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Automatic Hindu Kush

Well, I never was one to be trendy but it seems the seeds I have chosen aren't very popular. If you search google for info about autoflowering varieties, you get only a few hits with any real information about Automatic Hindu Kush and thousands of hits about Automatic AK47. It's amazing how many auto varieties there are now and how many new varieties are coming out.

But I bought the Automatic Hindu Kush (Masterlow X Hindu Kush) seeds anyway and you have to know I'm dedicated because the first order for $112.00 got stolen by a crooked seed vendor. I ordered again though and suffered the agony until they arrived.

Then, when I looked at the seeds I was quite disappointed. There were 5 very tiny seeds and a couple that were so small I felt they would never germinate and 5 larger seeds that were very light in colour and I felt they were no good as well. But I kept going.

I read years ago that the way to tell male seeds from female seeds is that the females seeds are smaller. There was argument about it but I tried it and sure enough I have some success with it. So I started up the two smallest seeds about the size of the head of a pin. I'm starting 2 seeds a week to work a perpetual grow but I want the females to grow a bit before the males come on. Now granted there is no proof that the smallest seeds are female but it's the way I do it. I want to make a seed run so I have some seeds to plant out in the garden in between the giant marigolds.

I soaked the seeds in a cup of luke warm tap water and set it on top of the shoplight I use for growing my orchids in the exact place that keeps the water at 76f degrees. After 12 hours they both sank to the bottom with a little tap which is a good sign because in my experience floaters don't grow. After another 12 hours the larger one started to crack and another 12 hours the smallest one cracked. After one day the larger one had a nice little root pertruding out and I planted it. Another day later the second one was ready and planted and a couple of days afterwards they popped up. I was shocked because they came up so fast when I was really expecting them to not grow.

I'm using the AllTreat Premium Potting Mix from Walmart which is actually very good and it's PH adjusted.

The seeds grew really fast and on the first day they were already showing their second set of leaves. I don't think any of my plants grow that fast although most of them will sprout like that.

Actually going against all the advice I have read, I began fertilizing on day 2. They doubled in size overnight. These plants are just gorgeous, so healthy, so fast. Then after a few days of fertilizing a few dribbles every day and letting some drops remain on the leaves I got scared and decided to listen to the other growers and stopped fertilizing and swithched over to plain water that had been left out to get rid of chlorine. And after a few days of not fertilizing I could see a definite slow down. I started to fertilize a little bit every day and they took off again. They really do seem to love the fertilizer. I use the Schultzes Premium Orchid Fertilizer with micronutrients 19-32-18. I've been using it for years on my orchids and all my weed grows and it's actually PH adjusted. It's very mild because orchids don't like heavy fertilizer. I grow my orchids with very mild fertilizer with every watering and use that system on my standard weed as well. These two plants are two weeks old in a few days and are growing great.

The following week I started the two smallest of the remaining seeds and had the same very fast response and after a few days the second two look great.

This weekend I'm starting the two smallest of the remaining seeds which are getting to be normal sized seeds. Again the larger one is ready to plant after 48 hours.

So even though I had lots of worry and heartache over these seeds my faith has been restored and I'm very happy.
I spent a lot of time getting ready for my Automatic Hindu Kush seed. I set up a whole new grow area just for them. I cleaned out a closet, lined it with mylar, set up a bench to grow on. I have arthritis and don't want to bend over and that's why I want these short plants. I went to the expense of buying a 90 watt all blue UFO light just for them. I feel that the limiting factor for yield on these tiny plants will be their end size. So I have decided to veg them for their whole grow. The lights I have chosen are mostly blue but I added a 60 watt red led and a 43 watt cfl. I feel that these plants have very smart dna. Let them use the light that they want instead of trying to tweak the light to flower spectrum. The lights are on 24 hours and I'm not going to change that. I'm going to use the 19-32-18 fertilizer through the whole grow as well. Let them decide what they need to eat. Everything is available to them.

Eventually I'll use organic fertilizer but for now because I want seeds not smoke I'm going to use the chemicals .

I'll try and put up some photos later on in the grow but for now the seedlings look just like any other really healthy seedlings.


i loved the hindu kush. great plants, with very resinous indica buds! look after them and you wont be disappointed!
Well, more disappointment but I just have to keep going. I was starting two more seeds this weekend and one of them just didn't want to crack. I remembered reading about the lowrider having a hard shell and that it might need to be split. So I decided to scratch the seed. It looked nice and dark and a fair size. I should have just left it to soak. But I grabbed it with some tweezers and squeezed it good and hard so I could cut the shell and it popped right out of the tweezers and flew across the room like a bullet--lost. However the other one started up real fast like the first ones. Maybe it was just as well that the slower one didn't affect my gene pool.

After reading the article about controling the growth of huge sativas with root restriction, nutrient control and so on I decided I just had to try it. So because of the disappointment of losing my auto seed, I just salved my sorrow by starting some sativas. I searched through my seeds and although I have lots of sativa varieties I ended up with four that I thought would be best for the experiment. There was Burmese Pure my own seeds, Kali Mist X Haze my own seeds, Senor Garcia from Reeferman and a Thai pheno from the Potent Purple my own seeds. Out of those I chose Senor Garcia which is Oregon Purple Thai X Panama Red. These will be the challenge to see if I can keep them small. The theory is good and I've figured out how to use it with my own system. So I started to soak two seeds of the Senor Garcia.

