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Beat me to it! Toker for 26 years says...


Well-known member
I think Crusader rabbit on the previous page has said it all, and better then I could.

Happy new year back at ya Gloryoskie and others.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
NICE!!!! This is the last thing I would EVER admit to. ITS MOLDY....... OR FUCKING WORSE

More bubbles bursteddd

Not only do I not believe this, but when are average smokers finding "HIGH POWER SATIVA" ?? And WHY does it make them puke? You guys have provided NO PROOF, while I have stated people are inhaling wrong and swallowing smoke or worse, NOT TO MENTION YOU DID SAY AVERAGE SMOKERS.... maybe they dont know how to inhale.

If you puke when you smoke you inhaled wrong....... breathed wrong...... or the bud was TAINTED o.o

Well I actually have seen ppl puke right after a toke lol.. Can't say I know what's up with that but yeah I have seen this happen as I was right there when this person puked but they said they would puke and they actually did. Strange reaction fur sure. I think they said they were allergic to it . Ihave yet tohave bud so stronge it made me puke lol.. headband 707:tiphat:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Try my CBD, you will get high, sorry. CBD gets you stoned. People want to describe it as a lower feeling then THC so that they can win over people who think weed is a drug, PERIOD.

Its my belief that CBD deepens any high you already have going as well as adding a softer warmer feeling that ALONE can be overwhelming and CAN GET YOU HIGH.

IMO people should be operating machinery on high THC strains, NOT CBD, imo your preaching the opposite of what should be happening, just to abide by those that say THC is a drug and bad.

Natural occurrenceCannabis Indica may have a CBD:THC ratio 4–5 times that of Cannabis Sativa. Cannabis strains with relatively high CBD:THC ratios are less likely to induce anxiety than vice versa. This may be due to CBD's antagonistic effects at the cannabinoid receptors, compared to THC's partial agonist effect. CBD is also a 5-HT1A receptor agonist, which may also contribute to an anxiolytic effect.[38] This likely means the high concentrations of CBD found in Cannabis indica mitigate the anxiogenic effect of THC significantly.[38] The effects of sativa are well known for its cerebral high, hence used daytime as medical cannabis, while indica are well known for its sedative effects and preferred night time as medical cannabis.[38]


great you like feeling just a wee buzz, do what you like man, just you're kinda preaching to the wrong crowd lol. anyhow, wouldnt a potent strain do you even better? would work out mad cheap since you'd just want a pinch


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm really puzzled by this whole weed that makes you puke concept. I've been smoking weed since 1971 and never had weed that made me want to puke. Now in that time there have been moments were I came close after smoking but then I could smoke the same stuff a day or two later and not have that problem. So I started taking a harder look at what was going on when those moments of almost wanting to puke occured and what I found was that it had very little to do with weed at all. Or to put it another way virtually any weed might have the same effect because it was more related to my eating habits that day. Marijuana can cause your blood sugar levels to drop pretty substantially in and of itself but if you smoke it when your blood sugar levels are already low from not eating right or when you should, then it can cause dizziness, fainting, cold sweats, nausea and vomiting which are all also symptoms of having very low blood sugar levels and can happen without smoking any weed. So I'm thinking that's more behind the weed that makes you puke phenomenon then the weed itself.


Active member
I'm really puzzled by this whole weed that makes you puke concept. I've been smoking weed since 1971 and never had weed that made me want to puke. Now in that time there have been moments were I came close after smoking but then I could smoke the same stuff a day or two later and not have that problem.

In my experience... mold is one cause of wanting to puke. I can smell and taste mold on bud that nobody else can. *shrug*

Some pesticides cause that gag/puke reflex.

Gotten some really nasty stuff from the dispensaries before... cali and colo.

