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Basic Breeding




technically its against the rules, but in this case its fine.
mostly wanted to make sure you got it.
ganesh said:

Thanks for the diagrams .. very usefull.
And nice looking polen.

southwind, i hope you dont mind if i quote your PM, since it is very informative, and it could be handy for other users:

If you want, i can edit and remove the above quote.

Thanks for posting everybody!



Active member
I will be answering the question: "Will weed pollinated water seed the designated buds?" ©2007 Redlevels.


Active member
Sorry to be so late to inform you...
But an old breeders trick after pollenating plants, is to spray them down 24 hours later with water. To kill the pollen still floating around on the plant- that hashn't already taken....Then these plants get put back in with "the others" which may or may not be pollenated also, depending on the breeder...

Elevator Man

Active member
I only plan to leave my plants for two hours after pollenating before I spray them with water. I'll be taking them out of the main grow room to do it, and will have at least eight extremely large plants in my living area, so naturally, the less time the better!

I gave them two hours last time, and all the pollen fertilized fine - I think it starts growing tubes down the pistils within minutes of contact...


????? ???

southwind: im very sorry, i didnt know that.I just posted it because i found it very useful.Send me a PM and i'll edit my post.Sorry.

About pollination, i let the couple together under hps for a few weeks.



nooo problem

nooo problem

Its fine , my friend, if it helps others more power to it.

Best wishes...always.



southwind: im very sorry, i didnt know that.I just posted it because i found it very useful.Send me a PM and i'll edit my post.Sorry.

About pollination, i let the couple together under hps for a few weeks.


Elevator Man

Active member
I'll be pollenating two branches of at last six big plants in about an hour - just checked my pollen levels, and they're pretty low, so I'm going to have to spread this one out with a little cornflour, methinks... :chin:

If I can manage it, without getting pollen everywhere (that would be disaster), I'll try and take a few pics as I do it - may help a few, as I rarely see any good photos of actual plant sex...y'know, like actual...:)




Elevator Man said:
I'll be pollenating two branches of at last six big plants in about an hour - just checked my pollen levels, and they're pretty low, so I'm going to have to spread this one out with a little cornflour, methinks... :chin:

If I can manage it, without getting pollen everywhere (that would be disaster), I'll try and take a few pics as I do it - may help a few, as I rarely see any good photos of actual plant sex...y'know, like actual...:)

Hello EMAN

Cant you just use pollen you have and be extra careful just hitting pistils?



Hi guys. redlevels, it's all just a living and learning experience, we've all made mistakes at some point. When I pollinate I just leave a male in the bloom room til it's almost reading to pop then I take it out and put it by a window and in a few days I take whatever pollen it'll give me. It's not usually a huge amount but you don't need much at all. I collect it in a plastic bowl. When you're ready to pollinate shut all fans off in the flower room then take an artist paintbrush and just carefully "paint" the buds you want to grow seeds on. I usually pick buds about halfway down the plant keeping in mind that they should get decent light. I don't mist or spray anything, if you are careful when you pollinate the only buds that you should get any seeds from are the ones that you painted. By the next day the pistils should be shriveled up and in a few days seeds will start to form. I like to pollinate when the plants have about a month to go but if you only want a few seeds you can pollinate as soon as preflowers show at about two weeks of 12/12.


Active member
Rudedude said:
Hi guys. redlevels, it's all just a living and learning experience, we've all made mistakes at some point. When I pollinate I just leave a male in the bloom room til it's almost reading to pop then I take it out and put it by a window and in a few days I take whatever pollen it'll give me. It's not usually a huge amount but you don't need much at all. I collect it in a plastic bowl. When you're ready to pollinate shut all fans off in the flower room then take an artist paintbrush and just carefully "paint" the buds you want to grow seeds on. I usually pick buds about halfway down the plant keeping in mind that they should get decent light. I don't mist or spray anything, if you are careful when you pollinate the only buds that you should get any seeds from are the ones that you painted. By the next day the pistils should be shriveled up and in a few days seeds will start to form. I like to pollinate when the plants have about a month to go but if you only want a few seeds you can pollinate as soon as preflowers show at about two weeks of 12/12.

Great man, that really summarizes it up nicely.

I like the part about shriveling up after pollination, also about pollinating w/ a month to go, also that it takes about 2 weeks to start to see the seed forming, and so 30 days is a good time to have the seed mature.


????? ???

Most of the seeds are ready, and i will harvest them next week.
Should i harvest the seeds with the plant alive, or let her dry before take the seeds?

Thanks in advance



The Tri Guy
It doesn't matter about the mother at all. Just be sure to take the seeds when they are ready. Failing to do that will result in the seed pod from rotting and starting a bud rot issue.


It'll be much easier to remove the seeds after you dry the plant. After I remove the seeds I usually give the seeds another week to finish drying (I'm not sure if that's neccessary) then I pack em up with a little rice and put em in the fridge.


redlevels said:
I will be answering the question: "Will weed pollinated water seed the designated buds?" ©2007 Redlevels.


however,,,,, if there was any airborn pollen prior to or after the water event - those may be successful.

Kiff screens or bubble bags make a great way to use the well dried flowers after harvest. - ;-) Such is the price we pay for seeds. Good luck! - sounds like the kids will be good ones!

Save the water and use it in the garden - plants LOVE Ganja tea
Last edited:


????? ???

Here's the Amnesia 99 x Ultimate Moonshine seeds, ready for storage:


Im very excited to grow some.



ICMag Donor
Put some rice into the pack when storing long term to be sure that no moisture is in the container ... , this could ruin all your beans ...

OG bub

ICMag Donor
fjällhöga said:
heja ganesh :)
4 seeds is a bit low .... , but if they are the last what you have of UM , its ok ...
Grow em and let all males alive as well as all fem´s ... let them do their thing ( open pollination) , this will insure as much diversity in gene´s as possible .

take about 20-30 f3´s and choose your fem´s and your males and cross em again to reach f4

hope that helps a bit ...


PS: visit the Hill Temple Collective (og bub´s ) helpdesk , there are some stickie´s about breeding :)

What FJ said.

bout everything Ive seen from FJ is accurate ime/imo.

also, you can spray down a pollinated plant to kill excess pollen in as little as 90 minutes after pollination. it will not effect the percentage ime.

Peace folks, bub.



bub, I don't know if you noticed but it looks like you spilled some sugar all over those buds. Those look sick Bro! Makes me wish I had a scratch and sniff monitor, shit, a scratch and smoke monitor would be better!

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