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"bear grylls" ..is trying for salvation?


Registered Cannabis User
haha, yukon vs king crabs or yukon vs the rockies...sound cool to me bro.



Slap-A-Ho tribe
I couldn't stand Bear before and certainly not after him being exposed. Now Les (surviviorman) on the other hand is the man.

Collie Man

Havent really watch man vs wild or suvivor man that much but from what I have seen from man vs. wild...he does some crazy fucking shit...even tho he might stay in a hotel at night which i think is bs. Suvivor man is straight too. Both the shows are cool so everyone stop bickering about it! Everyone knows they are the same fucking show and are sweet!
Man vs Hotel is strictly for entertainment purposes only,lol. :bashhead: SurvivorMan is the shit,thats the way it should be done,3 cashews and a whistle,thats all SM needs,lol. :rasta: .
IMHO, Survivorman is more realistic, but Man Vs Wild teaches you some survival techniques.

Survivorman is really really cool, but you don't really learn much from it, at least from the episodes I've watched.


Active member
u dont learn a drop of survival from not doin it...go live with a fukin eskimo.

ask him how he survives.

he'll show you.


Resident pissy old man
If you want to see real life survival, just drop off Bear and Les in East L.A. in a Caddy with a flat tire. Have both wear expensive suits. No weapons or cell phones allowed. Now let's see who can survive!
Bear Grylls is an actor, he performs for a camera and nothing else :jerkit: . Les Stroud is a real survivor. If I were to need to borrow skills from a show it would definately from survivorman, I cant speak for everyone but i am not shimmying my ass up a shear cliff face, or climbing down a waterfall....Im goin around. Not only that but you get to the see the reality of surviving in the wild, sometimes you wake up and your rabbit traps got nothing. Bear Grylls is always bright eyed and bushy tailed after a good nights sleep in a warm bed.(not to mention he has locals kill food for him or capture food for him to kill.) I doubt after 5 days and no solid foods he could climb so well. And as for as for flamin someone for the threads started get a life man. I didnt look at them but as far back as a i can remember they werent gettin binned. The dens for tossin around ideas, and basic chit chat. If people are interested in what you got to say it gets talked about, if not it gets archived with the other 430 some pages of threads some with 1 or 2 replies some with hundreds. If you dont wanna know what he has to say dont read it. If he was using up to much bandwith, or had any problems with the threads in general which i highly doubt im sure GN or DG, or any of the mods would have said something to him as it is not of our concern. :rant: no more arguing bout shows we all know the situation, reality vs. hollywood, you decide. :joint:


Active member
B.C. said:
I think Les Stroud is a fuckin pussy! lol The time he was in the canyons and those wild pickrels came around he went up the tree and did nothing! Those pigs are lil bitty fuckers. He could have easily stuck one witha long sharp pole from the safety of the tree he was hiding in, but he was too scared. If I were that hungry, say good night piggy! Btw in that same show, it showed him sitting there with the moon over his shoulder and the camera panned out, back in, and then focused on the moon. He clearly didn't do it, he was in the shot. What up with that ? Then there was the time he was in the jungle, staying in an old shelter of some sort? anyway, he thought he heard a jaguar I think it was, and took off running for the natives village. LOL Like that cat couldn't have caught his dumb ass, esp at night! Every time he talks about where he's goin in the intro he sounds like fuckin drama queen: blah blah blah where everything bites, sticks, or stings you! in his tough guy voice. LOL it jus kills me, I can't help it, he sounds like fuckin sissy! Besides he's not really surviving, he's waitin out his 7 days. Also, I really doubt he's goin without food that long too. That shit would be really hard on yer body ta be doin all the time. I have feeling the insurance company wouldn't allow it anyway. How would you ever know? Ahh well, later BC

i can pic apart both shows all day like that too....but id rather watch that than the fukin news or sitcoms....thats fukin lame.

at least they are trying to show reality...and if u gather a drop from it which is all i gather then good.

...its not like "deadliest catch" which should win every award in the book for best fuking thing ever put on TV....and i knew this years before they put it on TV...i just would have never thought they could pull that shit off.

ive watched every DC episode prolly 20 times....if thats on i watch.
... i dont care what else is on or how many times ive seen the episode....there is NOTHING better.


Active member
i dont know who cleaned up that mess...if it was poops or a mod,....but thanks!


Active member
ive watched every DC episode prolly 20 times....if thats on i watch.
... i dont care what else is on or how many times ive seen the episode....there is NOTHING better.
yea i do the same i've seen every episode several times but my tv is always on the discovery channel, history channel, or national geographic. i don't watch anything else that often. unless it was the wire.


Active member
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Ray Mears -- he's the original U.K. prototype that Bear has copied.


Ray comes across as a straight up guy with a genuine love and respect for the wilderness. He illustrates, educates, informs and learns from where he goes and those that live there. His show isn't an "adrenaline filled adventure" in the way these survival shows tend to present themselves -- and that's a good thing if you're actually interested in learning some things. Not to say the show is boring, but Ray doesn't sensationalize his adventures unnecessarily.


Active member
never heard of mears 'til now...im gonna chek him out now.

sounds like my kind of dawg!


Active member
yeah he seems to know the woods!

i didnt get to see a progrm yet...ill search him on youtube...then ill get to see sum shit.

thing that bothered me on his website is that he seems to be trying to sell alot of "gear".... that isnt wrong, but it makes me question his angle.

im gonna look further tho...he obviously has skills


Active member
Yeah, the first time I went to his site was a minute ago when I looked him up to post here. I've been browsing the site and he does have a fair bit of pricey stuff. I guess it helps pay the bills and he does run a Bushcraft school I wasn't aware of until hitting his site. I guess the following statement fits in with selling high priced top quality gear:

Wilderness Bushcraft encourages us to a much greater cultural tolerance and to notice more keenly our effect upon the world. We believe that this ancient outdoor knowledge is most important to our futures.

As realists, we do not hold to any restraining dogma, but accept the arrival of new technologies while tempering their use with more ancient wisdom. After all, who is the better prepared hiker - the one with the global positioning navigation device or the hiker who can use the new equipment but can also rely on their ability to read natures signs for direction? In truth, the older skills enhance the most up-to-date while the newer skills simply validate the knowhow of our ancestors.

As you will soon realise, bushcraft is the art of the possible.

If you can find find any of his "Ray Mears Bushcraft" series on Youtube or in a torrent it's well worth it. That's where I know him from and he really has a good approach to the subject in that series.

EDIT: Here's a link to a segement of Ray's on knife sharpening. It gives a good idea of the way he approaches subjects. He goes slowly, explains things and doesn't just "brush over" a subject.

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Active member
i watched sum of his vids on youtube (ray mears)...hes ok...people do give him some shit tho in the comments.

i know that i am better at survival in the woods than he is, and im a better fisherman and hunter.

i just dont put it on video...maybe i should.

there was a side link where i didnt see him, but it was about inuit kids and dogsleds....they had the nicest fukin caribou coats ive ever seen, and ive seen many...i would seriously pay 1000 bucks for 1 of them coats.

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