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BBC Documentary looking to speak to the cannabis community


Well-known member
you know what would be good Mr Documaker?

....If you could educate people about the real reasons why cannabis was prohibited in the first place......and work out how many people had been incarcerated/victimized because of it over the last 80 years or so.......go waaaay back to when Indian Hemp (cannabis sativa) helped Great Britain to conquer the world.....and talk about the repression/prohibition that was started by the American government with all of it's propaganda back in the 1930's and since so criminalizing millions of people over many decades.....

Read Jack Herers book 'The Emperor Wears No Clothes'.....that will give you a good perspective on it's prohibition......

Once you have properly educated people from a historical perspective about this affront to human rights.....you could then start to show what you can find that is going on today.....

It's a plant......not something made in a laboratory.....but something that grows in nature, what other plants are illegal.....and why?

This is a great idea

I think a few of you have gone slightly off topic, Rambling about TV licencess etc etc. Giving Bart a hard time about stuff what is out of Barts hands

Bart you say that your going to show the good and the bad, When you show the bad I think you should point out the stat's of atcualy how many people it does affect, Ive heard 1 in 10,000 suffer with mental probems bacause of smoking Pot. Im pritty sure more lifes are messed up by drinking, And that is look upon perfectly fine

The british public need there eyes opening to the truth not the shit they get fed by the govenment


ICMag Donor
Hi Doc-u-mentary Bart...

We have a question(s)...

How will your documentary make a lasting impression?

Currently the 'replay' facility on bbc iplayer only lasts a few days after broadcasting.

Are you relying on the hope that someone will illegally upload your BBC documentary onto youtube or some other file-sharing site?

Will you release the documentary here on ICMag in a lasting alternative format?


The Tri Guy
I get the feeling that this is less of a documentary and more of an entertainment program to be honest.


I get the feeling that this is less of a documentary and more of an entertainment program to be honest.

It's a shame, isn't it? Pretty much all TV programs are there for our entertainment because it's viewers they're after.

I think that answers Doc's question. The documenter's aim isn't to try and make an impression on the viewer, just on their boss.

Which links back to the point I made earlier in this thread, when I said;

Panoramical said:
And let's be frank, with you working for the BBC, your job is to create documentaries that get viewers, which is what judging your success will be based upon, and not by how well the documentary portrayed the truth, which ultimately is how we will all judge your documentary.
Doc-U-Maker are you going to give the individuals who take part the chance to view the documentary before it is aired so they can have an input on the finnished edit? Im worried that no matter what any of the people involved have to say about cannabis, when it comes to editing the footage, BBC will do what there good at and twist the truth to suit there belief.

People will know what they have said as we can't and would not want to put words in their mouths. I'm not sure how we can twist truth if all they have said is what they want to. We should be able to do a viewing with the people pre-transmission. It depends on the circumstances. To be honest it could come down to time and money but we would talk all this through with people we film with.


New member
doc-u-maker, an unbiased documentary you say? how interesting, have you researched into professor david nutts and i quote "unbiased report" on the subsequent reclassification of cannabis back up to class b? because what he said was critical of the governments decison in law making, he lost his job as the chairman of the home offices drug advisory council, forcing resignations in protest by other prominent members of the same panel because of the then home secretary alan johnsons decison to override overwhelming scientific evidence by his own panel of experts as to the "harm" index cannabis should be placed in?

btw prof david nutt has now an independant advisory if you google to find his webpage i dont remember it offhand you may find interesting reading or even question the man himself.

my point been there he and several others lost their jobs for been unbiased. either that or alan johnson without expert knowledge and training was correct, and several leading proffessors, doctors, judges, chief police constables with a lifetime of expertise was wrong.

its a travesty that the times we live in today we rely upon science so heavily for hard fact, ie in the treatment/prevention of disease, or to prove beyond reasonable doubt in a court the guilt or innocence of an individual, yet scientific unbiased hard fact was ignored with regard to the cannabis scenario as to its classification.

if the government was wanting to trim a billion or so off its expenses, why not legalise it? the police time, court hours, imprisonment costs, paperwork saved is a huge start. free the resources they have to tackle serious crime.

commercially grown cannabis in the uk wouldnt be an answer to the recession, but it would relieve pressure on the farming sector, adding a valuable crop to the armoury of the farmer,

the uk would also benefit from cannabis growing because the crop is 100% useable, from pharmaceutical and recreational, cosmetic, industrial, fabric, bio-fuel and edible, all industry would benefit from proven research results and importantly start to replace them nasty pollutant chemicals helping the uk to reach enviromental targets.

it would also create tens of thousands of jobs, and generate hundreds of millions in revenue.

if the youth of today is told the TRUTH about cannabis, its use, harm, and benefits then perhaps we wont have such a pig headed arrogant fucking asshole as a homesecretary in the future we will have someone who takes logic and the citizens majority wishes and appropiates it accordingly.

its sad for me i grew up in a world of lies, from which how can i build solid foundations of belief, respect and trust when all the governments delivered to me is broken promises. if this country want to progress and look forward, then we better start at looking how to bring it together and stop criminalising and alienating young people for cannabis.


