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Riyad Brown

New member
Cannabis is used medically 1 of 2 ways, it can be used to relieve symptoms of disease and or treatments, or it can be used in to try to "cure" the condition but while it's doing that, it will also just naturally relieve a lot of symptoms and perhaps give a better quality of life.
It is Ok that she is religious, the propaganda about cannabis came from government, not God. If you believe in God, what could you imagine this perfect plant that can heal, or at least relieve the symptoms on almost everything there is??
It is a harmless medicine that can do so much good, no person has ever died from cannabis, it will not hurt the patient but may actually give them life, the ability to communicate.
She certainly isn't "curing" her children of autism. She might be improving some autistic traits, but really everyone responds to a good diet, as your other story illustrated. I've met people with severe autism who have incredibly good diets.
Whether you meant to start an argument about vaccination or not, implying that vaccination has anything to do with autism is way out of line. There is no link. This argument has been debunked. All you achieve by stating such misinformation is to make parents feel guilty, or at worse, stop people from being vaccinated in the first place.

I’m not here to argue big pharmaceutical companies being guilty of harm. Their hush money to vaccine-injured families is enough proof they are guilty. I was simply telling a mother’s own story of how she is healing her first 3 kids who have been vaccinated and diagnosed with autism. And sometimes saying adios to Western medical orthodoxy is beneficial. Have you heard of a chelating formula called Folium Px from Russia? It’s an herbal formula that is very unique in removing heavy metals and aluminum. The chelation process is very tiring and has to be done in stages so it gives the body opportunity to replenish the beneficial minerals that were lost. Such claims should rise to investigation and study if our medical research bodies were not just tools of the pharmaceutical industry and really cares about human health. But since our Western medical authority will not even consider such testimony as is it would constitute an admission that vaccine cause injury. It is up to us as everyday citizens to pass this important information amongst ourselves, and perhaps to even fund our own studies and clinic trials until we gain a collective understanding and body of knowledge vast enough to become the real authorities of what we allow to be put into our bodies.

hard rain

I’m not here to argue big pharmaceutical companies being guilty of harm. Their hush money to vaccine-injured families is enough proof they are guilty. I was simply telling a mother’s own story of how she is healing her first 3 kids who have been vaccinated and diagnosed with autism. And sometimes saying adios to Western medical orthodoxy is beneficial. Have you heard of a chelating formula called Folium Px from Russia? It’s an herbal formula that is very unique in removing heavy metals and aluminum. The chelation process is very tiring and has to be done in stages so it gives the body opportunity to replenish the beneficial minerals that were lost. Such claims should rise to investigation and study if our medical research bodies were not just tools of the pharmaceutical industry and really cares about human health. But since our Western medical authority will not even consider such testimony as is it would constitute an admission that vaccine cause injury. It is up to us as everyday citizens to pass this important information amongst ourselves, and perhaps to even fund our own studies and clinic trials until we gain a collective understanding and body of knowledge vast enough to become the real authorities of what we allow to be put into our bodies.
I'm not here to argue about big pharma either. Regarding you linking Autism and Vaccination; you are completely wrong. I work with people with autism and their families on a daily basis and what you are saying is quite frankly so wrong it is offensive. There is absolutely no evidence of any relationship between immunization rates and Autism.
I'm glad your friend is having some success with I presume a good natural diet. I have seen kids at all ends of the spectrum, some with great diets, but still level 3 Autism and the associated behaviours. Good diet helps for sure as does therapy and parenting. But you don't cure Autism.
Folium Px? No, not heard of it but a quick search shows good marketing and healthy skepticism.

The research is clear: Vaccines don’t cause autism. More than a dozen studies have tried to find a link. Each one has come up empty.

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Active member
Maybe blame vacs, maybe not, but still arguing it?

Maybe blame vacs, maybe not, but still arguing it?

I'm personally interested in this subject because my grandson was diagnosed with severe ADHD, put in a "special needs" class that just was a madhouse and the kids were taught nothing, quit school as soon as he turned 16, just turned 19, and just sits in his room all day now and thinks he might someday became a YouTube star.

His Dad was in the Marines, there have been physical altercations and the cops were called by nosy neighbors. They have now moved to a new house. Dad wants to discipline his son but Mom (my daughter) over protects to the point the poor kid is smothered badly.

Anyway, I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure he falls somewhere on the spectrum. But I didn't start this post seeking help. I'm distrustful of any "professionals" on the subject anyway.

