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BBC Documentary looking to speak to the cannabis community

rocket high

Active member
Even if you were a Toker/Grower you would still have the problems your having trying to get people to go on camera, even people you would have known

..its the nature of the beast .


The Tri Guy
Other documentaries with this problem have used an age old method of getting around it. Hire actors to read the responses people give you. Send the people whose opinions you are interested in, a questionaire or question script and then have a caption under the footage saying, actor used to protect anonymity. That way you solve the problems that people are concerned about and you get access to far more input to your show.
It also cuts down on filming time as you know pre-hand what responses you want to use, so you can avoid duplication.
Other documentaries with this problem have used an age old method of getting around it. Hire actors to read the responses people give you. Send the people whose opinions you are interested in, a questionaire or question script and then have a caption under the footage saying, actor used to protect anonymity. That way you solve the problems that people are concerned about and you get access to far more input to your show.
It also cuts down on filming time as you know pre-hand what responses you want to use, so you can avoid duplication.

I personally think people will get bored of an actor speaking all the time and that will defeat the object of the documentary. If you can hear from the person themselves, even if you don't know or can see who it is, makes it a much stronger point.

rocket high

Active member
You mean young people will get bored with a actor speaking all the time ... BBC3 should stick to youth comedy .. imo


The Tri Guy
lol I wasnt suggesting using one actor to voice everyones words. I'm sure the bbc has countless young people desperately loking for 3 mins of tv exposure. And those voicing the opposite views will be happy to allow the powers that be see their face, not to mention you will have several young scallies giving the usual "coppers can go fck themselves" nonsense that normally gets shown as the voice of cannabis users who will be happy to be on tv in order to show off. So you would prob need 5-10 actors at most, just a thought anyway. Dismiss it out of hand if you like, I have nothing to gain either way.
Greenbox, that post used to have a post in it, but I deleted it as it was useless, it wasn't a comment on the opening post but on the post that used to be in its place.


ICMag Donor
Thanks for that post Doc Leaf. Very helpful. Where could I speak to the polish community? Sounds like a good way of representing that international trend you were talking about.

Also massive long shot but do you reckon we could speak to the organisers of the underground cannabis cup?

Like I say long shots but if you don't ask....?

Cool :D

The International Community are everywhere in the UK as the post above says... it's a fluid network community.. and no-one has a map drawn out yet :D To be frank, this is not the place to be collecting names and address of people that choose to grow cannabis illegally, regardless of nationality. Thus a silly question often gains a silly answer.

However,, onwards we progress

my mistake it was 2007 not 2008..

No doubt others held many events before,, but the LGA organised the 1st unofficial cannabis cup in the UK,, so that would be us... with the help of others in the international industry :joint: :dance: :rasta:

here : https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=75277&highlight=LGA

Since then many local cups and events take place all over the UK underground scene... some progressive :yes: some backward :no: but most help keep growers in-tune and the overall quality of weed maintained to a better standard of quality. Information amid homegrowers and breeders with a shared aim for liberating ganja has never been bigger... all completely self-contained and harmless fun , with plenty of passion. maybe have a party afterwards :joint:

Note that "commercial cannabis growers" and homegrowers (defined by number of plants and profit return) often don't share the same path in debate or culture. and that silly/petty divisions exist between both the subterranean industry and the underground community and between online factions within the international cannabis community ... mainly as a result of prohibition of a plant.

Cannabis growers in the UK are constantly facing an uphill battle... so far the hinterland is over-grown,, people just waiting for it to hit the pinnacle. Then we can all pack up our banners and grow home,, peacefully knowing that the next generation wont inherit the stigma we did,, for a herb that has been associated with humans,, since we were humans.

This doc. was in the least interesting... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf1Zo8XMKdU and granny pat is the LGA unofficial mascot .. a lovely lady. Bless her.

Pinky Starr / ProtestLondon,, if you didnt already,, he's another UK medi. user.. nice guy :yes:

Sarah Martin : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9B8e_ByoCY ,, go on girl!!

Peace n flowers (call us what you will,, but that's the main message most of us here are putting out) peace and flowers

One love to the rebels in between,,, :canabis:
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ICMag Donor
Use grant mitchell as any voice-over,, he's beeb.. or Danny Dyer,, they keep it cockney on vocal,, and you can sell that overseas later Bart.

above all ,, keep it real if you can!



