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Bad news.....maybe for everyone!


Active member
"The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold hearings today on what is surely one of the most curious almost inexplicable Obama administration appointees. Michele Leonhart, a Bush administration holdover who has been acting head of the Drug Enforcement Administration for the past two years, has been nominated to head the agency for the duration.

It is genuinely puzzling that President Barack Obama would nominate Ms. Leonhart, as she seems to be diametrically opposed to the administration's stated policies, especially on medical marijuana. The Department of Justice issued a memo in November 2009 stating that the federal government would not raid dispensaries in states with medical marijuana laws, so long as those facilities were complying with relevant state law. Since then, however, the DEA has conducted numerous raids in apparent violation of that policy.

Perhaps the worst instance came in July, after Mendocino County promulgated an ordinance regulating medical marijuana growing and invited local growers to register with the sheriff. The very first person to register, Joy Greenfield, 68, whose garden had been inspected and approved by the local sheriff, was almost immediately raided by the DEA. Informed that the local sheriff had approved the garden, the DEA agent in charge responded, "I don't care what the sheriff says."

Ms. Leonhart should be questioned about how the DEA plans to engage with local law enforcement in the growing number of states with valid medical marijuana laws. She should also be questioned about her relationship with Andrew Chambers, a longtime DEA informant branded a perjurer by federal appellate courts. And, questioned about allegations that she was involved with the firing of a whistle-blower who exposed a "house of death" used by the Juarez drug cartel to murder people.

The Obama administration has emphasized its disagreement with Bush-era policies on almost every front. Sticking with a Bush appointee at the DEA is profoundly puzzling. The president should rescind her appointment and seek someone more in line with the administration's stated policies."

Maybe a yes vote might have made things different. Im one of the people who liked this pres......what the phuck is this idiot doin??????


Green is Gold
What do they mean when they say "involved with the firing of a whistle-blower who exposed a "house of death" used by the Juarez drug cartel to murder people"? Is the writer trying to suggest this lady was working with the cartels?

I too am disappointed he's keeping this bitch around Brainsellz, it's like what are they thinking over there? I seriously don't think Obama cares about being reelected with some of the decisions his administration has made, this one being a very glaring example


Active member
What do they mean when they say "involved with the firing of a whistle-blower who exposed a "house of death" used by the Juarez drug cartel to murder people"? Is the writer trying to suggest this lady was working with the cartels?

I too am disappointed he's keeping this bitch around Brainsellz, it's like what are they thinking over there? I seriously don't think Obama cares about being reelected with some of the decisions his administration has made, this one being a very glaring example
That sounds like a "smear a grower" campain, and yeah man its sad to think about all the "good" it seemed like this guy was gunna do and then to have him take a big chit on us all. I was starting to think they are using "MK Ultra" on him.

Santa Claus

New member
Ho, Ho , Ho,

Santa knows that The pro-War people are asking for all kinds of favors now that we put them back in control. Notice they are projecting war funding to 2014 now? Even Suggesting they will have it in 2015?

Drug of Choice is war not weed that is why,

Happy Holidays.. Mrs. Claus has a fat goose all picked out! Yummie and the Elves have gathered a whole sack of Cranberries.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!



Active member
As an aside, the states are going to have to form a union against the Federal Government eventually. The Federal Govt is shady, irresponsible, even treasonous.


Active member
Because there is no difference , Obama and Bush are just figureheads. They sound different but continue on the same path.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
this shit is absurd on so many levels. they shouldnt even be having a hearing appointing a new head of the DEA. the DEA it's self is unconstitutional in general. They should be having a hearing to shut the evil nazi organization down.


Active member
no one from previous failed drug administrations should get a job doing the same thing. Virgin Harvester that sure does seem like what its gunna eventually boil down to. Cyat, supermanlives and Hash Zeppelin you guys took the words right outta my mouth

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I'm wondering why no one has called Obama out on his bullshit about cannabis. Made every think he was into cannabis or atleast not as screwed up as Bush and seems like we have the same BULLSHIT with Obama..
I think this guy has forgotten who it was that voted him in and that was young ppl. I think there should be a petition for the President and screw talking to his loser underlings who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground. IMVHO go to the source and see what the big guy really says . Seems strange they keep going after cannabis after all they know. peace out Headband707
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Active member
^ you know im starting to wonder who from big pharma is in his administration or has ties to "big medicine", there has to be someone.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ almost all democrats are elected because of some big pharma influence. thats pretty well known. also almost all republicans are elected by some private prison influence. what is fucked up is both of those industries are controlled by the same families. see the problem


The Mad Monk
What do they mean when they say "involved with the firing of a whistle-blower who exposed a "house of death" used by the Juarez drug cartel to murder people"? Is the writer trying to suggest this lady was working with the cartels?