New member
while im on a rant heres how i started growing, my friend was dying of cancer, slowly. he couldnt afford weed all the time, so he made some space at his and i helped him grow it. id heard before people say cannabis helps pain n stuff i asked him.. and this is his words

" i go for chemotherapy and it makes me sick, i cant sleep because of pain but am tired, i have diarheoa and feel so bad i dont have no quality of life"
thats without medication.
then he takes diamorphine sulphate as recommended by the doctor..
"i keep vomiting badly, im too weak to get up out of bed/off the couch, i get constipated(side effect of diamorphine constpation and sickness although sickness is already apparent because of at the time chemotherapy) i cant interact with anyone because im too high off the medication.
with cannabis..
"cannabis doesnt take the pain away from me, it takes me away from the pain in my mind, i get munchies and can eat, im not sick as much, i can get around the house, i can interact with people"
cannabis is anti convulsant, in other words it helps alleviate sickness, because he could eat on cannabis also he was "better" in general, more energy and didnt suffer such severe bowel problems, or side effects from treatments.
this was true with radiotherapy as well as chemotherapy.

criminal is keeping people like him away from a medication what could possibly improve their quality of life, and when theres not much life left in you every minute counts and means so much.

ive never been afraid of getting caught growing since then, i believe what im doing isnt wrong, if someone dying asked you for help like that could you look them in the eye and say "no its against the law?"
Thanks for this. Sorry I offended you so much. One thing we at the BBC try and not do is make propaganda, that is the point of us being independent of the state.

Sorry you feel this way about the BBC.

I haven't bothered to read all the way through this thread, but-
give me a break.
The last documentary I watched on UK tellie regarding pot was called something like "Britain's secret farms," and it managed to spend a good portion of the show following the story of a young guy who started smoking dope, got "marijuana psychosis" and comitted suicide. Relevant to marijuana farming how?
They of course managed to miss out how many people each day in the UK die directly from drinking alcohol- about 23.
Pretty balanced reporting hey?
Why don't you tell us a bit more about the angle your documentary will take regarding cannabis? By the way, do you smoke pot?

terry the trich

Active member
The fact that the government here in the UK decriminalised, then recriminalised cannabis shows that they have no idea what the hell they are doing. A bunch of 'Tim nice but dim's' if you ask me. I dont know if its in our interests or not for it to be legalised because it will become yet another thing to tax us hugely on, but people who use it for medicine should be able to grow it and smoke/ingest it without any fear of being arrested. There is so much bad weed being sold by dealers, sometimes adulterated with glass fibre and other nasty powders. This is no good for healthy people, let alone seriously ill people.

As a young man i found smoking it to give me the ability to think incredibly deeply, and also inspired me when i played guitar. Nowdays it doesnt seem to have the same effects, although i am in no way as heavy a smoker of it now as i was in those days.

More and more, we here in the uk are having a rights taken away. For example, magic mushrooms were legal to pick and posess, as long as they were not dried or processed in any way. Then they changed the law so that its illegal to posess at all. This was because people were selling magic mushrooms at markets and head shops, and the government wanted to punish us all for the greed of a few. They could have just made it illegal to sell any form of magic mushroom, but they just used this as an excuse to make criminals out of more innocent, otherwise law abiding citizens. Now posession of a freshly found and picked psilocybin mushroom is a class A drugs offense.

What sort of message are the government sending out to young people, by first decriminalising cannabis, and now recriminalising it? Its beyong a joke.
Its not weed that is the cause of the modern social diseases, it is crack cocaine and the materialistic society (in my opinion) of which i distance myself from.

sundays child

After a lot of deliberation I called the number in the opening post and spoke to an assiatant who is working on this film. After twenty minutes plus of conversation he took my email address telling me he would be intouch after the weekend with a view to arranging a meeting. That was over a week ago and I have heard nothing.

There's a need to develope trust in a venture like this. Inviting people to contact you then not keeping to what you say afterwards isn't the way to do it.


I'm not sure how we can twist truth if all they have said is what they want to.

Are you kidding me on Doc-U-Maker? Eh editting!!!!
Anyone can say anything they like. Someone can edit that footage to make it sound totaly different. Havent you watched big brother before?

Dr. D

Active member
Apparently there was a doco on BB3 the night before last, my friends gf watched part of it said they had some old time breeder whod been busted and was allowed to keep all the seeds he bred. Also had growers showing there grows with no face blurs! I dont watch tv so il see if i can catch it on iplayer or something...peace
Oh and Martin Fowler lmao!