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Bayer Monsanto Merger Will Steal The Marijuana Industry

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Mystic Funk

Well-known member
I think y'all are overly scared of Monsanto. You can buy non GMO seeds you can buy heritage lines. Shantibaba ain't going anywhere with all them old school lines even if they lock him up I believe I heard he has a son working the family business and keeps parent stock in Sec countries. All the Dutch and Spanish breeder ain't going anywhere let alone the American breeders that are breeding like rabbits. Lol

Monsanto may make some shit but I ain't buying nobody wants GMO foods who the fuck wants GMO herb? I want organic pesticide free that tastes great I don't give a fuck if I need to take 4-5 hits extra to get blazed if it tastes great it's a pleasure. What is Monsanto you to do anyway? Breed golf ball sized trichomes? Please. Lol

I think you'll be scared when Monsanto's sets up shop next door to you or you favorite breeder and starts throwing GMO pollen around and ends up dusting your crops. then the fallowing year stop by and say your seeds are now there's. don't believe me? look it up. heirloom grain and corn farmers in the wid west usa had that happen to them.
Monsanto's is the only company in the world to patent life. look that up.


Mystic Funk

Well-known member
I'd say the opposite everyone should be able to have it so it should be legal.

I would give seeds for free if it was legal all you would need to do is ask I don't really believe in charging for seeds I give them away to friends all the time legalization won't change much. I might start selling seeds but I would not charge much you produce more seeds from a cannon plant than a tomato plant.

I agree with you 110%! ALL natural plants should be free and legal to all. but their not going to let that happen. their going to make it legal for them and not for us little people. their going to ether buy up all ''medical patents'' or rights to cannabis you'll have to be a millionaire to buy into the cannabis biz or they'll make a bait and grab like what their doing in the so called ''legal states'' in the US. LOL!



Imagine for one minute how great it would be having a plant that will never get mites , aphids or any such thing a plant modified to yield 60 percent more then it ever could have ???
A plant no matter where you planted it , it would grow/ and flourish.

Susceptible to rain, drought, colder temps or even hotter temps with no ill issue..

A plant that does not need half the nutrients to do well or insecticides or pesticides applications

One word where do i fucking sign up :)


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Active member
Imagine for one minute how great it would be having a plant that will never get mites , aphids or any such thing a plant modified to yield 60 percent more then it ever could have ???
A plant no matter where you planted it , it would grow/ and flourish.

Susceptible to rain, drought, colder temps or even hotter temps with no ill issue..

A plant that does not need half the nutrients to do well or insecticides or pesticides applications

That all sounds GMO to me.


Active member
I wouldn't worry. Monsanto/GW, whomever commercializes cannabis on a world scale is going to produce ONE, maybe two GM cannabis products, and they will mostly go into medical compounds, rather than packages of joints. And if they do, they will suck like wonder bread.

With prevailing cannabis laws around the world, doesn't look like they'll be making products to get you high. And those pharma products will be expensive, for sure.

As far as all the companies that Miracle Grow is buying, there is good and bad. Yes, it means those megacorps get more profit and control more of the grow industry. But then again, it means those products will be more available and possibly cheaper when you can buy them at Walmart. In fact, you can hardly find anything in the Garden dept. at Walmart not made by Miracle grow anymore...

I've been happy with using General Organics (from GH) products so far.
As long as they are made the same as before, I'll continue to use them for a very small grow.


Active member
RE GMO hatred: I openly admit that I'm ignorant and stupid. So can someone please explain the difference between 'selective breeding' and 'GMO'? I realize there's a difference in methodology but what's the 'real difference' in final outcome?


Active member
RE GMO hatred: I openly admit that I'm ignorant and stupid. So can someone please explain the difference between 'selective breeding' and 'GMO'? I realize there's a difference in methodology but what's the 'real difference' in final outcome?
Big difference is the methodology.
It's of primary importance.

Selective breeding means you take one "natural" plant and cross it with another "natural" plant, without manipulating the genetics on the dna level.

