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Autoflower By Sandnut


Marijuana Enthusiast
Sorry Sandnut...

Sorry Sandnut...

For all the clutter, get some pictures of the newly started babies! Lighten this thread up with some pictures!!!:)


Active member

What can I say, So far.. so good.

4 NYLD's and 6 Onyx's above soil, looking young and sprung.. there's two more Onyx'es that are on their way up but I might be trowing them away, Im thinking I should transplant the 10's I got into biggest possible pots with the space i got.. prolly will do this tomorrow if the soil is dry enough

* 8days old from seed
* 4days above soil



that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
saying you need big lights to grow big plants is like saying you need a big dick to screw.


Active member
you do need big lights to grow big plants, unless your definiton on big plants is very optimistic...

just saying....:)

but hey the smaller ones grow beauties too.... enough of that..


Marijuana Enthusiast
Looking good so far! Is there a way to tell the NYLD and the ONYX apart in pictures, i will be able to tell when they mature, but as of now they all look similarish! You should keep as many onyxs as you can, i found onyx had a HIGHer male ratio than most strains ive grown... i got 60% males, my friend got around 60% as well...


Active member
Oh thats pretty weird...60%males is really shitty man, im used to 40% with my experience....I probably wont use them in large scale for the outdoors run, with 200 NYLD's where talking 40females less just because of that....pff.. I'll see what kind of ratio I get, toobad i only got 4 going there's noway to tell really, but looking forward to see them budding, im sure i'll change my mind :p

the NYLD's have a toothpick in them, I'll take some shots later if im able to transplant them otherwise they will be here tomorrow!


Marijuana Enthusiast
Oh thats pretty weird...60%males is really shitty man, im used to 40% with my experience....I probably wont use them in large scale for the outdoors run, with 200 NYLD's where talking 40females less just because of that....pff.. I'll see what kind of ratio I get, toobad i only got 4 going there's noway to tell really, but looking forward to see them budding, im sure i'll change my mind :p

the NYLD's have a toothpick in them, I'll take some shots later if im able to transplant them otherwise they will be here tomorrow!

Yeah, im not sure why, but most people ive seen grow onyx have had about 50% male ratios, sometimes higher... i can only assume its strain related.. ANYWAYS, i think onyx would do great outdoors, maybe better than the NYLD.. i kept one of my males outdoors last year and he seemed to LOVE IT.. The onyx should also out weigh the NYLD, i mean i didnt show off the NYLD like i should have but i still believe onyx will yield more, cant wait to see your results..

Sorry if you answered this, how big of pots are you using to transplant them into?
Oh thats pretty weird...60%males is really shitty man, im used to 40% with my experience....I probably wont use them in large scale for the outdoors run, with 200 NYLD's where talking 40females less just because of that....pff.. I'll see what kind of ratio I get, toobad i only got 4 going there's noway to tell really, but looking forward to see them budding, im sure i'll change my mind :p

the NYLD's have a toothpick in them, I'll take some shots later if im able to transplant them otherwise they will be here tomorrow!
a fem run would cure that,also 1 hermy here 1 there beats a FEW males here a few males thee re.feel i also hear the gene pool unintentinal malipulation(fuck spelling.lol)but dont grow reg auto if your worried about that(not directly towrdu;))peace bro and nice run u got there


Active member

I've transplanted two of the NYLD's into a single pot, the last one in a small cup will be transplanted soon... I think the 1L pots for the others will do untill they start showing signs of sex. Everything is going good sofar, I forgot to say that im running them on 24h cycle all the way trough the "veg" and will switch them onto 20/4 when they sex... just wanted to see if I see any difference in growth as i normally run 20/4..

* 11days from seed
* 7days above soil



Marijuana Enthusiast
WOW! They look reallly healthy, i hope you get that light in there real soon! They will love you!


Active member

Everything is good, I've noticed the Onyx's are abit bigger than the NYLD's at this stage and they got much wider leafs, everyone is in atleast 1L pot untill sexing and 3 of them have a little bit more. btw If you see a toothpick in the pot its a NYLD.. rest are Onyx, i'll do some work in paint next time so you can tell which is which :)

* 14days from seed
* 10days above soil



Marijuana Enthusiast
Looking great bud, not much to say right now except they look happy and healthy.. will your 400watt hps be coming in anytime soon? Things should be VERY interesting in here in the next few weeks!


Active member
Dude, I am way jealous of those pop-corn planters. Babies are looking good!

thx bro! haha yah I know they are awesome right :tiphat:

Looking great bud, not much to say right now except they look happy and healthy.. will your 400watt hps be coming in anytime soon? Things should be VERY interesting in here in the next few weeks!

Indeed bro so far so good:tiphat: I'll order everything the 25th,,payday $$$$.. and add a couple of days of shipping, i expect them to blow up with new kit, and bigger pots and nutes lol! how tall do they get in a 10L pot? its like 3gal i think


Marijuana Enthusiast
I used 3 gallons of soil with my onyx and they got HUGE, im sure yours will as well, i hope you get them under the new light by like day 25... The NYLD mature very quickly, im not sure how big they will get, i would use 2 gallons of soil for the NYLD and 3 for the onyx...
Can't wait to see the NYLD progress. I think I will start mine this weekend!

I only got a 6 pack so lets hope for a healthy male and female to carry on the genes.

The NYLD mature very quickly, im not sure how big they will get, i would use 2 gallons of soil for the NYLD and 3 for the onyx...

20/4, you said you chopped at merely 50-something days correct?
If that is the case, I will be in love with the speed of these:tiphat:


Active member
I used 3 gallons of soil with my onyx and they got HUGE, im sure yours will as well, i hope you get them under the new light by like day 25... The NYLD mature very quickly, im not sure how big they will get, i would use 2 gallons of soil for the NYLD and 3 for the onyx...

yeah It would be great. im shooting for something like that..I'll prolly have the space to run them in 3gal's as im keeping 1male:) and btw i switched them over to 20/4 now from 24h.. let's see if they get an extra boost from that!

Can't wait to see the NYLD progress. I think I will start mine this weekend!

I only got a 6 pack so lets hope for a healthy male and female to carry on the genes.

20/4, you said you chopped at merely 50-something days correct?
If that is the case, I will be in love with the speed of these:tiphat:

Nice man, just ask if theres anything you'd like to know about them later on when things start to happen!

yeah thats right bro, I think 20/4 harvested atleast one of his Nyld's at 55days.. pretty impressive.