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av8or's PPK - First Grow


Oh, and I couldn't find any mites on the new growth. I used a 60x scope. I'll look again later to be sure.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Those new pics don't remind me of bm damage so that's good but not conclusive obviously. I think the bm's need a 100x scope but 60 might be enough to notice them. it looks the like leaf edges are folding under with a little bit of spindly growth and yellowing from the petiole towards the tip. What I think of is a little too much nutrient strength or overwatering. Id search thru the infirmary for the symptoms ur experiencing.

Can u describe the issues ur seeing? Is it just the new growth is spindly? Or are my other observations accurate?


PPM is at 700 with a ph of 5.8. The watering regimen is the exact same as when it was flourishing in veg. All the fan leaves are perfectly green but they did appear to dislike getting put into flower. The other strawberry cough I have did the same thing but she's packing on the bud no problem. I'm not getting any nute burn on the leaf tips, just the spindly new growth that's lighter green. No red in the petioles, though. I'll look around the infirmary and see what I can see.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Maybe it needs a little less waterings since its getting half the light now. But if ur other sc plant did this and its now in good shape maybe just keep ur eye on it and wait it out as long as it doesn't deteriorate.

Though I don't think ive ever seen d9 have to reduce waterings by going into flower so idk? U can always throw a pic in his thread and ask, then u get all the ppk crowd to see it and maybe get some advice. gl


I sprayed everything with this stuff called Green Cleaner. Seems to have wiped them out. Garden is back to growing like crazy. The affected strawberry cough is budding up nicely, although she's pretty bright and light in color on the top growth. I think she'll be just fine.

The Sour Urkels in veg are growing an inch and a half a day on all 16 tops. Internode length is spread out a lot, though. Thinking about switching to T5's for veg and getting it closer. We will see.


I'm in the middle of some construction...here's a Sour Urkle I put into flower tonight. The tent is my new veg space. I knocked down the wall between the flower and veg room making it one larger flower room. J1s are topped and in the larger veg sites now. Mites and drowning the strawberry coughs still in flower really messed them up, but you can see the corrections in the progress of the sour urkles.


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No Jive Productions
nice looking plants! for you viewers at home these containers are 22" accross for scale. i hope you are finally done with those little bastard mites!


Hey av8or, just read the whole thread and it seems you're getting a world-class education in how to troubleshoot. You've faced quite a few 'bugs' in your system since the start but all this crap is just making you a better grower. A couple years from now you'll be grateful for going through all this crap for the simple fact problems you encounter in the future will be immediately recognized and resolved.
One thing I didn't see any mention of when you were battling your overwatering problem:
How long is it taking for each planter to drain after the flood? Ideally, the drain should be fairly swift but not too quick. I've noticed on my little system when the drain is happening at the correct speed I can hear the air bubbling down through the media as the water pulls it in during the drain. If it's draining too slow you may not be getting a good mix of O2 and solution to keep the roots from drowning.
Those are my thoughts, a little late in the game as it looks like you've got it pretty well dialed in. Happy growing!


No Jive Productions
its always a good idea to grab some GH pH drops from your hydro store and check your meter against them.

had quite a few of the $160 Hanna pens fail... always stored in storage solution and surgically calibrated in both 4 and 7 solutions and still they went. replaced the bulbs on some only to find electronics were out...

when mine have gone (pH meters)... it was never obvious. There would be like a small glitch but then everything seemed to be working normal. Only way to know was to check against drops.

The meter is great and in the age of the iPhone we should be able to rely on technology vs archaic drops.... fortunately as you work w/jacks for a bit you'll find you only need to check once in a while b/c everything stays pretty even.

where a faulty meter bites you is when u start adding up or down to get to what you think is an ideal range but your meter is actually out and you were on target right off the bat BEFORE you started adding up or down.

after you've mixed a bunch of res's you'll know immediately if something is not where it should be but hey... drops are really hard to f-up.

this is precisely why, if you are using jack's and calcinit at the .666 ratio, you do not correct the intitial ph immediately upon mixing.

hydroponic nutrient manufacturers have to deal with continuous solution maintenance as well as plants needs.

their "recipes" are balanced for solution stability as much as plant uptake.

jack's is the most "balanced" i've ever used.


Hey av8or, just read the whole thread and it seems you're getting a world-class education in how to troubleshoot. You've faced quite a few 'bugs' in your system since the start but all this crap is just making you a better grower. A couple years from now you'll be grateful for going through all this crap for the simple fact problems you encounter in the future will be immediately recognized and resolved.
One thing I didn't see any mention of when you were battling your overwatering problem:
How long is it taking for each planter to drain after the flood? Ideally, the drain should be fairly swift but not too quick. I've noticed on my little system when the drain is happening at the correct speed I can hear the air bubbling down through the media as the water pulls it in during the drain. If it's draining too slow you may not be getting a good mix of O2 and solution to keep the roots from drowning.
Those are my thoughts, a little late in the game as it looks like you've got it pretty well dialed in. Happy growing!