When you start manipulating plants dna, often by inserting genes from other species, sometimes not related at all, you can end up with "unnatural" results that could harm humans, animals, soil, the environment.

But even worse is the reason they use GMOs in the first place, so that they can sell more chemicals, so plants can handle more chemicals, so they end up killing the "natural" ecology by introducing ever more potent pesticides, chemical fertilizers, fungicides, etc.

Everywhere GMOs have been used, the soil and insects have been affected to a huge degree. Did you know farmers must inject carbon dioxide into the soil for anything to grow because the soil is now sterile (and poisonous).

That is also a major factor in Climate Change that nobody wants to talk about. All the C02 to give some life to the soil that humans have ruined.

Then there's the effects of GMO on genetic diversity because once they find their "miracle" genetic monster, they make every farmer in their system (more every day), become slaves to Monsanto, and they can get fined huge amts if they don't pay Monsanto for every seed they put in the ground.

Oh, yeah, lots of reasons to hate GMOs...


Active member
Thanks, Skip. Yes, I know there's a difference in how the genetics are altered. One is by careful selection of two or more strains to cross-breed then crossing one's fingers. That's a 'somewhat' more natural way of doing things... just forcing nature to take a different course in breeding... but it's still interference with nature. The other way is with gene splicing and that is worrisome to some (me too because I don't know much about the process)... but is the final outcome really that bad vs. selective breeding? Or perhaps the more focused approach makes for more precise control and therefore a closer resemblance to what is truly needed?

What are the 'unnatural/damaging' effects of GMO? How do GMO processes affect chemical needs vs. crops altered with selective breeding... and do growers really need to take advantage of those features? Is it just the excessive use of pesticides and chemicals that harm the soil and insects? Can't farmers simply avoid that practice?

Mystic Funk

Well-known member
Thanks, Skip. Yes, I know there's a difference in how the genetics are altered. One is by careful selection of two or more strains to cross-breed then crossing one's fingers. That's a 'somewhat' more natural way of doing things... just forcing nature to take a different course in breeding... but it's still interference with nature. The other way is with gene splicing and that is worrisome to some (me too because I don't know much about the process)... but is the final outcome really that bad vs. selective breeding? Or perhaps the more focused approach makes for more precise control and therefore a closer resemblance to what is truly needed?

What are the 'unnatural/damaging' effects of GMO? How do GMO processes affect chemical needs vs. crops altered with selective breeding... and do growers really need to take advantage of those features? Is it just the excessive use of pesticides and chemicals that harm the soil and insects? Can't farmers simply avoid that practice?

what's so unnatural and damaging about GMO"S ???
they take DNA from other plants and animals and splice it into plants that would never have those genes. example: Monsanto's takes DNA from naturally found bacteria that will kill most bugs that eat it and then they splice that DNA into corn. now you have corn that is pest resistant..... sounds great right?... well when honey bee's and other beneficial insects fly by and come in contact with that corn or it's pollen they die.... not so great.

Experts say if we kill off all the bee's man kind will go extinct in five years.

Monsanto's also makes ''round up ready plants" that means they made plant by GM that can handle weed killer and not die so farmers don't have to weed around there crops.... sounds great right....well the chemicals in round up are so toxic for the planet it's crazy. it should be illegal to use them never mind putting them on food crops like wheat and rye.

Remember if your spraying something on your plants that will kill bugs it will kill YOU in a higher dose.

The craziest thing about Monsanto's is their not even good at making GMO's they started out as a chemical company. go figure! the way they make GMO's is if you have ever used a slot machine when you pull the handle it randomly mixes the wheels together and you hope for it to land on the jack pot. well they do the same thing with plants. they randomly mix DNA together and hope some thing works for them. but at the same time they might accidently make corn poisonous to humans and not know it or make strawberry's blue.

blue strawberry's

hope this clears it up for you.

-mystic :tiphat:


Active member
what's so unnatural and damaging about GMO"S ???
they take DNA from other plants and animals and splice it into plants that would never have those genes. example: Monsanto's takes DNA from naturally found bacteria that will kill most bugs that eat it and then they splice that DNA into corn. now you have corn that is pest resistant..... sounds great right?... well when honey bee's and other beneficial insects fly by and come in contact with that corn or it's pollen they die.... not so great.