Not exactly, although it doesn't exclude that possibility. At the least, she should be questioned about what she knows. Hold up her statements to those from others and maybe something sticks out, or just as important, something doesn't show up.


Active member
^ almost all democrats are elected because of some big pharma influence. thats pretty well known. also almost all republicans are elected by some private prison influence. what is fucked up is both of those industries are controlled by the same families. see the problem
starting to get a clear picture of it now
Maybe a yes vote might have made things different. Im one of the people who liked this pres......what the phuck is this idiot doin??????

Just more proof that they are all the same after the votes are counted... I was hoping for better MJ reform laws under Obama, so far, He's just as bad or the same as Nixon, Reagan, Clinton and Bush.....again, All the same.

The good news is, in 2 years, there will be a couple more folks, promsing this group one thing and that group another, then once the votes are tallied, He will forget about what he said, and go on with business and usual......Welcome to the Diplomatic, United States of America............

.................. I wish states would try to secede from the United States.....i guess in a way, on a small scale its happening, and the U.S. Government is at War with the states that are trying it....IE: The DEA.


Gosh, and it seemed like this was a really good day.

Hunker down, get secure, be safer, enjoy this moment we share, cuz God only knows what is coming down the pipe.

The people who really decide our collective fate don't work for any federal government.

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Surprise! DEA Boss Opposes Marijuana Legalization
November 19, 2010:

Obama's nomination of Michele Leonhart to be the head of the DEA is generating a lot of discussion about how horrible she is.
In particular, this exchange from yesterday's Senate hearing is raising disturbing questions about what she'll do with the vast, unchecked drug war powers the President seeks to bestow upon her:

“I’m a big fan of the DEA,” said Sessions, before asking Leonhart point blank if she would fight medical marijuana legalization.

“I have seen what marijuana use has done to young people, I have seen the abuse, I have seen what it’s done to families. It’s bad,” Leonhart said. “If confirmed as administrator, we would continue to enforce the federal drug laws.”

“These legalization efforts sound good to people,” Sessions quipped. “They say, ‘We could just end the problem of drugs if we could just make it legal.’ But any country that’s tried that, Alaska and other places have tried it, have failed. It does not work,” Sessions said.

“We need people who are willing to say that. Are you willing to say that?” Sessions asked Leonhart.

“Yes, I’ve said that, senator. You’re absolutely correct [about] the social costs from drug abuse, especially from marijuana,” Leonhart said. “Legalizers say it will help the Mexican cartel situation; it won’t. It will allow states to balance budgets; it won’t. No one is looking [at] the social costs of legalizing drugs.” [Daily Caller ]

Before everyone freaks out any further about the implications of Leonhart's pledge to enforce federal drug laws in states that have legalized medical marijuana, let's not forget that she's actually been running the DEA for three years.
Federal raids on medical marijuana providers have decreased during her tenure and it's unlikely any of that will change just because the word "interim" gets removed from her title.

As I see it, the only significant aspect to the Leonhart story is Obama's horrendous decision to keep her around in the first place. She should've been tossed as a formality back in January '09 and replaced with some boring stooge we'd never heard of before.
I have yet to hear a compelling theory as to why that didn’t happen, but my best guess is that there just isn't an abundance of impressive people interested in defending the dreadful deeds that the DEA does every day.
The Obama Administration's confusing and disingenuous effort to soften the tone of the drug war rhetoric in Washington means they need a DEA boss who will generally keep their mouth shut. Leonhart's done a decent job in that department, and there might not be much else to the story.

At her confirmation hearing yesterday, acting DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart agreed with Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) that drug legalization has "failed" in "any country that's tried that."
Strictly speaking, no country has legalized drugs, but many have policies less draconian than the U.S. government's, and several have experimented with various forms of decriminlization.
Portugal arguably has gone the farthest, treating possession of all drugs for personal use as an administrative rather than criminal matter.
Based on a comparison of health and criminal justice trends in Portugal to those in Italy and Spain since 2001, a new study (PDF linked), reported this month in the British Journal of Criminology, finds that Portugese decriminalization has been associated with "reductions in problematic use, drug-related harms and criminal justice overcrowding."

IMB :)
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Active member
if im not mistaken she is the one who said the "drug war" was working because "the cartels were killing each other" or something almost verbatim

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