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Beans vs. Elites



I was just over in the strains area looking for bud porn and came across a ChemD vs. Chem4 post and as usual, I started drooling, some of the buds look like sugar candy.

I'm not the type to have access to elites or clone only cuts and depend on seed.

I'm curious for opinions on whether elites really beat the pants off seed offerings?


p.s. put it in the tokers lounge because it seems to cover a few forums.


All Elites came from Beans somewhere down the line.But if you have access to elites then grab them..Can save you alot of time and Money!


classy grass
Good response G4life. Pretty much sums it up...you can find 'elite' cuts from seed, just takes time and money.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Elite clones can save you time, effort and money.

On the other hand, you miss out on the whole aspect of growing from seed, which makes you more accomplished as a grower.

You learn a lot about genetics, geno/phenotype etc, from working with greater variety.

It's great fun to receive a legendary elite clone, but maybe popping a batch of seeds tops it.
Simply because you don't know what you're going to get... exciting!

Especially if you crossed two good genetics and are dying to know what the cross will be like.

And, if that winner plant is in there, then it's all yours. Your ten minutes of fame could be found in a seed. You never know.

It's strange how surprisingly many of my home made crosses beats some of the so called elite plants. It's a personal opinion of course, but I would venture to say that there are many closet crosses out there that are outstanding, and that never get the hype some of the best known elite clones get.

With other words, quality's not in the name, it's what rocks the boat that matters.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Depends on where you're coming from.
If you're a cash cropper, clones are it!
Clones are boring tho.
I'm a hobby grower, so much of what Rosey had to say fits my style. I like running beans and I like to do some hobby breeding as well. I plan my grows, running varieties that I think will match up well. It's just so much more of a rewarding hobby w/ beans, as you're more emotionally invested into it. There are heartbreaks for sure. Plenty of peeps have turned to cuts after enduring hermies 3 mo. in. Running cuts, (which I do backing up plants) is a boring routine, which can lead to lazy sanitation, etc.
I have turned cuts down, I just don't have the room considering my own projects. The White is the only cut I've run, and I believe my other strains were on par w/ it.
With the genetics available today, and the proper homework, it's easy to grow better pot than you usually can find for sale. :smoke:


stone fool
I laugh at this shit every time I see it. Elites are like fucking cheerleaders, mostly over rated, although probably worth doing. Real farmers use seed, find your own keepers.


Active member
ELITES are just a clone off of some plant that somebody else grew out and people who have some of these clones call them ELITES so that they can feel better about themselves and this enables them to ironically look down on people who actually grow all of their own plants from seed. Some of the so-called ELITES are just something that some random joe grew out in a little cabinet grow. It seems as if many of the so-called ELITES just came about out of random luck, and had little to do with any growing skillz. A monkey could buy an 1/8 of bud and find a fucking ELITE seed right now if the monkey is very lucky.

The thing that really upsets some of these Elitist asshats is when some seed company comes out with a version of beans which bears the same name as some of the so called ELITE strains. It's hard to be an elitist asshat when the thing that you're being all elitist and asshatty about is suddenly more accessible to everyone, even though a seed version will obviously never be a 100% identical representation of a clone only plant.

With all of the weed being grown all over the world by countless growers, I bet that many plants get chopped down all of the time that would qualify as ELITE.

:joint: :wave:


First, I get it, elites come from seeds ... or aliens ... depending on your viewpoint :).

I've had the intersexed plant and it was really sad, had sativa finger leaves, and started flowering outdoor earlier than all my other plants. but started throwing nanners...

I think you guys are all right, some pollen chucking between some SSH or afghan haze with a blueberry or sweettooth would probably be more fun... just space is at a minimum.

I also see everyone blowing their proverbial load every time an OG this or that or "smells like cat piss" cut is posted but some equally as beautiful plants that are available from seed get little attention.

oh well... Just a hotpead pondering... :)



For me it's all about seeds and the fun of searching to find my own Elite :jump: Zoo


Leonidas said:
For me it's all about seeds and the fun of searching to find my own Elite :jump: Zoo

True be that Zoo. I am having so much fun searching through beans right now! You never know what Gems your gonna find!


It's all about what makes you tick.
Find two strains that you love to smoke.
Cross 'em up and it's WAY better to experience than growing someone else's seeds at that! For me this is a hobby, and I think that growing from clones are a shortcut to the finish line. I love finishing the race by myself, even if it means doing more work.

It's like, what fun would it be to know what is going to be inside your presents on Christmas??? Sure some people like to peak, but I've always noticed that it's 100% more rewarding and genuine when you wait to find out for yourself. Even if it means waiting...

I think a mixture of elite and seeds is what any grower needs, if you can get the elite clones. Elite clones tend to be so because of an unusual trait, or just reliable ultra strong buds.. For example, The original "cheese" plant is a mutation of an early sensi seeds sk#1.. as is, if i'm not mistaken, blueberry.. A lot of these plants are now on their xtieth clone generation, a lot have been cross-pollinated but people BS and call the new stuff by the same name - at least that's how it is in the UK.

Don't worry if you can't get clones of the "elite" strains - most of them are bred with other things and released as commercial seed strains as good as or nearly as good as the original.. And even if they're not, there are thousands of really nice strains out there ready to grow, all different, most lovely.

As an example, a mate of mine grew some top44 x something else, probably sk1. it came from a CHEAP pack of seeds and it was a LOVELY smoke, one of the nicest i've ever had, even though the potency didn't have quite the edge that some high dollar strain might have, it was still strong though.

those plants have been crossed with all sorts in hs grow and it continues to be a base for projects

I know what the people saying about finding a grail strain.. difficult to grow normal plants outside here in the uk, but auto flowerers do well.. Eventually i plan to do a MASSIVE seedrun of autoflowerers and just call them my "dwarf mix" - plant a few out each summer, get variety. I also plan to cross out a few normal photoperiodist plants in my indoor.. will get loads of very varied plants to try :D
Yeah man.. a good mix of different shit is the way forward. Me i don't like smoking ULTRA strong weed during the day, only night time.. something light, sweet and flavoursome with a nice cruising, soaring sativa dom but gentle high is good for during the day, something mega sat dom for going out clubbing etc, and some strong indica for making hash out of for knock-out drops come bedtime. FTW.


Some strains as we know are clone only but if I had the choice of recieving clones (elite or not) or growing out beans of the same strain then I would go for the beans all day long as they grow with more vigour than clones will!

I guess for me the deciding factor on this would be the time factor, depends if ur in a rush or not?

Just my pennies worth...

Obi Wan Kenabis

New member
I love growing from beans. The variety is an asset, imo. Sometimes it's pretty average smoke, but sometimes you'll get that incredible plant that you always remember.
It's the journey, man.