Have run into extremely high thc strains that have a really good rush to them... but no puking from just cannabis. Every time there's been the feeling of wanting to puke, there's been some contaminant that I could detect. (Yes... I can taste/feel/smell with significantly more sensitivity than most people)

Not saying that's true across the board... just my experience with cannabis I've had from various states and sources for 25+ years... plus what I've grown myself.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Old School Cottonmouth
I think you are talking nonsense man.

I smoke lower grade weed sometimes because it is cheaper and where I live the selection isn't very good, but to say its a good idea to smoke shittier weed so you don't get too high is a silly thing.

Good weed is good weed. Doesn't matter how potent it is. It matters what feeling it gives you when you smoke it. If it is mild smoke a joint. If it is potent then just take a puff.

Just like alcohol the concept is similar. Regardless of it took you three beers or one shot of vodka the end result was the same.


Well-known member
I think you are confusing something here Motaco. (Or I am confused at what you're trying to say, also possible.)

Quote Motaco: To say its a good idea to smoke shittier weed so you don't get too high is a silly thing. End quote,

OTH > I never said that.

Quote Motaco: Good weed is good weed. Doesn't matter how potent it is . End quote.

OTH: So now you are saying exactly what I was saying too? Even though at first you stated that you thought I was talking nonsense?
My point beeing: If weed becomes too potent, even relative good weed like let's say Blue cheese, Papaya, Kalimist or Mazar I Sharif; on the long run it will be at the expense of concentration, motivation to get shit done, or sleep, therefore > happiness.
If I were to smoke only a little of it, I would not get the high out of it as it was intended for and trip me 'off balance' or left 'frustrated'.

I think the only thing making sense from your post is your sig, wich actually is a real nice one :)

Lemme explain... I got Speed & Big devil over here, wich I would call a lower grade weed, even though the potency is about the same as Dieselryder.
It just does not want to make me happy & balanced the way DR, Bubbelicious or Mazar Kush does. (in increasing order of potency but still to be recognised as 'balanced' strains.)
Smoking more of any of them it is not going to make me more happy.
Prolly more of the opposite even.

So by my standards I would consider Speed & Big devil "shitty weed", like you call it too.
But even though DR is n't as potent as our average hyped up 'cupwinner', I would still want to call it a high quality weed to ppl that need to be active & focused at times too, while still enabling one to get some rest when necesary.

Now, a great exemple of a total 'nonsense' weed would be AK 48 by my standards.
Potent like hell, sure, but a good breeder would try to eliminate 'foggyness' from it's strains for as much as possible, right?
Well, AK48 is only emplified fogg by my standards.
In my circle, 20+ year olds just happen to love it for it's strength.
30+ers are already more weary of it and would prefere rather smoking something else if possible.
Me as a 40+er would not bother wanting to smoke it at all. Seen that, done that, yanno.^^
Get my drift? Some strains are just not worth the hassle, more of the same not always seems making things better.

Smoking just somewhat less of an AK 48 will only cause me a bit of fog while furthermore leaving me frustrated & off balanced like hell.

IOW: potency does not always equal quality.

From your post I tend to make up that potency automaticly equals quality, and I think that's where you go wrong.
Like as if all less potent weed comming your way seems to automaticly be shitty?
I donno man, there's so much contradiction in your post.
What strain would you like to call 'less potent' but anyways 'good quality'?
What strain would you like to call super potent but anyways 'good qualtity'?
If all weed seems to have a somewhat same effect on you besides potency, then I tend to assume you've been having acces to just a very small number of different variety of weed or are just not able to tell one from the other.
Or would you have a different explanation? You said where you live was not much selecton right? so that would back up some of that.

Disclaimer> Not trying to nitpick or glorify strains here, There's always plenty of strains comming my way to have an opinion about. These are just examples. One's rubbish may be someones else his treasure.


