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Australian Potting Mixes for Autoflowers


New member

I am nearing the end of the second grow, which wont be good as my first grow.

Ive read around about slow release ferts not being good etc. First 2 grows has been with Searles Premium potting mix with 12month release fertilizers

I have look into organic potting mixes, Searles has one, not sure if too hot or lot of p and k for early grow, lasts 4months of feeding the soil

Searles Premium Organic Potting Mix is a premium grade potting mix containing a unique blend of selected organic ingredients. This organic potting mix is boosted with:

- 5IN1® Organic Plant Food Pellets
- SeaMax® Fish & Kelp
- Blood & Bone
- Potash Bloom Booster

They also have Organic compost, sounds nice also
Boosted with fish & seaweed.
- Encourages microbial and earthworm activity.
- Contains clay breaker to help break up and aerate heavy clay soils.
- Helps build up deficient, sandy soils.
- Adds valuable long life humus to the soil, activating greater plant health.
- Contains vermicast worm castings.
- Certified 100% Organic.

Maybe a mix of both with perlite or perlite coir combo



Well-known member
i use that searles premium mix as well and find quite good and very easy to use. i veg in 200mm pots and that mix provides everything without me having to add ferts. when i flower i have a solid recycled soil collection that mainly consists of broken down searles and coco coir. i find that fortifying soil for flowering with rooster booster works very well, but i do add a couple of waterings of saltbased nutes, maxibloom. imho there is no way that there enough nutes in the searles for a full grow

i will look into those organic mixes and try a few pots...but it is hard to beat the ease of that premium mix from searles....but consider s organics can take a a while to break down enough to actually release the nutes to the plants...

oh yeah....welcome...


New member
Thanks OzzieAI for the welcome and advice.

With the Searles premium 12 month fert, first grow i didnt use vege nuts but i use them this time, maybe that and the gnants is why they are not as big or did grow as much as the first.

Thats interesting, about the organics can take a bit longer to release nutes to the plants.

Soil arrives Wednesday. Seeds have been ordered. Soil will be sitting for a little while

Vege in 200 mm pots then to final pots ? i was looking the 140mm pots would be too small to start in

Planing to give light 18/6 first 3 weeks then outdoors in final pots. The organic soil will be sitting aroud in this time with a little of it used in the 200mm pots with tiny pinch of seed raising mix in the centre


Namekian resident/farmer
Look into supersoil recipes that could aid you tremendously and if your goal is to grow using just water the supersoil will have nutes readily available as well as slow chelation to help your plant thru time that with spikes and teas should give you results you may be looking for


Well-known member
i don't grow autos but if i did i would only use one large pot as transplanting can shock a plant and slow it down for a week or so...

to avoid this shock i have started drilling more holes into the veg pot and simply placing into the large flowering pots submerging it 1/3 into the soil. this is working well and the plants aren't suffering as much during the transition from indoors to out...


wish we could do supersoil recipes here in aus like id love to have a go im on coco atm so thats what im using but would love soil ill try soil soon again and see if i can do it


Get a bag of Perlite and bulk potting mix from your local nursery. It has no added Fertiliser. Then use liqiuid ferts and add some calcium and Maybe a little blood and bone at the start. The perlite will loosen up the mix so your roots grow big and fast.


New member
Look into supersoil recipes that could aid you tremendously and if your goal is to grow using just water the supersoil will have nutes readily available as well as slow chelation to help your plant thru time that with spikes and teas should give you results you may be looking for

:thank you: Emperortaima, yes i plan that with my gorilla grow, using the natural organic soil of the rainforest

For home, yes i hope to use the organic searles and then use it as a base to build on. Can get super soil regenerate

i don't grow autos but if i did i would only use one large pot as transplanting can shock a plant and slow it down for a week or so...

to avoid this shock i have started drilling more holes into the veg pot and simply placing into the large flowering pots submerging it 1/3 into the soil. this is working well and the plants aren't suffering as much during the transition from indoors to out...

:thank you:OzzieAI going to use final pots worked out how i can do it
wish we could do supersoil recipes here in aus like id love to have a go im on coco atm so thats what im using but would love soil ill try soil soon again and see if i can do it

Same here 420bears, i am hoping i can reuse the searles organic potting mix, and revivie it each time.

Get a bag of Perlite and bulk potting mix from your local nursery. It has no added Fertiliser. Then use liqiuid ferts and add some calcium and Maybe a little blood and bone at the start. The perlite will loosen up the mix so your roots grow big and fast.
:thank you: Ozza, Yes, liquid ferts like Searles range, they seem very good. 70/30 perlite mix