end week 6 on the 9th of this month. The LED plants started bloom 8 days ago.

Threw a picture of my ghetto rigged mini split. How do you recommend cleaning it to rid it of spores? Blast it bleach/h20?

One last thing while I have the attention of the professionals. Is it normal to have yellowing of the leafs closest to the bare bulb? As you can see my plants look yellow in some areas but I dont know if this is from the heat of the bulb or they want more nutrients.

And on a serious note, thank you all for helping me out. You dont know how much it really means! Not trying to be corny, just stating some true facts.


Active member
Benny - Any milk will do. It's the lactic acid in the milk that kills the spores, I think I read whole milk is best though. Odd about the baby shits? Is that normal for the strain you are growing? I didn't have any change to smell or taste after application. As for the yellowing of the leaves, sounds like they are being damaged from excessive IR light. Same as having them too close to any hid source. Raise your lights 6" and see if it stops. Actually looking closer at your pic, it looks like they just need a lil more N. Add some high nitrogen nutes to your mix (grow, alaska fish, cal/mag etc.) If you list what you are feeding them now, and what nutes you have on hand, i'll work up some dosage amounts for you.

Oh and get some more fans in those tents. Nothing wrong with running a sealed room, but remember air flow is your friend :biggrin: Just be sure when you set them up none of the fans are blowing directly at the plants, you just want a shit ton of air blowing around them. Make sense?


Active member
Benny - Any milk will do. It's the lactic acid in the milk that kills the spores, I think I read whole milk is best though. Odd about the baby shits? Is that normal for the strain you are growing? I didn't have any change to smell or taste after application. As for the yellowing of the leaves, sounds like they are being damaged from excessive IR light. Same as having them too close to any hid source. Raise your lights 6" and see if it stops. Actually looking closer at your pic, it looks like they just need a lil more N. Add some high nitrogen nutes to your mix (grow, alaska fish, cal/mag etc.) If you list what you are feeding them now, what nutes you have on hand, and i'll get work up some dosage amounts for you.

Oh and get some more fans in those tents. Nothing wrong with running a sealed room, but remember air flow is your friend :biggrin: Just be sure when you set them up none of the fans are blowing directly at the plants, you just want a shit ton of air blowing around them. Make sense?

Thanks amigo. I increased their N intake 2 days ago along with doubling their Cal/Mag intake.

The plants in the vertical tent are the last of my synthetic nutes. I wanted to use everything up granted I hate using synthetic nutes though because its just more time consuming and finicky.

Anyway here is there regiment:
4 Tbls Advance Nut. Bloom
3 Tbls Mirco
2Tbls Grow
2Tbls Cal/Mag
1 Tbls Fox Farm Beastie Bloomz
pH'ed to 5.9-6.3

@ 5 gallons of RO/DI

I'm thinking it is the bulb though because the rest of the plant is dark green but on the inner circle closest to the bulb is where it appears yellow. All the verts I seen on here everyone has their plants pretty damn close so I dont know what their deal is.

I also knocked back the PM
I did a 3 part treatment and it seemed to work for the time being.
I first sprayed with RO/DI pH'ed to 10.0
24hrs later I sprayed with a 1:3 milk/water ratio
24hrs later I sprayed with Serenade Garden Control.

It seemed to wipe out the little PM I had showing. I will keep a close eye on things because I feel that was only a band aid. :tumbleweed:


My plants close to bulb also turn yellow, its normal i think.


Registered Non-Conformist
IMHO, Lose the CO2 at 35 days, every time.. Get some airflow .... Don;t spray milk, it smells like baby puke down the road....Try to keep humidity down to 45% with a Dehumidifier at this point, since you have a PM problem. Water only at the beginning of the light cycle, so all dries. If you are in hydro, water less when lights are off.

Keep the area clean, and hope for the best. Some strains are worse than others. Eventually, if PM is always a problem, drop those strains.


Active member
IMHO, Lose the CO2 at 35 days, every time.. Get some airflow .... Don;t spray milk, it smells like baby puke down the road....Try to keep humidity down to 45% with a Dehumidifier at this point, since you have a PM problem. Water only at the beginning of the light cycle, so all dries. If you are in hydro, water less when lights are off.