I actually think these "experts" are largely responsible for the predicament he's in. I doubt those human growth hormone shots Mom was taught to administer did a world of good. Big pharma? YUP.

But what I really wanted to say is whether vacs are at fault for anything at all or not will certainly be hidden well by big pharma and their DND agreements all employees sign. Their internal memos show they lie. We're talking HUGE bucks to they stand to lose unless they can keep the status quo. HUGE bucks, BILLIONS. So not even one instance being found, since it all is financed by them usually, is not at all surprising and is in fact meaningless. But saying you don't want to discuss it, then do, is annoying to say the least.


People are going to believe what they believe, same as politics it seems, despite whatever evidence gets presented. I concur with hard rain, a good diet free of dyes or weird additives is a place to start, really everyone would benefit from it, but it is a pretty small piece of the puzzle. What I have found most helpful is a good ABA therapist, on the medication side guanfacine works very well and is mild, I spend a lot of time with both medical and psych professionals that work with autism and they all seem to think its great. Other than that it's sort of case by case and the above only applies to high functioning folks. I think using that dietary supplement would be a mistake or at least would be pointless, to each their own though.


Active member
If it were my kid I would never give them cannabis, I'd never give any child cannabis for that matter, but I would definitely explore the medical usefulness of CBD.

I do not understand this post. You say you would never give your child cannabis but then say to explore CBD?

I am so glad I gave my daughter cannabis! CBD has been amazing for her.

We also have an excellent organic diet. Unfortunately a lot of the kids in her class eat very poorly and I am a bit shocked that the ABA school does not teach parents more about diet.

On another note, look up FMT, it is quite successful in cases where kids on the spectrum are missing certain microbiota.

hard rain

I do not understand this post. You say you would never give your child cannabis but then say to explore CBD?

I am so glad I gave my daughter cannabis! CBD has been amazing for her.

We also have an excellent organic diet. Unfortunately a lot of the kids in her class eat very poorly and I am a bit shocked that the ABA school does not teach parents more about diet.

On another note, look up FMT, it is quite successful in cases where kids on the spectrum are missing certain microbiota.
I'd certainly give a child high CBD cannabis. It would take a bit of convincing to give high THC but it would depend on the severity.
I have certainly heard accounts of people who say they have noticed improvement in their child's behaviours. Trouble is where I am cannabis is completely illegal so no one knows the level of THC/CBD.

I have met parents who swear by ABA, yet I read there's a bit of controversy about it's effectiveness.

Could you tell what you think the benefits of cannabis were? Communication, behavior, focus?

Another thing to be aware of is that a lot of people with Autism are also diagnosed with ADHD so may be medicated to treat that. I have been told that the stimulant medication and cannabis sometimes don't mix well. Not sure if I believe it though.


Active member
Oh God. Reminds me of that movie where George Cloony is in Saudi driving down a sandy highway and sees up-ahead a man walking beside the road. Cloony opens his door and shouts, "We're American and here to help". Whereupon he hits the walking man with the open car door killing him. :woohoo:


Active member
Hard Rain, totally understand. We are able to get legal pharma CBD here now at around $800/month. Before that we imported oil from the states, illegally. Haleigh's Hope was the best.

Some kids do well with a bit higher THC, as in a 1:10 ratio rather than 1:20 or 30. Depends on the kid and if they have other things going on as well.

My daughter has intractable epilepsy and was having 100+ seizures a day, yeah that many. Now she has around a dozen. They are absent seizures so she just disappears for a few seconds, the damage to her brain though is and will take it's toll.

ABA is a hard one. It's a love hate relationship. My wife gets pissed off because I call it dog training. I'm just calling it for what it looks like. It's great for kids that need a routine, they can get all the basic stuff down and get worked into a pattern that they can then feel comfortable in.

Other benefits of CBD I've seen are: more aware, she is present; she has stopped 'stimming' so less anxiety; babbles more, she is non verbal, so we have hope; sleeps better = less seizures.

The last thing I would say about meds is she is taking a quarter of what we were prescribed. There are some interactions with a couple of medications, usually they increase the blood serum count because they compete in the liver to break down, so need to monitor that. There are good studies done on interactions with a google search or Charolett's Web site has a chart.


Craniosacral Therapy is beneficial for autism as well as a variety of neurological, behavioral and developmental issues.

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