Active member


Im not from the U.K , But my advice would definately be stay as far away from this documentary as possible, unless u like to gamble with your freedom.

Firstly, thanks for taking the time to read my thread. My name is Bart Corpe and I’m part of a small team making a new observational documentary about Cannabis for BBC3. This is hoping to be a fair and balanced look being neither pro-cannabis or trying to be anti..

Just notice how he presents this in the first 2 lines.
notice the "hope".

A good journalist doesnt just hope something would turn out good.
He would definately have a good plan and know what he wants and how he wants it done. and execute it. simple..

If u ask me this guy clearly shows, he has little nor much experiance in making good documentaries.

I always use to say-
Junkies steal from his mother for a Fix
a journalist would sell his mother for a good story..

im still to be convinced journalists are trustable..

Im sure attenborugh would make a good documentary though :wave:


ICMag Donor
Please be clear to mention in the documentary that 'Skunk' is to Cannabis as 'Ice berg' is to lettuce, or "Granny Smith" is to apples.

The term "skunk" is commonly used in the UK to denote any type of European grown cannabis. Skunk #1 however is a specific variety of cannabis, of which 'Cheese' is a specific cultigen propagated by clone.

The media twisted these words out of context years ago,, and in many cases confused themselves. Hopefully you can rectify this issue, and inform the public that 'Skunk' is a 30 year old variety of cannabis - nothing new.

Many of the varieties being grown indoors today, do however contain some Skunk #1 in the genetics.

Hope that makes sense,
Im not from the U.K , But my advice would definately be stay as far away from this documentary as possible, unless u like to gamble with your freedom.

Just notice how he presents this in the first 2 lines.
notice the "hope".

A good journalist doesnt just hope something would turn out good.
He would definately have a good plan and know what he wants and how he wants it done. and execute it. simple..

If u ask me this guy clearly shows, he has little nor much experiance in making good documentaries.

I always use to say-
Junkies steal from his mother for a Fix
a journalist would sell his mother for a good story..

im still to be convinced journalists are trustable..

Im sure attenborugh would make a good documentary though :wave:

I'm not sure if my 6 years in experience counts for nothing or my director's over 15 years experience counts for nothing. I for one would not sell my mother for a good story.

Thanks for your input though and everyone is entitled to their opinion.


The Tri Guy
Lol Bart, if you're offended by being put in the same category as the worst in your industry on an internet message board by one person, then think how we feel when we see some of the news reports or previous documentaries about cannabis users on tv.


"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
I cant wait for this one..all the detailed info is right here in these forums..whats its gonna be tittled?


Active member
worst case scenario, you could just gather opinions from uk cannabis users on this forum and write a script then you could have 'actors' answering whatever questions you have, its not the same thing as if it would be authentic but it gives out the same message and the person being interviewd would be anonymous on camera anyways so whats the deal? no one can tell, as long as the script has authentic opinions by cannabis users.. but i hope you get intouch with a grower, so you can film around there abit, its always instresting for people to see, i guess 'normal' people are curious about how we grow it and stuff, goodluck

also, i think you really should point out that everyday people grow and use cannabis regurarly, lawyers, doctors, you name it, i for example know alot of people you'd never thought could be a smoker, not only teenagers and shady people smoke weed
worst case scenario, you could just gather opinions from uk cannabis users on this forum and write a script then you could have 'actors' answering whatever questions you have, its not the same thing as if it would be authentic but it gives out the same message and the person being interviewd would be anonymous on camera anyways so whats the deal? no one can tell, as long as the script has authentic opinions by cannabis users.. but i hope you get intouch with a grower, so you can film around there abit, its always instresting for people to see, i guess 'normal' people are curious about how we grow it and stuff, goodluck

THanks for the thoughts. One problem with actors is that people won't necessarily believe what is being said where as a real person having identity blurred is more believeable. Thanks for the idea though.

We would love to cover a grower who is sharing their passion and we hope to do this.


Active member
Obviously I meant having an actor with his/her identity blurred, viewers cant tell, but again goodluck i hope it works out for ya

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