Keep the area clean, and hope for the best. Some strains are worse than others. Eventually, if PM is always a problem, drop those strains.

Good advise dude but I cant go that route as much as I'd like. The two bloom tents I have are staggered for a perpetual cycle. So when tent one is 31 days into bloom tent two is 1 day into bloom.

From my information gathering, Co2 past the midway point wont hinder performance but is some what a waste.

If I was running a single bloom tent I would probably be cutting Co2 off right about now but that is just not the case.

The plants are also watered by bluemats so I dont do much work in that department other then making sure each airpot is getting its proper amount of water.

The PM seems to be gone at the moment but I will continue to keep a very close eye on things.....

One thing I found interesting though....although the 1:3 milk/water ratio made my tents smell like baby shit for a day or two; the plants really seemed to like it that foliage feeding.

The Serenade had an extremely positive effect wiping out the PM. Hopefully that band aid keeps. :santa1:


Active member
Thanks amigo. I increased their N intake 2 days ago along with doubling their Cal/Mag intake.

The plants in the vertical tent are the last of my synthetic nutes. I wanted to use everything up granted I hate using synthetic nutes though because its just more time consuming and finicky.

Anyway here is there regiment:
4 Tbls Advance Nut. Bloom
3 Tbls Mirco
2Tbls Grow
2Tbls Cal/Mag
1 Tbls Fox Farm Beastie Bloomz
pH'ed to 5.9-6.3

@ 5 gallons of RO/DI

24hrs later I sprayed with Serenade Garden Control.

This is your nutrient profile before beastie bloomz.
N - 214
P - 87
K - 233

That is way to strong for coco, or any media for that matter. You are experiencing lock out. I recommend you flush with a lite nutrient solution (30ml micro + 45ml bloom + 25ml cal/mag in 5gal of water). At least 5 gals per plant DTW. This will flush out excess salts while maintaining cation balance in the coco. You can feed this mix until flush, but more ideally you'd taper off the micro while increasing the bloom. Always keep your EC at 1.5 or 750ppm @.5 scale.


Active member
^^^ Your a hero dude! This is why I hate growing with synthetic nutrients!

Ill be on that tomorrow.

How did you figure out the nutrient profile break down like that?


Before I increased their nutrient uptake I was basically feeding the amounts you listed. That is when I started to experience the yellowing so my reaction was increase the nutrients.

Either way it is way to much like you said so I will give them a flush and motor down again.

I can not wait to get this synthetic batch done and out of the way....


Registered Non-Conformist
Lotsa factors that are gonna contribute to PM, then... Makes it hard to pull off a clean crop. Most in that situation end up pulling early, and that further decreases the value of the product. Or Defoliating the whole plant and decreasing yield, not realizing that the PM Is systemic (it's in there)..

Perpetual gardens lend themselves well to diseases, because the older ones are more susceptible to anything bad, and they will usually transfer that problem to the younger ones. The cycle continues.

I see the dilemma but, Ya just gotta change out the air somehow.


Active member
^^^ Your a hero dude! This is why I hate growing with synthetic nutrients!

Ill be on that tomorrow.

How did you figure out the nutrient profile break down like that?


Before I increased their nutrient uptake I was basically feeding the amounts you listed. That is when I started to experience the yellowing so my reaction was increase the nutrients.

Either way it is way to much like you said so I will give them a flush and motor down again.

I can not wait to get this synthetic batch done and out of the way....

Do a google search for "cannastats calculator". click on the cannastats homepage link, scroll to the bottom and click downloads. On that page is "premixppm", download it and read the instructions. Basically you can input the guaranteed analysis for any fertilizer (up to 7 at once). Then you input the amounts used in ml per gal for each nute, and the program spits out an NPK profile. If you are experiencing yellowing with the amounts I listed something is out of balance. Minus the cal/mag it is h3ads formula, which is very well proven. Your problem is either too much cal/mag in flower or more likely your ph is off (keep it at 5.5-6, 5.8 is the sweet spot). If you mix nutes daily aim for 5.8. If you mix enough for say a week, start at 5.5 and allow to drift up to 6 over the course of the week. Realistically you shouldn't even need the cal/mag regularly. Maybe one or two ml per gal because you are using RO, but generally speaking your micro should have enough for your plants. Flush your plants as described, then drop the cal/mag and feed h3ads formula till flush. That should keep your plants happy til harvest. If you have questions about anything just let me know.

