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Baby Pictures


Active member
hi everyone

I wasn't sure where to post this so umm I am a woman so I am hoping its ok in here. Here are a few pictures of our latest editions. These lil darlins are beginning to race around. Two more weeks and they will head out to their new homes. It'll be hard to see them go but at the same time, I long for the days of dry socks!



Active member
Hiya Bartender187 :wave:

I guess I forgot to mention that hey?

They are Shih Tsu's . Momma is a white Shih Tsu with black ears and mask.. Papa is Solid Brown with a black mask and a white spot of his chest.



aaawwwww..... how cute! da' wittle fluffy puppys.... omy gosh! They are absolutley adorable... I wanna pick'em up and love all over 'em.... :D

I am such a cat person, but my son is wanting a dog. We have some friends that their lil doggy is gonna have pups in a month or so... We are seriously considering getting him one. He is an only child and I know gets bored hangin' out by himself a lot.

I am just afraid the dog will sense my prejudice, because I am such a total cat person, :biglaugh:

SO we are debating about it around this household in the next few weeks. And the pictures of those lil' babies just don't make it any easier!

Thanks for Sharing Jen!



Active member
Hi cough_cough_eer and Ms.Grat3ful :)

aren't they sweet! I keep telling myself that when I get attacked walking into the kitchen!

What kind of pup are you considering for your son Ms. G? One pup is great...two are such fun.. umm 6? may be a bit much. I had to give the Mama a haircut.. more like a sheep sheering .. a few days ago because she had such bad matts in her hair. She's still a bit pissed at me, not the I blame her, she's had better do's.

Good Luck with your decision Ms. G. I took me forever to decide to get my first and then I had to spend months convincing my hubby that we really needed a dog. Then when she seemed lonely, I had to pull out all stops to get another one. The puppies just sorta happened lol. To appease my hubby, i let him take the dogs to the beach... where he is approached by lots of scantily clad sweet young girls wanting to pet the dogs. All of a sudden, you'd think the dogs were his idea. (the things a gal has to do sheesh)

i could do without "Show and Tell" at the school though. Ever take 4 puppies to a mob scene? I have never been afraid of little kids until I hit the main doors of the school....by the time I reached my daughters classroom, I had about 60 new friends following me. lol



All of a sudden, you'd think the dogs were his idea. (the things a gal has to do sheesh)
:biglaugh: :chin:life would be so much easier, if they just listened to us in the first place, don't cha think? :D

i could do without "Show and Tell" at the school though. Ever take 4 puppies to a mob scene? I have never been afraid of little kids until I hit the main doors of the school....by the time I reached my daughters classroom, I had about 60 new friends following me.
I can only imagine :yoinks:

What kind of pup are you considering for your son Ms. G?
well , I haven't actually seen the mommy, but I hear its some kind'a small terrior type and the daddy some terrior/jack russel mix mutt... so, i dont' know about if it will be the nervous type, I dont' want that, i am nervous enough for all of us 'round, here... haha..
we'll see what happens, I will have to see them... and fix the fence, and put up things that can be chewed, get h3ad to build a dog house, SEE, so much work *big sigh*.. I just dun't know... :rolleyes: Like I say to the kid, " we'll see " :D


Active member
ummm, a couple of tips:
Include with "things that can be chewed":
table, chairs, door frames, screens, feet.

oh yes, and close your bedroom door all the times. I can't tell you how many times these dogs have brought coffee guests my BRA!



ICMag Donor
jenna, those puppies are the cutest!!...i used to have a Shih Tsu/Pekinese, his name was thumper and he was the best dog, just love 'em!


Definetly cute pups!! I have a Shih Tsu, but ours is more of a SHIT Tsu. :biglaugh:
Puppies are fun so enjoy them!!! :woohoo:

nwODB :bigeye:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Looks like a bunch of cute ass hell yuns if ya ask me,you gotta love the kids. Great harvest Jenna good luck with motherhood yet again.



Captain Expando
oh Jenna... I just love those little babies... they're so sweet.. I used to have a little Lasha Apsho named Tosha... so much love man...

God love 'em....

Ms. G.... If you do they'll be the best of buddies in no time... and for the cats, most dogs will get along with kitties, so maybe it would be a loving mix at your place... :smile: I just love plants & animals... I have fish, a dog and of course anything I host in the grow room... mainly bigass spiders that eat any little preditors... I try to keep them in the grow rooms but sometimes they wander and I have to put 'em back in there....


Active member
Hi everybody!

I am on the countdown! Calling the vet today to get these little things their shots and check up and then its dry floors for me! hmmm, maybe I can germ something else with all the free time. have to look in the tickle trunk.

zeppelindood - spiders? bigass spiders? getting out? wandering? oh! <faints dead away> Nothin would get me to a hotel faster than bigass spiders wandering.

We had a Newt named Norman that the kids would wrap in a dolls blanket and carry around. I thought they were just carrying a little doll so stupidly I said... want me to burp your baby? Damn thing run up my arm and looked me square in the eye. Poor Norman was probably deafened by my hysterical screams. Norman and I agreed that while we could still look at eachother, he should be in his cage while we visited. *never keep the newt cage on top of the television* RIP Norman. The neighbours probably thought we were daft having a newt funeral in the backyard with all the mourners dressed in their sunday best. My littliest later retrieved Norman for tea after his funeral. *mental note....dig a deeper hole*



Meet Jedi

Meet Jedi

:smile: I found a baby... from the shelter... This guy had been part of a litter and was the last one left. He had been there for about 8 months... He was very timid and very scared, I felt so sorry for him... They said the only reason he was still there is because they had already had him fixed... Well, I went home and for three days I kept thinking about him.. His sad lil' face... He was so sweet... I went back and visited him and took him out for about an hour.. I knew he was the doggy for us...

and you're right Jenna... The kitties and doggy intro went so much better than I expected!..
My son being an only child, I know he gets lonely.. and I debated over the whole dog thing for sometime, I know it is a commitment.
But I knew it was absolutely the right thing to to when he said, "Mom, you don't know what this means to me, and teared up" .... so profoundly touching and a moment I'll never forget... :D
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Has he piddled on the floor yet??
yep!but, only once :redface: Those are some of the times I am thankful that I don't have carpet .... he is getting the swing of things around here..The worst thing that we have had to deal with so far, is that he nipped at my son's nose when he tried to put a leash on him :yoinks: Scared the crap out'a me and I imagine the dog too after I was done with him. Then I felt bad, but we cannot have biting of any sort :nono: . It could have been so much worse and the boy got in trouble too, cause he was told specificly NOT to put that leash on him, because he is scared of it! I am just glad that he didn't break the skin, and that we got that lesson over without major damage... The kid learned a lesson too!
The cat seem more and more interesting to him as he gets more comfortable... The cat is reluctatant to any dog socializaton, but have started to ignore him, which I think is a good sign....
It's a lot of work, but I am hoping it will all be worth it, when he and the boy are bestest buds... :friends: That is my Goal anyway :smoker:
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Active member
Awesome Ms. G! i am sure you will love your new dog... most of the time :wink: He is gorgeous! I bet your son is tickled pink! Have you named him yet? Good luck on the training!

We had a bunch of vacationers around here for the last week. I have been sweating bullets as ppl have been dangerously close to da room. Noone suspected anything but they figure i have shares in airwick... ( i maybe overdid the air fresheners a tad) The whole place smells like an orange grove with a dollup of jasmine? :yoinks: I think I held my breath for a week which is probably good cuz the freshener would probably poison me anyway.

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