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AutoFlower Adventure


Active member
hey everyone, this is my first time with autos.. the strain im growing is mossy jem.. only about a week into flower so far... i love these things already.

autos seem amazing for outdoor growing (my preference) so my intention was to make seeds and start breeding in some other genetics i have, but i only got 1 male from the pack and it was killed by thrips before i could get rid of them.

i still have a lovely little girl going, i would love to see her ripe with seed but i guess i'll just have to smoke some sensi if that doesnt happen :joint:












Hey stevefrench...
I have just realised..in your new photos..
You have her in a Herb pot.

No wonder she looks so happy...
a herb pot for your herb...:laughing:

Man..I thought I Pampered mine..but even they don't have Designer homes.

Those little slits are for planting extra herbs in...don't suppose you have any AF's left do you...?

ES was right..she is showing pink on the calyx's..but overhead bud still looks pure white.
I suspect she May be one of the baby pinks.

Any smell yet..?

Are you hitting her with flower ferts now...
they are very greedy once they have sexed.

If you see a forecasted patch of Dank coming your way..
stop the food and flush her as much as poss...with pure water.

Don't know why but ALL AF's seem to stress with ferts in low light..
and they either let the aphids in..or they will mold.

Karma sent for sunny skies m8.


Active member
a herb pot indeed! i had some thyme, oregano and parsley growing in there before... got a couple and they seem to work great.... i will definitely be looking for more

i would love to plant a couple autos in there, all ive got left is purple kush and bubba kush S1's and some mazar freebies

can smell the afghan in this sometimes when im around it but when i touch the buds its more of a diesel(like nyc diesel, not diesel fuel) smell.. ive heard some people describe it as "sickly sweet" and i would say thats about right

got its first shot of flowering ferts last week after i saw it show pistils. last watering was just fresh water though, will probably give it plain water again once more and then some more ferts.





and some bubba kush that just showed sex :smoke:


Active member
I would love to try an auto-flower adventure. A very different way to approach cultivation.

Looks beautiful. Keep us updated.


Active member
gave it some flowering ferts today with a good watering, just been giving plain water for the last few days.. she's drinking lots in the warm weather




She is looking LUSH..:woohoo:

smiling wider every day...
they really do get you hooked don't they
give 'em a little love and they give so much back.

I say you have them well figured out.

The Mazar you have...JEM is Mazar x LR.


Active member
you bet! canada is home :joint:

thanks mossy, i dont know about smoking but growing this stuff sure is addictive !!

i had a little trouble with the first one i started.. stunted quite a bit before it even showed sex.. but i think ive got a much better grasp on what im doing now

not to let any cats out of the bag but i think i may have also found a sperm donor for my little girl... :dueling:

so far no real problems to report of (knock on wood).. slightly colder temps the last few days and nights with a little bit of cloud, she may need a little more nute soon and a couple of the older leafs were looking pretty dead but thats about all i can think of







Active member
buds are fattening nicely and the resin smell is almost exclusively citrus.. reminds me a lot of cali o' that ive smoked.. smell of citrus is very intense now





.. and her only neighbor :smoke:


hah that thing is like a trident, is it the male you are going to breed with the others? imagine a crop of purple, triple cola'd jems! :yummy:


Active member
hahaha, the "trident" is actually a female bubba kush.. it used to have 4 tops.. one of them got nibbled off when it was smaller... i thought she was purple kush at first (what it was given to me as..) but things got sorted out.. and apparently i have both strains.. :laughing:

any breeding this year will be done with pollen gifted from another breeder on this forum :joint: .. just trying the bubba for smoke this year and (trying) to make more auto seeds... with any luck i'll have some blue streak's in a while but any crosses will be done next summer..


thanks mossy, i dont know about smoking but growing this stuff sure is addictive !!
Oh No...that is how it Starts...:laughing:

The thing is..
she is really responding to your touch.
She is beautiful...(and Purple)
and smiling her little head off.

you know what I am going to say now don't you...

You have a way with AF's..
You have to get her crossed...
because You are going to Enjoy growing the siblings so much...
and I am going to Enjoy watching.

No pressure huh...

Can't waste a Talent. :noway:

any breeding this year will be done with pollen gifted from another breeder on this forum

So were the DC/ALF's..it Works.