@H-S, I'm an all organics, guerilla dirt farmer/breeder/helping hand to others with their indoors sensi.
I never had a need for pesticides ever and sure know how to pull of a PM & botrytis free indoor grow.
A bit of mold on my outdoors bud will only give me a one night fever to wich resistence will be built fairly fast.
Never had to puke from my outdoor stuff even when there was a tit bit of mold.
You are just like all of the 90% of others that don't seem to become affected by high thc intake because of your high tolerance H-S.
When I remember the days of my early twenties and was going about it like most of the guys here giving negative rep... then also my resistence was significantly higher as it is now, and could I go on for weeks on end & without experiencing a 'paler'.
However every once a while while testing my limits... I would have to ask the driver to pull over & allow me for having a quick puke tho, lol

But hey, the intention of this thread was not in the first place to talk about 'puking on high thc strains'.
Those threads have already been up and running before, for if you'd like doing a search.


Try my CBD, you will get high, sorry. CBD gets you stoned. People want to describe it as a lower feeling then THC so that they can win over people who think weed is a drug, PERIOD.

Its my belief that CBD deepens any high you already have going as well as adding a softer warmer feeling that ALONE can be overwhelming and CAN GET YOU HIGH.

IMO people should be operating machinery on high THC strains, NOT CBD, imo your preaching the opposite of what should be happening, just to abide by those that say THC is a drug and bad.

Wrong again.

THC, or the delta9 compound, is the psychoactive part of the plant, period. The part that 'gets you high'. Different CBD's react with the THC to impart different qualities to the high. I think you are confused. I can take pure CBDs and rub it into the bottom of my foot til it's numb, but that doesn't make me high.

If you still think you are right, then we can test this easily..

Let us hear from any ICmagers that have picked feral hemp and had a go (c'mon folks, you know we all did it when we were young...) Because, if what you are saying is true, then the market for wild hemp must be a strong one...

I just checked. There is no market for feral hemp.....:tumbleweed:

By the way, I have NEVER met a strain that made me want to puke. That being said, I know a chick that will bust her guts after a hard session.. Weird...


Well-known member
You can just think it does and so it will JP, :)
Just like believing in god and getting proof time after time that he is watching & leading you. Or having meaning full convo's with Jimmy hendrix on the phone for that matter. :)
Hell, everyone can think what they wanna and find everything confirmed by their own brain.
You already must have assessed that there is no absolute truth right?

Welcome to the world of free thinkers man ;)

(Wrong thread tho!)

Ah well, what the heck, there's prolly not more usefull stuff to add, so we could just as well have some fun.

> Back to puking on weed, life in the matrix & getting high on cbd, lol :D

Everything is just in your head untill you're dead.

Ever depicted your whole life on quick speed conscience mode? > *plop* over, lol.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
In my experience... mold is one cause of wanting to puke. I can smell and taste mold on bud that nobody else can. *shrug*

Some pesticides cause that gag/puke reflex.

Gotten some really nasty stuff from the dispensaries before... cali and colo.

Have run into extremely high thc strains that have a really good rush to them... but no puking from just cannabis. Every time there's been the feeling of wanting to puke, there's been some contaminant that I could detect. (Yes... I can taste/feel/smell with significantly more sensitivity than most people)

Not saying that's true across the board... just my experience with cannabis I've had from various states and sources for 25+ years... plus what I've grown myself.

Humm I thought the concept here was the weed is so stronge it makes you puke not weak or moldy lol..
The bud I had that day with the person that did indeed puke was very stronge one of my strongest strains I have had but again I'm not sure why this person puked . They said they were allergic to weed and I think they might have been. Myself I have never had weed so stronge it made me puke but I like the idea of stronge bud!!headband 707:biggrin:


Well-known member
Quote headband 707: Humm I thought the concept here was the weed is so stronge it makes you puke not weak or moldy lol.. End quote.

Right on headband.

Quote headband 707:Myself I have never had weed so stronge it made me puke but I like the idea of stronge bud!! End quote.