As long as you are providing co2 in a sealed enviroment you never need to exhange air in the intake/exhaust sense. I've been running a sealed room for about 5 years and never exhausted at all. Only new air that ever comes in is from me opening the door to enter. However keeping the air in your room moving around the plants at a high rate is crucial for keeping mold away.


Active member
Do a google search for "cannastats calculator". click on the cannastats homepage link, scroll to the bottom and click downloads. On that page is "premixppm", download it and read the instructions. Basically you can input the guaranteed analysis for any fertilizer (up to 7 at once). Then you input the amounts used in ml per gal for each nute, and the program spits out an NPK profile. If you are experiencing yellowing with the amounts I listed something is out of balance. Minus the cal/mag it is h3ads formula, which is very well proven. Your problem is either too much cal/mag in flower or more likely your ph is off (keep it at 5.5-6, 5.8 is the sweet spot). If you mix nutes daily aim for 5.8. If you mix enough for say a week, start at 5.5 and allow to drift up to 6 over the course of the week. Realistically you shouldn't even need the cal/mag regularly. Maybe one or two ml per gal because you are using RO, but generally speaking your micro should have enough for your plants. Flush your plants as described, then drop the cal/mag and feed h3ads formula till flush. That should keep your plants happy til harvest. If you have questions about anything just let me know.

As long as you are providing co2 in a sealed enviroment you never need to exhange air in the intake/exhaust sense. I've been running a sealed room for about 5 years and never exhausted at all. Only new air that ever comes in is from me opening the door to enter. However keeping the air in your room moving around the plants at a high rate is crucial for keeping mold away.

You are really good shit, ya know that? Thanks for the advise, wish I could buy ya a beer or something. :thank you:

I flushed the plants today. The run off ppm was sky high. I dont even want to tell you because I am embarrassed. Its been so long since I used synthetic nutes that I feel like a newb when working with them. Seriously, thanks for the help.....:ying:

You may have saved this harvest from a shitty yield.


Active member
You may have saved this harvest from a shitty yield.

That is thanks enough for me :). I'm just trying to pay it forward. Many people have helped me over the years to get where I am today. I do my small part to pass the knowledge when and where I can :artist:.


Active member
Hey everyone....damn I just got home today from a little vaca in Denver Colorado......

Let me tell you....

Damn all you CO cats have got it so nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never seen no shit like that, it was literally like being in heaven I imagine.

I get breakfast in the morning, grab a paper, start flipping through and the last 2-3 pages are dedicated to buds.

Happy hour
buy one get one half off
I couldnt believe it!

Then I climb a buddies roof to watch the sunset, while sitting up on the roof I couldnt help but notice that most people, had 2-4 plants in their backyard....like it was nothing.....I am so jealous!

I also went to see STS9 at the RedRocks.....that is a story of its own!!!!

Anyway........let me give a half decent shitty update..

I was gone for four days, good thing. I got back right on time. My A/C cond. bucket was completely over flowing, my blue mat resv. just ran dry and all my plants in veg needed watering.

Everything looked real good though. I was nervous being gone for four days knowing no one was looking after the girls.....

I only could get four shitty pics because my camera battery was dead from the CO trip.....(well worth it though)

LED tent w/o flash (21 days into bloom)

LED tent w/flash

These HPS girls really have started to fill in! The PPP is blowing the Sour Diesel out of the water in terms of vigor, health, and size. I hope to chop this batch down on the 28th of this month but I shocked them with nute burn so they are for sure behind. Wait and see....



So far I am happy with the very first batch to come out of this perpetual garden. Everything is a learning curve.... especially having the Co2 and needing to learn the temperature swing. The plants literally love 90 degree heat and it seriously took a while to get used to that....

The LED girls are looking great....this is my first run flowering plants with these LED lights and at day 21 they look like they are stacking very nicely. 6/20/12 they will get their third AACT feed with a good dose of P-K guanos along with kelp and fishmeal.

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