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Autoflower Buyers Guide

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cyber echo

hi, the names should be useful to those buying.
All these wild gimmicky names, useless.

Names are just names, bro. The strain description is detailed and accurate. He tells you what plants he used, and there was even a few grow threads released by him showing the strain before he released it.

Now can you tell me why sour 60 seeds are 61 bucks?
I also see from the site no idea of height or THC amount.

Mind you, Mdanzig isn't exactly getting 60 bucks for his seeds :)
The seedbank, seedboutique, gets profit from selling individual packages at this retail price, which btw is not that high considering most seed packs these days fall into the $80+ category.
Btw, Sour60 packs contain 12 seeds...

I'm an old hippie, and to see the greed from... other hippies?
Well it makes me a lil ill.

And as far as greed goes mate, I can tell you mdanzig is one of the most generous breeders I know. I was sent a big (BIG) gift of bluestreak seeds around a time when it wasn't available on the bou/bay.

Hope you reconsider,


Active member
hell, I agree with you 100% cyber...but "all 10" of my bluestreaks beans never sprouted!!? germed the same way i always do...90% germ/sprout....I was super pissed too!..dnt know if I got a bunk batch or what?? But it sure would be appreciated if I can get a "BIG" gift from mr mdanzig........?

cyber echo

Uptosumpn: The seeds I got I have not grown myself yet due to moving abroad. However, I gifted half of them to friends who all got 100% germ rate. They placed the seeds straight in dirt/coco, no presoaking and no towels, just like mdanzig recommends, and they all germed within 2-3 days. Same goes for the Sour60 seeds I gifted, also 100% with the same method.

Did you get Bluestreak from seedboutique, or blueryder from joint doctor ?


Active member
Cyber: yeah, i was told to just use that method from now on also....and yeah, I got "blueryder" from joint doctor.....I already know what your gonna say....so effin pissed!

cyber echo

Heheh...Yeah :p
MDanzig has ceased dealing with JD for ages.
Anything you will get under the JD name are either crappy f2s or old stock.

Sorry to hear bro,
You should really invest in the new bluestreak stock avail at the seedbou.
You should also be contacting the site you purchased them from for reimbursement imho :)
0% germ is craptastic.


Active member
yeah, I am gonna get some of the REAL bluestreak from seed boutique soon...and I thought about e-mailing A*******, but they might say you cannot germ them they are collectable seeds type crap, just to protect their bizz....


hey plp i am new to the site too bit confused how to use it but hey lol , well last week i brought 5 auto blueberry fem seeds and germinated them and they have shot up about 4 days old , as i dnt have much money and new to growing thought i would try useing 4 60 watt energy saver bulbs ( which i have on them now ) and after two weeks add another 4 60 watt making a total of eight 60 watt giving me plenty of light ,(asked a experienced grower and he sed would be fine) althought i am going to build a grow box and nee to know how tall can grow to because i need to know how high i need to build my grow box of course if anyone can help many thanks : )


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
hey plp i am new to the site too bit confused how to use it but hey lol , well last week i brought 5 auto blueberry fem seeds and germinated them and they have shot up about 4 days old , as i don't have much money and new to growing thought i would try using 4 60 watt energy saver bulbs ( which i have on them now ) and after two weeks add another 4 60 watt making a total of eight 60 watt giving me plenty of light ,(asked a experienced grower and he said would be fine) although i am going to build a grow box and nee to know how tall can grow to because i need to know how high i need to build my grow box of course if anyone can help many thanks : )

I believe the your lights are 60w equivalents, not 60w bulbs. It means that a 23w CFL is = to a 60w incandescent, they are two VERY different bulbs. You should still be fine, though be sure to look at the actual wattage, not the equivalency.

That being said, I don't know how tall that particular strain gets, though I'm confident that you could keep them under 2ft (LST may be needed) which would be ideal given your lighting situation.
I believe the your lights are 60w equivalents, not 60w bulbs. It means that a 23w CFL is = to a 60w incandescent, they are two VERY different bulbs. You should still be fine, though be sure to look at the actual wattage, not the equivalency.

That being said, I don't know how tall that particular strain gets, though I'm confident that you could keep them under 2ft (LST may be needed) which would be ideal given your lighting situation.

Agreed, alot of people see 60 watts and think the bulbs themselves are actually 60 watts.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I do have a 65w CFL, 300 equiv. Got it at lowes I believe. Thing is giant. Football sized.

I used to grow with 65w and 42w bulbs (heat was kind of a bitch), though I don't think they make 60w's; if they do they are very rare.

It is far more likely hes using 23w equiv's rather than 60w's.


Good thread.
I've got 4 LR2 flowering outdoors - well almost 4 only 3 of them are flowering....
There are all just finished their 4th week.
Should I panic because the one that is not flowering yet???
i saw some people complain about LR2 not flowering even after 7 weeks!!!


Active member


The plant that yielded 60g's took 70 days but I believe that was partially my fault because I left them in cups a little too long and the slow transfer definitely held the plants back a little.
I two had the same problem. I started one of my diesel ryder fem in a 6 gallon pot and i can't believe how nice it looks. Next time with my auto fems I plan on germinating the seeds and straight to its final pot.:bandit:


New member
Autoflowers for my first grow...ever

Autoflowers for my first grow...ever

I bought 2 types of autoflowers for my first grow::
Auto Hindu Kush and Big Budha Red Dwarf.

Reeasons for buying autoflowers:
1. Easy for beginners.
2. Small and easy to conceal.

I'm on Day 22 of the grow, and here are some of my observations so far:

1. These things are cute.

2. My strains don't seem to do as well in hempy buckets. Maybe it's because they are such fast burners the time it takes for the root to get to the nute resevior stunts their growth.

3. The strains love FoxFarm soil.

4. After sprouting, these strains should definitely go into their final container. I went from jiffy puck --> 16oz stryofoam --> final pot.

5. My final pot is way too big for these things I think. They were black waste paper cans I got from a dollar store and drilled holes(s) into.

I have a grow journal with charts and more pictures if you're interested.

here is a D21 picture:

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