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Barney's LSD X 3 & Dinafem's Cheese X 1 (my 2nd grow)

I had mine in 7gal pots and round tomato cages.

She had a dozen big spear-shaped buds the size of my forearm; however, they really shrank down once dried. An ounce would fill up an entire quart mason jar whereas indica strains I've grown would fill the jar up halfway or less.

The end product was a light-weight sativa bud. It's the only bud I've ever had where my friends aren't bothered by it's airy qualities. She wasn't dense at all, but I thought it was perfect to be crumbled up and put into a vaporizer or spliff. Breaks down real easy. When I open a jar it stinks the house up heavily... the same goes for when she was still growing.
@SittingBull do you have any pics of your LSD plant? Would love to see it if you have any pics taken.
How you have trained your plant?
I don't take pics. It's one of my rules. Probably sounds stupid, lol.

Anyways, I topped all main shoots 1 week before flowering. Best to keep stress down.

After the first week of flowering I started seeing how fast she was growing and topped her again. I thought this may have slowed her down and regretted it for a while. When she was done i'm glad I may have slowed her down because damn she got large.

I trained her by letting the strong main branched go upwards outside of the tomato cages while letting the smaller/weaker branches stay inside the middle of the circular cage for support. This worked great for her. Also, by training the more vigorous/main branches outside of the cage it delayed her stretch for a little while, as they grew sideways outside of the cage for a few days, and then upwards.
No new pics yet, LSD buds are filling in and are getting heavier but all trichomes are still clear. They are now 10 weeks old,does anyone know in how much time they can turn milky/amber?
Hey folks

My LSD's have 12 weeks today and i have harvested one of my plants today. The taller(160cm) one have to go one more week or so. I wonder why on the breeders page they state that this is a 65 day plant.

Cheese have 10 weeks of 12/12 light schedule and she can go another week too, trichomes turn slowly to cloudy.

I have a question maybe someone can help me out with an answer. Can a plant/strain be done and ready to harvest and the majority of the trihomes to be clear with some cloudy and amber from there to there?

Two LSD plants at 12 weeks and 1 Cheese(bottom left, the plant with smaller nugs) at 10 weeks of flowering

Cheese at 10 weeks of 12/12, it had a very slow start and not so much yield on her.

160cm tall LSD plant, she have 12 weeks but she must go 1 week or so until harvest.

LSD buds on the tallest plant have bulked and are heavy


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