Rocketman, thanks for the advice. As for my over watering problem, I was taking clones rooted in soil and throwing them into a 90 minute flood cycle with basically zero water gap. I since have leveled my sites and corrected the air gap. The suction noise can easily be heard as the air exchanges in the root zone. Switching to turface helped tremendously. The Napa 8822 has so many fines. It breaks down fast. Turface is simply superior. Getting hydro clones has helped a lot, too. Of course, now I'm attempting cloning myself and I've not lost one of the four yet! Emphasis on yet. And you're right about noticing problems faster. I seem to have run into a few snags upfront, but the upside to running a perpetual is the ability to only harm a couple plants and make corrections early and often, as opposed to drowning my whole crop and having to start over. I'm about to harvest my last drowned plant. After that, it's a month of strawberry coughs who have been slammed by mites twice. Then it's smooth sailing from there. The latest sour urkle put into veg is five foot wide and three foot tall. I am too new to even begin to estimate the eventual yield on her...I'll let you all know in ten or eleven weeks. This is ridiculously fun.


this is precisely why, if you are using jack's and calcinit at the .666 ratio, you do not correct the intitial ph immediately upon mixing.

hydroponic nutrient manufacturers have to deal with continuous solution maintenance as well as plants needs.

their "recipes" are balanced for solution stability as much as plant uptake.

jack's is the most "balanced" i've ever used.

I'm going to try that out now. Just gonna mix and see where the plants land on it. I'm measuring my tap water at 8.45 on the ph. I end up at around 6.4 after mixing and then ph down to 5.8. My main res is recirculating at 5.9 so it must be working.


Rocketman, thanks for the advice. As for my over watering problem, I was taking clones rooted in soil and throwing them into a 90 minute flood cycle with basically zero water gap. I since have leveled my sites and corrected the air gap. The suction noise can easily be heard as the air exchanges in the root zone. Switching to turface helped tremendously. The Napa 8822 has so many fines. It breaks down fast. Turface is simply superior. Getting hydro clones has helped a lot, too. Of course, now I'm attempting cloning myself and I've not lost one of the four yet! Emphasis on yet. And you're right about noticing problems faster. I seem to have run into a few snags upfront, but the upside to running a perpetual is the ability to only harm a couple plants and make corrections early and often, as opposed to drowning my whole crop and having to start over. I'm about to harvest my last drowned plant. After that, it's a month of strawberry coughs who have been slammed by mites twice. Then it's smooth sailing from there. The latest sour urkle put into veg is five foot wide and three foot tall. I am too new to even begin to estimate the eventual yield on her...I'll let you all know in ten or eleven weeks. This is ridiculously fun.

Love that comment, 'ridiculously fun', sums up how I feel as well.
I chased the PH in my first batch of Jack's before I figured out it needed to sit. I ended up scrapping the first batch because I just couldn't get the PH to stabilize. Up and down I went for two days. I didn't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my ass.
On the second 10-gal mix, I was forced to leave home for a day or so right after I mixed it. When I came back it was 5.9 and didn't budge from there. That was the first successful PPK grow I did.


I noticed if I don't use RO water I don't have to chase ph. But I am afraid of chloromine so I have been only using RO water. I'll let the mix sit and see what happens. How long do you people wait between mixing the jacks and the calnit?


What is this? I found a bunch of them crawling around the rim of a ppk site. Couldn't see anything on the plant itself. These pics are taken at only 4x magnification. Little bastards are huge. I can't identify these bugs. Anyone know?


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Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Shit man, u r getting acquainted with the harsh bugs in this trade. Looks like 6 legs and tail pipes which are indicative of root aphids. 4x magnification eh? I think I have soil mites and they require a lot stronger magnification. The size of ur bugs seems to match root aphids too. Fungus gnat or winged root aphids thread is a good one with a lot of info.


Still Learning
What is this? I found a bunch of them crawling around the rim of a ppk site. Couldn't see anything on the plant itself. These pics are taken at only 4x magnification. Little bastards are huge. I can't identify these bugs. Anyone know?

Av8or.. :tiphat:I hope you are keeping a detailed account of your ???? water, bug and general trouble adventures, it would be a good tutorial for growers... like MM said.. you are hitting all the 'bumps and potholes'.. :whee:

OH. no idea what those new bugs are.... GL


No Jive Productions
What is this? I found a bunch of them crawling around the rim of a ppk site. Couldn't see anything on the plant itself. These pics are taken at only 4x magnification. Little bastards are huge. I can't identify these bugs. Anyone know?

why do i have to bring all the bad news? man, you are getting the parade of bugs review there. root aphids!

just burn your house down and start over.

just joking of course but damn!