Ever thought about the concept of creating auto flowering plants under semi indoor, equatorian conditions?
Some time ahead in the future, some real improvement on potency should be possible to create that way, wich would not be possible to achieve with plain regular strains imo.
Imagine the possible outcome when combining equatorian light intensity to uninterupted light cycles headband, ^^
I'd be curious to see if stuff like that would still not make you vomit H707, cuzz it will prolly be of an unknown concept to your cannabinoid receptors.^^

Some real Frankenstein stuff in the making here, lol

Quote Headband: When everyone is going left it's important to look right.. Never follow the crowd they are usually WRONG! Headband707
End quote.

OTH: Great sig Mr, hence this thread!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
In my experience... mold is one cause of wanting to puke. I can smell and taste mold on bud that nobody else can. *shrug*

Some pesticides cause that gag/puke reflex.

Gotten some really nasty stuff from the dispensaries before... cali and colo.

Have run into extremely high thc strains that have a really good rush to them... but no puking from just cannabis. Every time there's been the feeling of wanting to puke, there's been some contaminant that I could detect. (Yes... I can taste/feel/smell with significantly more sensitivity than most people)

Not saying that's true across the board... just my experience with cannabis I've had from various states and sources for 25+ years... plus what I've grown myself.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Well that I can see, puking caused by a contaminent but for the sake of discussion I was making the assumption nobody was suggesting that the weed that makes people puke, that they're familiar with, was contaminated. I mean everyone that has mentioned it seems proud of their weed that makes people puke and I'd like to think no self respecting grower would be proud of moldy/contaminated weed.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You can just think it does and so it will JP, :)
Just like believing in god and getting proof time after time that he is watching & leading you. Or having meaning full convo's with Jimmy hendrix on the phone for that matter. :)
Hell, everyone can think what they wanna and find everything confirmed by their own brain.
You already must have assessed that there is no absolute truth right?

Welcome to the world of free thinkers man ;)

(Wrong thread tho!)

Ah well, what the heck, there's prolly not more usefull stuff to add, so we could just as well have some fun.

> Back to puking on weed, life in the matrix & getting high on cbd, lol :D

Everything is just in your head untill you're dead.

Ever depicted your whole life on quick speed conscience mode? > *plop* over, lol.

The confusion over the CBD issue I think is this, unless you're growing that new strain they just created recently in Israel that has almost no THC but an extremely high ratio of CBD then any weed someone might label as CBD weed does have enough THC and other psychoactive cannabinoids such as CBN that one can still get high off of it. To the best of my knowledge there is no strain out there that is all just CBD, or just THC. Researchers have identified several dozen unique cannabinoids and they're all available in most every strain to varying degrees of concentration. This is what people mean when they talk about the cannabinoid profile of a strain.

Due to this there is no one strain that is best for all medical conditions. Strains strong in CBD concentrations are good for certain things like inhibiting cancer cell growth whereas strains high in THCV (mostly found in sativas) have properties that are being explored for treating diabetes. What seems to be the flaw in this discussion is that you're talking mostly from the perspective of someone using it medically that doesn't want to be hindered by the psychoactive side effects. That view might be fine if in fact everyone smoking marijuana were using it just as a medical treatment and didn't like the side effects. Fact is though, even though it's made tremendous strides in recent decades MMJ is still only a small part of total marijuana consumption. The vast majority of marijuana users do so recreationally. I'd also bet a very large percentage of MMJ users are really just using it recreationally but have managed to get on the MMJ train to have relatively easy and quasi legal access. For these people the idea of less potent strains being better is complete nonsense. They want strains that are like a party drug because that's how they use it, as a party drug. Also being they make up the majority of the market that's why you percieve breeders as catering to this, it's the age old business law of supply and demand. That's what the market wants and so breeders are doing their best to give it to them. I doubt that very many people who use marijuana medically and are bothered by the psychoactive side effects are the type to grow their own medicine.

I'm willing to bet there is a big enough market there though that some are breeding strains for them that focus more on amplifying medical benefits and less on amplifying psychoactive effects but such breeders are probably not likely to be found on sites like Seed Boutique or other popular distributors.

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