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"bear grylls" ..is trying for salvation?


Active member
bears new episode of "man vs wild"...seems like he is trying to salvage is show/ rep.

the siberia episode on right now.

i hope he is doing it right this time, and not shakin up at the holiday inn tonight....it almost seems like he's trying.

still he aint survivorman.


Active member
I have read the man's credentials.
He doesn't do documentaries. He is just sharing tips on how to survive certain situations. He is a wealth of knowledge. I regreat that the show was portrayed as being one way when it wasn't. When push comes to shove, I would pick him to be with me in the wild any day.


Active member
He has camera men with him, worst case senerio did people really think they would sit back and watch him die. Do people really think that the Discovery channel would let their talent just die. His name is Bear, not Grizzley man. When the grid crashes, I am sure he will be ok.


Active member
RudolfTheRed said:
bear grylls is an idiot

survivorman is way better

100% agree

i just thought that by this siberia episode he was doin a better job.....he's still better than most...tho i have never been a fan.

...im still w/ survivorman.


I'm going to have to disagree with you guys on that one. I know that it was brought out that he had stayed in a hotel and such, but it doesn't change the fact that he is doing some pretty insane things. Not only that, but he has climbed Everset and is the only man to have parasailed over MT. Everset's 30,000 ft peak.

I enjoy Survivorman, but Bear's show is much more entertaining and that is what t.v. shows are for, entertainment!


I wanna see him get stuck somewhere and eat his own leg. That would rule LOL


Custom User Title
I'd take Survivorman over Bear any day of the week. Bear is talking about techniques and demonstrating them while Survivorman is actually employing them to stay alive. When the shows are about surviving you want it to be legit. I've seen a few shows where Survivorman was in pretty rough shape, no solid food for the entire week he was out there, you could tell he was really feeling it, but he kept going, and kept the cameras rolling. Every time there's a shot of him walking into the distance all I can think is that every time he does that, he has to go back and get the camera. I remember watching one of Bear's shows where he came to a waterfall and decided the best way to get down would be to climb down the face of it. BULLSHIT. That's a quick way to die or at least get horribly disfigured.
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sunshine in a bag
Orangecrush said:
I enjoy Survivorman, but Bear's show is much more entertaining and that is what SOME t.v. shows are for, entertainment!
Fixed :)

daisy jane

I feel like he hands out some good information but he is way too "hollywood" for me. One episode sticks out in my mind where the camera angle made him look like he was climbing up a steep cliff. Once he reached the top, the camera zoomed out and you could clearly see that you could have walked up the rock. What a chump.

I really do not like how we kills almost every animal he sees. He is not out there for survival, he's out there for a TV show (with a crew). Now don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not a PETA member. But it just rubs me the wrong way. I love reptiles and the past two episodes I watched briefly, he killed a Puff Ader and an awesome monitor.

I like Les Stroud on Survivorman a lot more. I wish he would come out with a new season, although on his website awhile back he said he was going to make another one. The newest show he came out with, some survival show....not survivorman, was a little cheesy. It kind of looked like he was competing with Bear. But it's still all good information.


New member
Anyone ever see the survivor man where he burns his hut down? hahaha..

Anyway, man vs wild kicks ass. It's so over the top that I can't help but love it. He slams lizards against trees and shit. So awesome. AND he climbs any sheer rock face that he happens to stumble upon during the show. TV doesn't get much better than that.

I saw the commercial for todays new episode. It showed him making a sled out of bear skin and some sticks. Missed it when it came on at 9pm but I'll catch it when they replay at 1am or whatever time the replay is on.


Lol point taken Feyd.

I think Survivorman seems to be more for basic survival techniques, whereas Man Vs. Wild is almost like the Rambo of survival techniques. Like I said, I think Man Vs. Wild is more for entertainment.

Daisy Jane - I completely agree. There are some animals that he has killed where I have no idea how he gets away with it. I'm sure they must be paying out the ass in fines somehow. I don't doubt Bear's survival capabilities, but I think being on tv has gone to his head a bit. One example was when the Australian Outback episode, he killed a harmless brown snake of some sort. Later when the episode was on a rerun, they cut out the scene of him killing the snake and had Bear say something along the lines of, "Since I am not a native of Australia nor a tribesman, I will be letting this snake go." When that obviously was not the truth.

Just watch it for entertainment hehe.


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Stoner4Life said:
both those shows are pure bullshit.......

How is Survivorman bullshit? I'm just curious to why you think they're both bs, I agree that Man vs Wild or w/e it's called is BS for sure.


Registered Cannabis User
les rules dude, he takes out his own cams and sets up shop. he does some pretty amazing stuff too, when he boiled that shitty water in a plastic container was crazy when he was in the desert. he's the man

oh yeah and fuck m vs w


Active member
he should token...he better answer to bears new shit....how can he not...if he doesnt ...i will!!