Experts say if we kill off all the bee's man kind will go extinct in five years.

Monsanto's also makes ''round up ready plants" that means they made plant by GM that can handle weed killer and not die so farmers don't have to weed around there crops.... sounds great right....well the chemicals in round up are so toxic for the planet it's crazy. it should be illegal to use them never mind putting them on food crops like wheat and rye.

Remember if your spraying something on your plants that will kill bugs it will kill YOU in a higher dose.

The craziest thing about Monsanto's is their not even good at making GMO's they started out as a chemical company. go figure! the way they make GMO's is if you have ever used a slot machine when you pull the handle it randomly mixes the wheels together and you hope for it to land on the jack pot. well they do the same thing with plants. they randomly mix DNA together and hope some thing works for them. but at the same time they might accidently make corn poisonous to humans and not know it or make strawberry's blue.

blue strawberry's

hope this clears it up for you.

-mystic :tiphat:

I knew about pesticides and herbicides but I didn't know GMO corn was killing honey bees. That's definitely bad news.


Ripped since 1965
Lets Vote:

Monsanto- Feed the world and make some money.
Pot growers- Protect their little private money making plant kingdom.

Sorry-Only the millions of starving humans get to vote in this election.


Active member
Lets Vote:

Monsanto- Feed the world and make some money.
Pot growers- Protect their little private money making plant kingdom.

Sorry-Only the millions of starving humans get to vote in this election.

Protect the World and let natural selection proceed.

You can only put so many goldfish in a bowl until they get diseases.

The funny thing is I wish I had a dozen mild chicken wings now. :laughing:

Mystic Funk

Well-known member
I knew about pesticides and herbicides but I didn't know GMO corn was killing honey bees. That's definitely bad news.

GMO crops kill everything they come in contact with. the bugs that eat it, the soil, the bee's.

seven types of bee's are now on the endangered species list for the first time in the USA.
there's a lot of other reasons too why their dying off but gmo's are not helping them any.


Active member
After some quick research (I'm not done yet) it appears the issue of dying bees is with the nicotine-based insecticides rather than the plants themselves.


Monsanto...Bayer...Scott...OMG our world is under attack!!! These evil entities must be lickin' their chops for CALI Rec' to pass. Poised and ready to swoop in AND the steal the 'big piece of chicken'

Swallow up the companies
Control seed strains
inhibit organic farming....AND
Alter the laws through lawyer guns and money

Is nobody going to stop them? What can we do?

Start by voting NO for Cali Rec. Make a stand. Don't cave like Colorado..


Active member
I think you'll be scared when Monsanto's sets up shop next door to you or you favorite breeder and starts throwing GMO pollen around and ends up dusting your crops. then the fallowing year stop by and say your seeds are now there's. don't believe me? look it up. heirloom grain and corn farmers in the wid west usa had that happen to them.
Monsanto's is the only company in the world to patent life. look that up.


Yes this happened in USA and Canada but they lost in India I believe. However breeding can be done indoors and if it comes to that it will be all indoors and no respectable breeder is selling beans that were pollenated from unknown source


Active member
I wouldn't worry about this on a large scale...

What you should REALLY be concerned about is DNA Patents.... Whomever is first to register DNA of all of your favorite strains will OWN the marijuana industry.


ICMag Donor
Who thinks that these companies that have filed over 40 patents, so far, concerning cannabis products & use aren't trying to destroy the industry as we currently know it?

Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, GW Pharma, etc., are all in bed together. They cooperate with one another as much as they keep secrets from each other.

Do yall see the dividing lines these very subjects are creating within what was once a very tight knit community?
I think not!

Do you think these lines are intentionally set by those in power?
I do.

For those of you thatcare willing to search more about the subject I'd like to suggest by watching a few videos:
The World According to Monsanto
The Future of Food
Food INC.

Those of you arguing without researching are going to be cornered by those that you allow to make decisions for you!
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