I also want to cross these to my Automatic Hindu Kush and try and select a small autoflowering sativa. That will be fun.
i wish i had about a 100 hindu kush auto seeds, a very stealth plant, very low odor but when u do rub it and smell your fingers its like ambrosia, amazing up lifting chemical scent. terrible germ rates though..atleast for me.
cant wait to see the results. I will be watching.
How long do these take? I hear they normally yield 7-14g/plant. True?
Heck a SOG with these indi's would turn out great I bet!

best of luck
mine were lowlife, out of ten 4 germed, one female, yeild maybe 7 grams, and the plant looked perfect! beans just wouldnt crack n pop even in the paper towel method.
It's good to know they don't smell bad. That was my biggest worry. It does no good to have these hiding in the garden if the highschool kids smell it from the back lane and rip me. Also I don't want to smell up the house.

I've been thinking about growing these for a long time and sort of have a system planned out. The yield on these won't be that good at the beginning because I'm doing a seed run. All the females will be fully seeded and I'm keeping all the males. I want to capture all the possible genetics. Who is to say thet the puny male is not the strongest. Future generations I can select out the best phenotypes but if I don't have some genes because I selected the wrong male then I am not doing myself any favors. The largest yield I've read about for Lowrider was 94 grams according to Joint Doctor. But this is crossed to Masterkush and then to Hindu Kush. So I feel that even though these seem to have a reputation of 14 gram yields, I think they could easily put out more than the Lowrider and easily more than an ounce. On future generations I'll grow organic but for this grow I'm using chemicals because I want to be able to control the ferts.

Yes these are the Lowlife seeds, the regular not feminized.

If I remember these have a life of 70 days from sprout to harvest. And they grow in my vegging closet doubling my capacity or cutting my electric bill. I'm never going to put them under huge light. Very far north where ruderalis is native the sun is weak and so I think these plants will grow nicely under moderate light. The further up the mountains where the Kushes are from the light declines due to the cloud cover. I just have a feeling the reason people don't do well with the autos is they put huge lights on them when all plants are adaptable and will get used to the conditions. In the mean time they are growing plenty fast under the led's and cfl.


Tiredofschwag...to scarify seed casing, you put them in a matchbox or an m&m;s tube with some sandpaper, close and shake....no seeds getting lost, they come out scarified, ready to soak and plant.

I have to admit you auto guys have got me going. I just ordered the Purple Gems. A couple of purple here, a green there, another green on the other side, all about a foot tall. From the air they could never be noticed. Neither one smelly until you smoke. Smooth Kush and sweet floral purple. The colour purple is actually a proanthocyanidin or something which is so good for health. I will definitely eat those. Imagine the crosses I can make with these two varieties mixed into my huge seed store of many dozens. Looking for a tiny auto with a sativa stone that gives trails and auras.

The Hindu Kush are doing very nicely. They're going very fast and seem to be very happy under the all blue ufo. I'm on day 16 with the oldest ones and starting to watch for flowers. The stalks are thick with branching at every internode. I managed to get 5/5 if you disregard the seed I projectiled into oblivion.


Active member
Hey Swag,
Could you stick some pics up please buddy! I like your story but i think pics would help, im also interested in Auto H'K, although a cross of it would be more to my taste as i'd like at least an Oz in return for the trouble of Buying, Planting & Nurturing these superb Auto Flowering MJ gene's. I wish you the Best of Luck with your Projects.
Peace & Respect.............Scroger! ;)
Hey Swag,
Could you stick some pics up please buddy! I like your story but i think pics would help, im also interested in Auto H'K, although a cross of it would be more to my taste as i'd like at least an Oz in return for the trouble of Buying, Planting & Nurturing these superb Auto Flowering MJ gene's. I wish you the Best of Luck with your Projects.
Peace & Respect.............Scroger! ;)

Actually I took some photos on Tuesday morning at 14days but I can't find the wire for my camera and I can't find my card reader so sooner or later some photos will arrive. I'm going to take photos every week even if I don't get to download them right away, I will. In the mean time I am shocked at how fast they grow. Yes the leaves are a bit small and the plants are smaller than normal plants but they have more internodes than a normal plant. And they are realy stacked tight. One of the 10 day old plants doubled it's single leaf from 1" to 2" long while I was at work today.
I found my equipment so now I can post some photos.

Here is a look inside my vegging closet. I built this especially for autoflowers. On the left you can see the head of my 60 watt all red parasol spot 30 degree led. It's pointed sideways right at the seedlings. Then there's the 90 watt all blue ufo. And there's a Hemma hanging cord with a 43 watt cfl. I really wanted to try and get a lot of blue light onto these so they would get to be a good size. On the back you can see a couple of Aurora Indica that I started to test the new ufo and they are really tight and seem very happy.


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These are the 5 Automatic Hindu Kush. The two at the back are exactly 2 weeks old. The two in the middle are one week old and the one in the front is only one day old. So you can see exactly how fast these plants can grow. I took these photos on Tuesday and you'll be able to compare them to the photos I took tonight.


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Here you can see the red led spot landing on the back plants and reflecting off the mylar. Any of the lighter colour is from the red led as the cfl is off here.


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This is a bit of a closer look at the two week old plants. To give you something to guage the size, these are 32 ounce clear takeout containers and the tops are about 4" across and about 7 inches high. I know, clear, but I always grow in them and it doesn't seem to affect my roots and I can see what's going on. For instance if you look back on the previous photos you can see the right hand one week old plant putting huge roots down the side of the container.


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