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Back to the Swamp 2014



Swamp Thang

Well-known member
I thank you for including that photograph of a creek, 45th. I find that when in the wild I am just drawn to rivers, creeks and swamps, so it was a natural progression for me to become a swamp bud grower, when I first started reading about how to build swamp tubes a few years back.

In my humble opinion, there is no more tranquil a setting to fire up a nice fat joint, than in the shade down beside a slow-flowing river. A more meditative setting is hard to come by.
Hey guys, still alive here :) Never got to post a nice final update, but I hauled in around 1/2 to 3/4's of a #, which I'm still smoking happily on. This was definitely my most successful grow yet. I should be back with a little thread for the new season soon enough!

Team Microbe

Active member
Bam baby!

Congratulations on a successful season brother, can't wait to see you kill it even more this next year. I love the swamp grows... they're truly in the smack dab middle of nature's palms - life just flourishes in swamps! So lively...


New member
Can any of y'all suggest a strain for in the swamp area a little above the equator. It is very hot and humid here. Thinking of doing an auto sativa. Or leaning too a sativa strains for the weather.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Standing by to witness your 2015 swamp grow, Rosetta Stoned, and once again may I state for the avoidance of doubt that the only thing worse than conducting a swamp grow is FAILURE to do so ha ha ha.

Savage Seeds

Active member
Rosettaaaaaaaa where you at brother?! What's the master plan for this year? Come on brother give it up I love watchin yer swamp grows!


Ata Tundra *BC Blueberry *BC Gold Bud *Cold Creek Kush
*Onyx *Short Stuff #1 *Snow Ryder *White Widow *Big Foot
in 2015 :)


This Low Ryder was in October...September anything would be bonus.


I just love dwarfs... :)


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Hey guys, sorry I never really finished this thread. Was too busy enjoying the fruits of my labor haha :D I should be back this year with a new thread, in this swamp.