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AVAL(O)N'S BL(0)(0)MING R(0)(0)M


breathe deep
Here are some shots of the current round. Just finished 5 weeks. I vegged a lot of these girls TOO much and they are overgrowing the joint.

Fractal Strawberry Diesel F3...this girl looks A LOT like the F2 i cropped for years, and never should have let go. Stoked to find a similar pheno.

Fractal Strawberry Diesel IX...She smells fruity with hints of strawberry potpourri.

Heads G13xSD these are different plants. All Phenos are pretty similar so far.

this is 4 different plants. These girls have been bent, broken, twisted and just plain abused.


breathe deep
These are the White Fires that made it to the 2nd run. pretty sure i have my pheno, but since i had some clones of them all, i ran em again because really there is not a bad plant in the bunch.


this is five plants. Monsters as well!

Next are the Killing Fields. These are definitely some of the fastest growing plants i have grown. I am trying my best to tame them...The buds look small for 5 weeks, but i had to bend all the main branches so each main kola now has about ten smaller main kolas instead. Yield=big



breathe deep
Last but certainly far from least i present THE PROPHET. A few different phenos. These girls are strong, sturdy, and thick! Biggest Bubba hybrid i have grown. They tested my curing ability last round with there exceedingly dense structure. Took a while, but coaxed some nice smells out of them after a month+ in the jars.
3 different phenos below




Hope you enjoy checking these out and hope you're having as much fun in your garden as i am in mine!!
Puff Puff Pass

roll it large

looks great avalon im gunna invest in some sdf3 for sure and the kf look nice are those the f3 too

that g13/sd looks superb you can see how thats going to turn out(dank)

great skills and thanks for sharing



breathe deep
looks great avalon im gunna invest in some sdf3 for sure and the kf look nice are those the f3 too

that g13/sd looks superb you can see how thats going to turn out(dank)

great skills and thanks for sharing


Yeah the KFields are the F3 and they have been hard to choose a keeper from. 4 different phenos have all been lovely, 3 others not my cup of herb. I ran a few different packs and selected from around 10 females. I have a bunch of packs of Jackberry that i am looking forward to running one of these days.

NO WORRIES I have been strain hunting for a few runs, looking to replace my moms after letting them go. The whole spice is the variety of life situation...

Just went to post my Prophet in the Grndhouse section and saw that it no longer exists. Wonder what happened there...?


breathe deep
What they dont tell you is that they were lifted off of Inreply's Heavenscape~ I've heard the songs too, off a thick joint of the Killing Fields #1 and 3. Love you lots bro, keep doing it the way you do!


Bob i know you are near the west coast bible belt and all, but your freakin me out a bit. I listened to that video and I need to smoke a lot more next time if i am supposed to distinguish what the hell i am hearing. Funny Shit, thanks for that. Ain't nobody got a monopoly on crazy!


breathe deep
DAY 47

DAY 47

Bungle in the Jungle! Got some vigorous overly vegged girls that are attempting to kamikaze themselves into the bulbs. It been a constant battle but things are calmed down and weight is packing on now. Here are some ladies!
Lets start with what i am predicting to be my G13xSour Diesel KEEPER. won't know till she gets vaped, but been looking for a SD dominant one and she seems to be the girl. Nice stretch, spear shaped buds, good calyx to leaf ratio, though denser than a standard diesel. Putrid but not offensive stink. Out of the 6 females i have running, 5/6 are heavily G13 leaning. Not this one...


Here is a shot of a tray of the G13xSD. They are the ones on the left. in the middle used to be a walkway between two trays. Plants took it over...

Here's a G13 leaning Pheno


breathe deep
Next up are the Killing Fields. The best i could do was keep them from growing into the hoods. they created a stadium effect after much bending, breaking, and asking them nicely to stay in their assigned spot...





Unique unmistakable smell on these gals.


breathe deep
Strawberry Diesel F2 and IX from Fractal Genetics. These gals are dominating in the smell department. Vigorous and still have a ways to go. The F2 and the IX smell like different strains. At least the phenos i ended up with.





breathe deep
White Fire OG. This is the selected mom. Had three very similar phenos, and a bunch of different ones. I chose one of the similar ones, but she smoked much different from her similar sisters. A few of them made me want to go to bed, and thats not what i am looking for. This one has a nice balance to her.



breathe deep
Again bringing up the rear are The Prophet. Not sure where or why Grindhouse has been 86'd from ICmag(?), but sort of a shame as far as genetics go. Anyhoo here are two different phenos i am getting friendly with.



Thanks for sharing in my delights folks. Loving growing all these worldly genetics and would like to give a virtual hug to all those that love the Herb as much as I :huggg:

true grit

Active member
Everything is looking phenomenal there for ya!! I've never grown the straw diesel- is it more diesel dom in the smell/taste dept? Or relatively balanced in fruitiness?


breathe deep
Everything is looking phenomenal there for ya!! I've never grown the straw diesel- is it more diesel dom in the smell/taste dept? Or relatively balanced in fruitiness?

Whats happening Gritty!? I ran an F2 for years and it was way more dieselish. Smelt like Diesel chemical astringent cleaner. Sticking the face in an elbow made folks, without fail, give a "wow" response. Nothing else smelt like it, and the smell definitely translated to the smoke.
I have an F3 that smells and looks just like it (the first one pictured). The IX consistently seem to have a much sweeter smell to them. At least the 3 within smelling distance to my walkway next to the tray. I am guessing a more traditional Strawberry Diesel Smell. I believe Ganesh predicted correctly that the IX would be more consistent in expression and more like the original SBD. I tend to pick sour diesel hybrids more on the sour side of expression, as my friends and I prefer. At 50$ a pack i believe these to be some of the best deals to be had. Thanks Ganesh at Fractal!

true grit

Active member
Ya bro, no lie @ $50 a pack ive had an eye on them for a while but don't have much experience with the StrawDeez or much Rez work. Thanks for the info for sure, sounds to me like the IX would be a bit more up my alley. I def love the diesel side of things but lately my palette has been craving a lil more flavor than the diesel/dawg tastes im used to for some reason. Sadly that usually means less potency! lol. Def looks like you are smashing them girls tho, hella yield! Have you smoked any of the killing fields yet? I have a fem pack i believe that i've yet to touch.


breathe deep
Right on, i hear you about the sweetness. I am partial to the rotten fruit cindarella hybrid type of fruitness. Had a mystic Gem that tasted like fruit cheesecake. Was really something.

I ran the Killing Fields last round, from seed. I narrowed my search down, and now am choosing between 2 phenos. Originally had 6 females of the Regular F3 to choose from. Both are a sort of Rose color, one a bit darker than the other. It is a special strain. The smells range from straight Grape soda, blueberry Muffin, and a sweet Red Wine. Had 5/6 turn some purplish shade of the rainbow. The two i am still choosing between are a quality high. Electric. Smells translate to the flavor of the herb, and there is a nice balancing body stone to go along with the electricity. Its a real unique strain as far as flavor and taste are concerned. I must warn you that they are one of the stretchiest and most vigorous strains i have grown. One of them stretches and grows thick branches all the while. She is a freak and i am still dialing her in. Yield has been pretty high as well. Had a few seed plants that yielded about 8 ounces in 3gallon smart pots. Thats with about a 6 week veg. Been thinking about sampling the fem version ever since i smoked some of these F3's. Put it near the top of you pop list, if you got the space.

roll it large

coming along nicely avalon

fruit cheesecake eh got a pack of those gems somewhere do you have pics of the mystic gems i saw your lui ones thats what made me buy those


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