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Bagseed grow

:tiphat:hey gist guess what... agents came snooping around looking for couple dudes and i had to pluck them because they were literally feet away searchin with flashlights... fuck it... i'm growing some fresher bagseeds now... starting off slow but i have hope for them.... looking unique already one of them... i'm growing seeds of this>>>


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just let them get a lil bit older and i'll post pics.. stay tuned first week of June should have a set... i just grow smallish for the heck of it... one day i'll be up and running... its not that i don't know how...
fuck it here they are:huggg:


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think i got a female? and what should i call her.. nope can't grow anymore than these

think i got a female? and what should i call her.. nope can't grow anymore than these

two plants same strain old school smell purple reggie as you can see last pic is a bud from this batch of reggie like the seedlings you see :woohoo:


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:tiphat:hey gist guess what... agents came snooping around looking for couple dudes and i had to pluck them because they were literally feet away searchin with flashlights... fuck it... i'm growing some fresher bagseeds now... starting off slow but i have hope for them.... looking unique already one of them... i'm growing seeds of this>>>

Afghan Haze, woah, close calls like that suck, but at least it didn't get any worse than it did. I'll be following any grows you do. Do yo know where this weed comes from?

peace :dance013:
I really like the taller one... See how they don't really look the same.. why I'm sure its hybrid weed.


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Lookin good so far. I'm a bigger fan of the one on the right lol. I like the ladies that are short and thick.
this is the last time i'm putting any mj seeds in miracle grow or any other shitty soil and growing shitty like this... so tired of this...
do you guys know anything about espoma organic potting soil? i can't find it in the big stores around here so maybe its not shitty.. i heard it already has dolomite lime in it... i could save some money not buying lime... maybe some coco coir in there...


It sounds like you are getting a little frustrated. I have not used the soil you're talking about. Are there any specialty gardening stores around you? Or you could get some online but paying shipping sucks.

This is what I was running with before and I had great resultsIts not cheap but it is free shipping.

On the plant I have now I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest. We'll see how it goes, but the old soil was wonderful. Look for something with mychorizzae. Its a fungal symbiote that really helps your plants take up nutrients. With the green planet naturals I went seed to harvest with no added nutrients.

When you first start seedlings it seems like the first 2 or 3 weeks are always slow, or at least usually. Once they get they're third or fourth leaf set, things really start taking off.

Other than that what are you doing about lights? Are you running all outdoors? If not what are the watts of you lights indoors. Lighting is at least twice as important as dirt.
well sun is good with high of 92 but they only get full sun until 2pm then it passes over where i live and they stay in pretty good light... but no extra light just regular sun... ye sorry for getting frustrated.... i did see a little bit fast growth when i had some other seeds back in February under 24hr light but still very slow. I shouldn't get mad cause I didn't put anything into this grow but I expected better. I can get 2cu ft of Espoma Organic Potting Mix for $33 free shipping I'm thinking about mixing that with some coco and some organic amendments and getting a couple extras... We'll see what happens... $100 is still a lot of money to me...


I agree with that. That's too much money for dirt. You should do some shopping around online, there are many good soils out there. I really am a fan using soils infused with microorganisms. Fox farms has none and I am getting slow growth at the beginning with my plant as well. Having a good micro herd gets things moving quicker. It could also just be genetics too. I wouldn't get to frustrated.
my friend grows similar bagseeds and ends up with a few 2ft to 3ft plants with about an oz of bud on them each outdoors... he uses miracle grow non organic and plain water so If I end up with that I'll be happy.
i'm a little bit happier with today's pics....the only reason i've decided to keep using miracle grow over the years is because i remember on overgrow they had a tutorial soil vs hydro and the soil they used was miracle grow non organic with aquacoir. They implied that the soil grown clone tasted better and "so good." if i remember correctly there was a recipe on there something like mg aquacoir with bone n blood meal perlite vermiculite lime and moss on top... i know i read that recipe somewhere


The biggest two problems I have with miracle grow is it has time released nutrients that continue providing into flowering, which potentially affects the taste of your finished product, and they use chemical fertilizers. Since you are using MG organic it shouldn't have the chemicals but I believe it still uses slow release ferts.

That aside, you can grow perfectly fine plants with it. Your plants look good to me. Once they get those first three nodes fully developed they really start taking off. I would say by this time two weeks from now you will be very happy with the size they've packed on.