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Beans vs. Elites


BudBo, your posts are kind of hard to read. With the wall of text, no sentence breaks or spacing and "text message speak" lingo, I get a bit of a headache trying to read 'em. ;)

(Not trying to be a jerk. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, just a little constructive criticism)



stone fool
MD, your elitist cali pride monster has clouded your thinking. I can get any fucking elite on the planet, without being in cali, and have turned them down time after time. In my view, silly cali pride limits your selection of fine weed, to a small set you folks call elite. It would be like telling us that cali wines are the only ones worth drinking. Cali folks are great, pride monsters, not so much.

And my vegetarian tuna chili is way better than fish tacos.



Bagseed isn't my friend America,and lately neither are the seedbanks.I've got more crap in the past two years from seedbanks that there should be a law..Seeds that dont germinate,6 ft tall northern lights..trichless black domina.Right now my flowerroom is full of god knows what at 30 days but I'm not impressed thats for sure.Christ just 5 years ago there were so many good strains,and no funny business.You people that can get elite clones that are only 20% real dont know how lucky you are.The devil killed my blockhead and life isnt the same.


Registered Med User
I like clones cuz I know what Im getting, like growing from seeds to find the one I will keep a clone of. HATE HERMIS.

the Rock

Active member
Amen, most elites are way overrated, overhyped, Cali seems to be the epicentre of the hype, and I'm so sick of it.

I do both being so close to the epicenter,might as well take advantage of it
anyone grow out sour grapes=one of the new elites


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
elite= a word to describe a cutting that has been selected by someone and circulated......i remember a thread aways back in which someone suggested the term "sport cut" or something like that...im still in favor of the new term... i think it would go a long ways to keepin people from jumpin other peoples shit for using a term which implies better than what you have...toughest part of livin in cali seems to be mentionin the word elite or og...every one wants to hate at that point....and i will speak clearly here, the sportcuts flying around cali are indeed the shit! badass cuts for the most part...as are the cuts floating around nyc, omaha, houston, sao paulo, verdansk, bejing, deerbutt oregon and wherever the hell else people take the time to select cuts...people should quit wasting time trying to convince others that elite cuts arent badass.....now if you got em from a club in a medical state, there is no guarantee you are getting the cut for real, so maybe that adds to it, but every single 'elite; ive gotten was worth growing at least once, some only once, but others will and have been run for years
---some cuts ive kept from seeds were just as good as elite cuts...blubonic, jack herer, shit, i could sit here and list tens of them....


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
"elites" are from seed, there the "best" expression someone found..

seed always wins in my book, nothing better then growing you plant from seed. the whole journey is something to marvel at. also that next seed might be your elite..


stone fool
My vegetarian children eat tuna and other fish, so it is OK by their standards. But they don't like my tuna chili, so in the end it is moot. Still better than fish tacos..


The best fish tacos are indeed from Cali.
California 2 on the riverside in Phnom Penh make the best damn fish tacos ever.
I would love to get some of the so called elites but I don't think they will make it here.
Well even seeds don't arrive here, (1 out of 5 arrived) so I have to wait for some kind souls to bring them with them.
Sometimes I'm so jealous of you guys with your clones, great soil, etc.
I must have put down well over 200 seeds last year and still no elite for me.
Well, at least i can have happy pizza delivered to my house lol


Registered Med User
I prefer growin from clone cuz I know what Im gettin and dont have to worry bout hermies. That said I still cant help but crack some beans, the fun of not knowing whats gon happen and lookin for knew genetics is addicting and a lot of times satisfying. But I hate Hermies, dont plant hermie seeds! crush them between 2 rocks and flush them down the toilet.


I'm sure you're going to get a ton of responses to this with differing opinions. One important thing to note is that with a clone, you really, ultimately, can never be 100% sure of what you're getting, even at a collective (hell, especially at a collective).

Case in point, there was a guy out here passing around cuts that were supposedly e32 Trainwreck. A friend got it, grew it out, and it was fantastic, but damn if that plant didn't look 110% indica. Sure enough, a few months later we heard the guy was called out...long story short he was passing around some Afghani #1 cuts, but trying to be the coolest guy on the block with Trainwreck.

One really important thing to bear in mind is a lot of people are VERY loose with strain names. For example, Trainwreck, Sour Diesel, Chem Dog...for a lot of people, those names just mean "good weed," and as such they'll call a clone whatever they want, if they feel it's worthy of the title. Or they'll just deceive you, and/or try to look cool, like the aforementioned guy with the Afghani.

But with seeds, there's a certain level of integrity. In the UK, A-Dam, and Spain, seed trading is a legitimate business, and as such they best be packin' what they're advertising, or they'll go out of business right quick. But just grabbing clones off the street is a hit or miss, arguably more so than seeds depending upon where you're sourcing your cuts.

I've grown out elite cuts from collectives, and some of them are really quite fantastic, but as another guy suggested, most are average (and, in my opinion, probably rebranded skunk, afghani, or whatever). But I'll tell you what man, you can find shit just as nice or better in a pack of good beans, and don't let anyone tell you differently. All the breeders in the 'dam and everywhere else have access to the same genetics that these elites are composed of.

In fact, I think the elite phenomena was more an issue back in the 80s and early 90's, when it was just a handful of seed companies distributing a limited number of strains. But now there's an explosion of choices and genetics available in seed form. To use an analogy, would a modern-day tomato grower say "yeah, you can get some excellent shit with those Burpee seeds, but man those elite tomato clones are off the wall!" No, of course you'd never hear that. Maybe back in 1900 you might, but not today.

So when it's all said and done, if you can find someone you really trust, and you've actually smoked their stuff, then yeah, go on, grab that clone. It'll save some time. But there's really a whole 'nother level of fun and hobby that goes into isolating your own cut from some seeds. It lends a feeling of accomplishment and self-reliance to your grow.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
elite clones are good for reliable moms. Seeds are the fun of growing. Get a strong male, and cross it with an elite clone of choice and you just maid some beans that will be all kids of fun. Just dont try to sell them as a stable strain.

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